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US History: VHS Summer: Alexandra Gerrish
James Garfield Assassination
When presidency power and influence was at an all time low in the late 1800's, James Garfield succeeded President Hayes. 4 months into his term, he was assassinated by a man named Charles Guiteau. Charles shot him because Garfield overlooked him for a job. Charles shot the president in the back at a train station, but Garfield lived for another 80 days. He died from an infection as a result of the gunshot wound on September 19, 1881. -
Sooners Take Oklahoma
On April 22, 1889, the US opened up 2 million acres of land (that was assigned to Native American tribes as a reservation) in Oklahoma to anyone who wanted to claim land and settle there, under the Homestead Act. At noon on that day, thousands rushed to Oklahoma to claim land. There was no land left after a few hours. That night, Oklahoma city has a population of 10,000 people, all sleeping in tents. After this, the Indians had almost no land left. -
The Pullman Strike
Led by Eugene Debs, the American Railway Union (nationwide) went against the Pullman Car Company. This happened after 5000 workers from Pullman were fired, when workers didn't accept a pay cut. The riots ended up killing 30 people, and the strike failed. Debs was convicted of violating a court order and sent to serve time in prison, and because of this the American Railway Union then fell apart over time. -
Sinking of the Lusitania
Germany had warned Americans that ships carrying war contraband risked submarine attacks. The Lusitania, an American ship, left out of New York, and the Germans assumed the ship carried military weapons. On May 7, German U-boats used torpedoes on the Lusitania, and sank it. 1198 passengers (128 Americans) died.
Image: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-sinking-the-lusitania-americas-entry-into-world-war-i-a-bonanza-for-wall-street/5381121 -
Selective Service Act Enforced
All males in the United States aged 21-30 were required for military service, starting May 18, 1917. This was enforced after the start of World War 1.
Image: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/49/72749-004-7BE85482.jpg -
The Stock Market Crash
On the morning of October 24, 1929, people who owned stock started selling them at very fast rates. Some wealthy investors tried to pool their resources together to stop the stock market from crashing, but nothing could be done. By November 17, 1929, 30 billion dollars had disappeared from the US economy.
Image: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/02/152602-004-230E7F32.jpg -
The Bonus March
Congress gave WW1 veterans $10,000 dollar checks to be cashed in in 1945. Most of them wanted to cash them in early. Walter Waters led 15,000 check recipients to the US capital in June 1932 to protest. After President Hoover did not address the protesters, some went home, but thousands stayed. On the 28th, police tried to clear the Capital with force, army tanks, and gas. 2 died from this, causing the "Bonus Army" to flee.
Image: http://users.humboldt.edu/ogayle/TAH/BonusMarch4.png -
Nanking Massacre
AKA the "rape of Nanking", this massacre was a mass rape and murder committed by Japanese troops against residents of Nanjing, China. Over 6 weeks, the Japanese army forces brutally raped and killed up to 300,000 men, women, and children.
Image: https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/35/127035-004-D032D196.jpg -
Nearing the end of WW2, the Allied forces planned "Operation Overload" to land on Normandy peninsula on June 4, 1944. Because of bad weather, they pushed it back to the 6th. On June 6, 1944 the Allies stormed the Beaches of Normandy, attacking at 5 different points. There were many casualties, but the German troops retreated and eventually surrendered because of this invasion. It was another great Allied victory!
Image: http://cdn.history.com/sites/2/2013/10/wwii-d-day-hero-AB.jpeg -
The Marshall Plan Announced
On June 5, 1947, Secretary of State (George Marshall) announced the European Recovery Program, or the Marshall Plan. After World War 2, western Europe's crop fields and other infrastructure was damaged, and they needed money to repair them. Over 4 years, $17 billion from the US was sent to Great Britain, France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Image:https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg/250px-US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg.png -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Abernathy, members of the MIA decided to boycott the Montgomery bus system after they heard of Rosa Parks. They demanded black passengers to be treated with courtesy, and seating would come first come first serve, with black passengers staying in the back. Montgomery officials responded with violence, 4 churches and the 2 leaders house's being bombed. To respond, 99% of the city's black population did not ride the busses.
Image: http://www.teachingforchange.org -
Annexation of Hawaii
As a result of the Sugar Trade, America wanted to annex Hawaii. in 1893, planters in Hawaii planned to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani, asking the US armed forces for protection. After the Marines stormed Honolulu (without government approval), the queen stepped down. Annexation was held off by President Cleveland. The US needed Hawaii as a territory for the military in the war with Spain, so Hawaii became a US territory in 1989. It became the 50th US state, in September 1959. -
Kennedy Assassination
While visiting Texas, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by a communist from the Soviet Union, Lee Harvey Oswald. While driving down Dealey Plaza, Osward fired at Kennedy while he sat uncovered in the back of a convertible limo. President Kennedy was dead within minutes, and Texas Gov. John Connally was left badly wounded.
Image: http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2013/11/21/6643b3fb-373c-42f9-bdd1-ce3dcb1c28c6/thumbnail/620x350/d990c4f338f34d7be93550f39f41c6a4/worldmourns3.jpg -
Roe v. Wade
In the 1960's, many states outlawed abortion and forced women to take other unsafe actions to get an abortion. In a 1973 court case, an anonymous, unmarried mom said that taking away her abortion rights was unconstitutional. 7 to 2, the court agreed. It was the starting point to the fight for abortion in US history.
Image: https://www.usnews.com/dims4/USNEWS/1accc5f/2147483647/resize/970x/quality/85/? -
Operation Desert Storm: Ground War Begins
Kuwait was a main oil supplier to the US. Iraq took over Kuwait, and threatened Saudi Arabia, another major oil exporter. If Iraq took over Saudi Arabia, they would control 1/5 of the world's oil supply. In 1990, the US defended Saudi Arabia in "Operation Desert Shield." On February 24, the ground war began. American troops declared Kuwait liberated 100 hours after the attack started. Bombings carried on for weeks.
Image:https://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/photo/2016 -
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Signed
NAFA was signed January 1, 1999. It involved the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The purpose of NAFTA was to end economic barriers and increase trade between the 3 countries. It was supposed to create more American jobs.
Image:http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NAFTA-1024x440.jpg -
Lewinsky Scandal and Impeachment of President Clinton
In January 1998, a scandal was released that Bill Clinton had an affair with his White House intern, Monica Lewinsky, during his first term of presidency. Later, Clinton admitted that most of the accusations were true. The House Judiciary Committee drew up 4 counts of impeachment, including abuse of power. In December 1998, Clinton was impeached.
Image:http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/06/19/14/35743FA200000578-3649093-image-m-9_1466344672035.jpg -
Columbine Shooting
Dylan Kliebold and Eric Harris, students at Columbine High School in Colorado, killed 13 students and teachers before killing themselves in a school shooting. It was said that they purposely chose athletes, minorities and Christians as their victims. It was the worst high school shooting in U.S. history.