US Imperialism

  • Period: to

    US Imperialism

  • Chile

    Ultimatum- diplomatic relations between chile and US cease unless: note sent by recent chilean prince senior matta is withdrawn, chile immediately make reparation for the attack by the mob upon the baltimore sailors in Velparaiso and chile make apology for attacks, US will not wait for long for the demanded answer from Chile
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    Military invasion and territorial acquisition, US gain control
    Done through treaty of paris with mixed consequences
    Public health and education improved
    puerto rican political frredom decreased
    congress gave puerto rico an inferior status
  • China

    Open door policy- meant to protect european countrys' economic interests in China
    Treaties of Wangxia created to help process
    universal tariffs set along the way
    results: boxer rebellion, lasting US and East asian relations
  • Philipines

    Philippine ameican war: 1899-1902- armed conflict between US and Filippino revolutionaries.
    conflict started because first Philippino government wanted to secure freedom from US
    war= continuation of Philippino revolution in 1896
    1902- Philippine organic act: gave filippinos very litle self government
    1916- Philippine autonomy act: US gave filippinos independence
  • Cuba

    Platt amendment- restricted cuba's autonomy in diplomatic relations with other countries, restricted internal financial policies, required cuba to lease naval bases to the US, authorized US intervention to maintain order and preserve cuban independence
  • Columbia

    Military intervention
    US ensure revolution in columbia does not hamper panama canal progress
    keep Isthmus transit open and not occupied by any specific country
  • Panama

    Aquisition of Canal Zone
    economic purposes- ship goods quickly and cheaply between atlantic and pacific coasts
    US planned first, French take over- become bankrupt. US lisenced to build own canal: Hay- Bunau-Varilla treaty signed in 1903 to begin building canal
    finished in 1914- 10 mile wide strip of canal
    25,000 died making canal
    cost 14.3 billion dollars
    result: independence for Panama
  • Japan

    Russo-Japanese War
    Russia and Japan fighting over manchuria
    US support Japan
    Japan staged coup, russia attacked, Japanese surprise attacked at port author
    resulted in treaty of portsmouth
  • Nicaragua

    US invaded in 1912 for economic reasons
    Invasion intended to prevent the construction of the Nicaraguan canal by any nation other than the US
    US also in interested in Nicaraguan natural resources and keeping Europe out
    Supported by President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy policy
    US withdrew in 1933 because of the great depression
    NIcaraguan invasion part of the Banana Wars
  • Mexico

    Militarty Intervention
    Wilson want to get rid of government of Victoriano Huerta to maintain order and protect US private and public interests in Mexico by siezing port of Veracruz where supplies and weapons for the mexican army were imported
    Punitive Expedition- troops sent to capture Fransisco Villa to eliminate threat along border
  • Haiti

    US invaded in order to protect the intrests of US coorporations
    result:US victory, Haiti occupied
    1915- Haitian American convention states: US has right to provide security and economic oversight for 10 years
  • Dominican Republic

    Dominican Republic
    Military administrative intervention, Occupation
    chaotic and unstable potitical sitiation in Dominican republic prevent them from paying back debts to the US- marine occupation for 8 years as result- not widely supported by americans
    treaty reworked because US irritated about guaranteeing territorial integrity of the Dominican Republic