Scramble For Africa
The Scramble of Africa was an annexation . The scramble of Africa is when European powers took over African Territory. They did this because they wanted to take Africa's resources. -
Sinking of the US maine
The American Naval Ship USS Maine sank. This ship sank in Havana Harbor during the time of the Cuban Revolt. This event became a huge political issue. -
Alfred T Mahan "the importance of sea power"
The Importance of Sea Power was a book of Naval warfare. It was written by Alfred T Mahan. Its about sea power in the 17th and 18th centuries. -
Rough Riders Charge up San Juan hill
The battle of San Juan hill was a battle between the Spanish and Americans . The rough riders made their biggest victory during this battle. -
Over Throw of Queen LIlikoulani
The over throw of Hawaiian monarch Queen Lilikoulani was when the U.S troops took part in a conspiracy. This conspiracy was to over throw her monarchy . The US troops did this with a small group of rich businessman. -
Venezuelna Border Dispute
There was a border dispute between Venezuela and Britain. The dispute got even bigger when Venezuelans found out there was gold found and the Britain's would not compromise. -
De Lome Letter
The De Lome Letter was written by senor don Enrique dupuy de lome. This note reveals his opinions on the involvement between of Spain between Cuba and The U.S -
The Annexation of Salmoan islands
War broke out in 1898 on the Samoan islands . This war was administrated by the US, Germany, and Great Britain. -
The Spanish American War
The Spanish American war was fought between Spain and The US . It began as aftermath after the explosion in the USS Maine. This lead to the Philippine American war . -
Teller Amendment
The teller amendment was in reply of president William McKinley's war message. Its purpose was to place a condition on U.S military in Cuba. This made it so the US could only leave Florida and not Annex it . -
Annexation Of Hawaii
The annexation of Hawaii extended us territory into the specific and resulted in economic interrogation. This led to the rise of the uninter states as a Pacific Power. -
The treaty of Paris
The treaty of Paris was signed by King Georges the third Great Britain's representatives and also the us representatives. It ended the revolutionary war -
The Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer rebellion was a secret Chinese organization that led an uprising in northern china against the spread of Japanese and western influences. The uprising didn't stop until American Troops came in. . -
Foraker Act
The Foraker act was the act that established civilian government in Puerto Rico . It had became a possession of the us as a result of the Spanish war. -
Platt Amendmet
The Platt amendment made it so that us could send troop sot Cuba to restore order and provide protection. Cuba in return promise to sale Cole that was needed or naval stations. -
Insular Case
Insular cases where opinions made my the supreme court. about us territories in the Spanish American war. The supreme court ruled that constitutional rights don't extend to all places. -
Roosevlet Corollary Date
This was an edition to the Monroe doctrine that was made by Theodore Roosevelt. This was during 1904 after the Venezuelan Crisis of 1902. -
The Building of The Panama Canal
The building of the panama canal was final completed in 1914 . The US spent close to $375,000 building it. -
The Great White Fleet
The Great White Fleet was another name for Navy Battles Fleet. This battle fleet actually went across the whole globe. It ended on February 22 1909