Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's presidency was important for many reasons. One example is that he was the leader of preserving the Union. And during that time, President Lincoln also freed the slaves. Due to his foreign policy, he was able to prevent other countires form intervinig during the Civil War -
Andrew Johnson
During Andrew Johnson's presidency, he made two proclamations. The first proclamation entalied the reconstruction of the Confederate states to the Union. The second amendment stated Grant amnesty to all white southerners who take an oath. -
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses Grant was the commanded the Union army during the American Civil War. A primary focus of Grant's administration was Reconstruction, and he worked to reconcile the North and South while also attempting to protect the civil rights of newly freed black slaves. -
Rutherford B. Hayes
During his presidency, Rutherford B. Hayes remove federal troops form the south. Many people saw this as the sgin as the end of reconstruction for the south. Also during his presidency, Hayes sent troops to the Texas-Mexico border. -
James A. Garfield
James A. Garfield had the second-shortest tenure in office in U.S. history. During Garfield's short tenure there had been a very large amount of disagreements with senator Roscoe Conkling. Garfield's appointment of Blaine as Secretary of State instead of Levi P. Morton is what started these disagreements between them. -
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison's presidency was the first step toward making sure trade would not be limited by the existance of monopolies.In 1890, Harrison signed into law the Sherman Antitrust Act. This act prohibited indurstrial combinations -
William Mckinley
Mckinley ran on a platform promting American prosperity alowing him to win the election in a land slide. Mckinley lead America into the war with Spain over Cuban independance. This war would lead to the United States playing a more active role in world affairs. -
Theodore Roosevelt
During his teurm Theodore Roosevelt helped with the building of the Panama Canal by making a treaty with Panama in exchange for yearly fees and $10 million dollars. President Roosevelt also added to the Monroe Doctrine saying that America is able to intervine in Latin America with force if necessary is anything agenst the Doctrine occured there. Roosevelt also expanded the abilitys of the President. -
William Howard Taft
Willinam H. Taft passed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, the first change in tariff law since 1897, was a bill lowering tariffs on ceritain goods in the United Stated. Taft also passed the Mann-Elkins Act, extinding the authority of the Ineterstate Commerce Commision to regulate the telecomunications industry. President Taft also Established the Bureau of Mines. -
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson had passed many amendmets during his time in office including the 18th amendmet- Prohibition. Proibiton banned all the sales and manufaturing of alcholic bevrages.To enforce this amendment, the Volsted Act was passed. Another amendment passed during Wilson's presidency was the 19th amendment, giving woman the right to vote.