Suddam Hussein Becomes President of Iraq
He was the vice-president who took over after Al-Bakr resigned. He then executed many people right after taking office. -
Iraq Invades Kuwait
This concerned the U.S., and so three days later, President Bush declares that the invasion, "will not stand". -
America fights to liberate Kuwait
After months of planning, the U.S. begins to launch attacks at Iraqi aircraft shelters and later on ground attacks against Iraqi vehicles, and after about a month, Iraq leaves Kuwait. -
President Bush on Iraq
President Bush tells the UN that he feels there is an increasing threat of danger from Iraq. This leads the U.N. to send weapons inspectors into Iraq. -
U.S. Invades Iraq
It takes about a month to bring down the regime of Suddam Hussein. It leaves Iraq very happy temporarily. -
Suicide bomber attacks UN in Baghdad
17 people were killed and at least 100 were injured. This shows the unstablitity of Iraq and is the first of many suicicide bombings during the U.S. occupation. -
Suddam captured
He is found hiding in a hole and arrested. -
First elections in Iraq
Millions of Iraqis show up to vote for 4-year parlimentary terms. -
Suddam Hussein Hanged
Final troops pulled out of Iraq
There is a ceremony for the U.S. ended its operations in Iraq, The Secretary of defense, Leon panetta says that progress has been made but there are still challenges ahead.