The Massacre at Sand Creek
After a false promise of land security, the village of Sand Creek was attacked and seized. There were originally 800 Cheyenne Indians in southeast Colorado who were living peacefully when the Colorado Volunteers came and attacked. Under the advisory of Colonel John Chivington, about 400 were killed through the graphic means of fire arms, scalping, and disembowelments. The horrific word spread and the Sioux tribe retaliated.
picture: https://www.nps.gov/sand/learn/historyculture/index.htm -
Period: to
This will be a comprehension timeline based on United States history between the years 1877 and 2011. There will be dates, pictures, and descriptions throughout the time span in order to highlight major events and concepts. -
The Haymarket Square Riot
In Chicago on May 4, 1886, an unknown person detonated a bomb in the crowds of the riot. The riot was organized in order to advocate for the 8 hour day. The laborers were of course blamed for the bombing because owners of big businesses had much power at this time. With no evidence, 8 were convicted. "Americans associated labor activity with anarchists and mob violence. Membership began to fall [in that specific labor union- Knights of Labor]." -
American Socialism
In 1901, the Socialist Party of America was established. The common idea was shared by laborers who believed the government should have control over the industry in order to divide the profits accordingly. There were only a couple of men with a lot of money and the mass labor workers found that unfair.
"American SOCIALISTS based their beliefs on the writings of KARL MARX, the German philosopher."
http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h1669.html -
The Platt Amendment
The US turned Cuba into a protectorate by means of holding off all threatening European powers. This amendment made it so Cuba could not be involved with any treaties that risked their independence. Additionally, Cuba was not to accumulate debt and if violated, US troops were to intervene.
picture: http://en.granma.cu/cuba/2016-03-11/113-years-since-the-platt-amendment-and-the-betrayal-of-estrada-palma -
"a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations" (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/isolationism)
This concept is related to the US beliefs before WW1. When Britain and France refused to continue trade with Germany, the US was forced to pick the Allied side. This was where the US left neutrality and became relevant to the conflict. www.americanforeignrelations.com/E-N/Isolationism-The-end-of-america-s-isolationism.html -
The Paris Peace Conference
At the end of the Great War, Italy, France, GB, and the US came together to spell out the consequences Germany would have to accept as well as treaties. The Treaty of Versaille would be created and leave Germany with few troops and immense debt. The League of Nations was also created as a result of the conference. The goal was to prevent war and the major concept of disarmament was preached to all. (http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/jazz/jb_jazz_peace_1.html) -
The 18th Amendment Ratification
The 18th Amendment was to create the law prohibiting alcohol. There were firm believers that the American family would become healthier and happier. The public was not satisfied with this government decision and the consumption of alcohol continued. With breaking this law came the growth of crime and the violent scene of the underground market. Women began to drink alongside men and speakeasy's started to show up more and more. (http://www.history.com/topics/18th-and-21st-amendments) -
Stockmarket Crash
Before there were regulations in the stock market, banks could invest and brokers could inflate a stock and back out. These economic moves as well as undefined/overflowing margins and the general over stimulation of the market. When the market crashed the stockbrokers panicked and knew the fate of the US was in dire hands. The crash contributed to millions of Americans being unemployed and losing their savings in the bank. -
Black Nationalism/Nation of Islam
"They preached adherence to a strict moral code and reliance on other African Americans. Integration was not a goal. Rather, the Nation of Islam wanted blacks to set up their own schools, churches, and support networks." With the influence of Islam, groups of African Americans joined together to establish strength within themselves rather than advocating for equal rights in relation to the white privilege.
https://www.noi.org/ -
Pearl Harbor
Tension grew during the start of another global war when the US imposed trade restrictions on Japan. Japan wanted to continue to expand its empire and the US would no longer support their violent endeavors. In frustration, they decided to destroy US naval forces so they could invade the US occupied islands looming over the Japanese mainland. In the air bombing, almost 3,000 Americans were killed along with significant battleships and planes destroyed.
The US could no longer remain isolated. -
This event is when the Allies invaded by water the German occupied French Normandy. The United States, Canada, and Britain joined together in the task of taking on the 5 beaches between them and Hitler. German troops were attacked from the air and water with great force. Many men lost their lives on the Allied side and yet they were successful with their invasion. From here, these troops were determined to end Hitler's empire. -
Berlin Airlift
The Soviet Union sealed off all access to West Berlin which was the Allied controlled part of the city that was surrounded by the Soviet controlled parts of Germany. Having this hub of democracy in the middle of their growing communism caused the Soviets to try and seize this area. In order to protect the area they were responsible for as well as their vow to contain communism, the US dropped supplies and food from the air.
https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/berlin-airlift -
"McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period...characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents." The constant suspicion of communism and the search for exposing communists in the US.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism -
Little Rock Crisis
When nine black students attempted to attend the all-white Central High School, they were faced anti-integration upset. With the violent response, the governor ordered the AR National Guard to keep the students from entering. President Eisenhower dispatched paratroopers and federalized the AR National Guard troops who were to ensure that the school would be open to the nine students. They were allowed to return to Central High School and units of the US Army remained for the rest of the year. -
Modern Feminism
“They demanded equal pay for equal work and pressured the government to support and enforce legislation that prohibits gender discrimination.” It was the beginning of women moving away from the average housewife the US had known long after WW2. -
Kennedy Assassination
(Dallas, Texas) He was making a parade from the airport to where he was going to speak at a luncheon. He was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. John Connally, the Texas governor, was badly wounded as well. The killer, Oswald, was assassinated by Jack Ruby during his prison sentencing. -
US Bombing of Libya
"When the CIA linked the bombing of a West Berlin discotheque to the government of Libya, Reagan sprung into action. U.S. planes retaliated in April 1986 by bombing Libya, including the home of its leader, MUAMMAR EL-QADDAFI." The bombing in Berlin resulted in a death of a US citizen and 200+ other injuries. President Reagan responded with an air raid in response to this violence and other attacks from violent Libyan organizations. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/u-s-bombs-libya -
Operation Desert Shield
"George Bush orders the organization of Operation Desert Shield in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on August 2...To support Operation Desert Shield, Bush authorized a dramatic increase in U.S. troops and resources in the Persian Gulf." The invasion of Kuwait posed a threat to oil trade with the US there as well as Saudi Arabia near by. There was fighting on the ground in the air and on the ground with bombing. -
“The NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT ended economic barriers with Canada and Mexico and promised even more prosperity.” Established January 1, 1994
“These new powers make it easier for corporations to offshore jobs and attack the environmental and health laws on which we all rely. NAFTA's "investor protections" create incentives for corporations to relocate production and jobs offshore.”
https://www.citizen.org/our-work/globalization-and-trade/north-american-free-trade-agreement-nafta -
Columbine Shooting
“Twelve students and one teacher were killed by students Dylan Klebold, 17, and Eric Harris, 18.
Harris and Klebold killed themselves with gunshot wounds to the head in the school's library...on the day of the shootings. SWAT teams entered the school 47 minutes after the shootings started. Five hours passed before law enforcement declared the school under control.”