Philippine Insurrection
The war was a continuation of the Philippine struggle for independence.
US used their military force to maintain power -
Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Established the Panama Canal Zone and the subsequent construction of the Panama Canal. -
Roosevelt Corollary
The corollary states that the United States will intervene in conflicts between European countries and Latin American countries to enforce legitimate claims of the European powers, rather than having the Europeans press their claims directly US threatened European nations with their military to keep them out of latin America. -
US occupation of the Dominican Republic (1905)
The United States assumed administration of the Dominican Republic's customs. -
Cuban Intervention
A major American military operation that began in September 1906. -
Great White Fleet
The United States Navy battle fleet that completed a circumnavigation of the globe from 16 December 1907 to 22 February 1909 by order of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt This just showed off our military power. -
Panama Canal
Ship canal in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.