US History Timeline

  • 1754 - French and Indian War

    Great Britain and its colonies fought the French and Native Americans over undisputed land. As a result, Great Britain won the war, and France was defeated. After the war, the colonies refused to pay for the damages while Britain encouraged them to.
    In my opinion, the colonial unrest is at a 10/10 because many lives were lost, and the colonists were forced to pay for the damages.
  • Colonists travel West of the Appalachian Mountains

    The migration of British colonists beyond these mountains was crucial for the start of the French and Indian War. At the time the colonists did not dare to go over the mountains because it would be hard to regulate trade, so they went around.
    In my opinion, this event is around a 2/10 of colonial unrest because it did not really affect anything or cause disruption.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    King George III declared that the newly acquired land was the property of Great Britain. This land is now part of Canada.
    I think that this event is a 5/10 because Great Britain took control of the land even though it is not rightfully theirs.
  • Paxton Boys

    The Paxton Boys was an organization that was willing to defend itself from the local American Indians. These acts created colonial anger at the Pontiac's Rebellion.
    I would say that these actions are around a 7/10 of colonial unrest because this started a new conflict that the colonists were not prepared for.
  • Sugar Act

    The sugar act was a law enacted by Great Britain that was intended to stop smuggling into the colonies. Great Britain did this by putting taxes on foreign goods and limiting exports to the colonies.
    In my opinion, this act would be a 9/10 because the colonists were extremely upset with this. This act limited the colonies' trade and goods.
  • Currency Act

    The purpose of the currency act was to regulate the paper money issued by the colonies. The acts were to protect British merchants from being paid.
    In my opinion, this event is only a 2/10 of colony unrest because it did not start any new conflicts and did not affect the colonists negatively.
  • Daughters of Liberty

    The Daughters of Liberty was a female organization that protested the Stamp Act and later the Townshend Act. It is a general term for women fighting for liberty.
    This event is a 5/10 on the Unrest-O-Meter because the daughters of Liberty protested but did not cause an eruption of anger.
  • Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty was an organization that was active in the 13 colonies. They were founded to advance the rights of colonists and fight taxation.
    On the Unrest-O-Meter, this event is a 5/10 because similar to the daughters of Liberty there were protests but not many new conflicts.
  • Stamp Act

    A direct act of Great Britain that imposed taxes on the colonies. They taxed paper and many other materials.
    In my opinion, this event is a 10/10 of colony unrest because this caused an eruption of anger from the colonists. Riots and violent protests broke out.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was a law put in place that required the local colonies' governments to provide British soldiers with food and shelter. This act was applied to all of the colonies and was to make a more effective method of housing British troops.
    On the Unrest-O-Meter this event is an 8/10 because with British troops monitoring the colonists, people feel disturbed and start to protest. Violent actions start and protests break out.
  • Virginia Resolves

    The Virginia resolves were a series of resolutions that were passed by the Virginia House of Burgesses. This was in response to the British Parliament putting unfair taxing on the colonies.
    On the Unrest-O-Meter this event is a 6/10 because many discussions took place here and it was crucial for the decisions about the British Parliament.
  • Period: to

    Stamp Act Congress

    The stamp act congress was a meeting held in New York to discuss a unified protest against taxation. Representatives from each colony were invited to the meeting.
    On the Unrest-O-Meter this event is a 6/10 because the discussions that were held here led to the decisions about the Declaration of Independence.
  • Period: to

    Regulator Movement

    The Regulator Movement was an uprising that took place in North Carolina. Citizens took up arms from British officials and attempted to change the power structure but failed.
    This event is a 10/10 of colonial unrest because violent actions and battles took place in an attempt to change the power system.
  • Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act was an act passed by the British Parliament. The purpose of the Declaratory Act was to lessen the restrictions that the Sugar Act placed.
    In my opinion, this event is a 0/10 of colonial unrest because the British Parliament is lessening the previous restrictions.
  • The Boycott on British Goods

    The boycott of British goods was in response to the Stamp Act. These colonists were protesting because of the unfair taxes on British goods.
    This event is a 10/10 on the colonial Unrest-O-Meter because a major conflict occurs and there are violent protests on british goods.
  • Townshend Duties

    The Townshend Duties were laws passed by the British Parliament that taxed goods that were being sent to the colonies. American colonists/loyalists saw the Townshend Duties as unnecessary and unlawful.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a confrontation in Boston. British soldiers shot into a crowd of about 400 people. they killed few and injured many.
  • Gaspee Incident

    The Gaspee Incident was an important event that enforced the Navigation Acts in Rhode Island. This event increased tension through the colonists and British officials.
    This event is a 7/10 on the Unrest-O-Meter because it increased tensions between the British and the colonists.
  • Committees of correspondence

    An American political organization that opposed the British Parliament. These people supported American Independence and were very patriotic.
    This event is a 6/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because these events led to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary war.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act was one of the measures imposed on colonists by the British government. The objective was to reduce the amount of tea held by the British.
    In my opinion, this event is an 8/10 of colonial unrest because the Tea Act stirred frustration in the colonists which led to violent protests.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a colonist protest by the Sons of Liberty. These protests were because of the Tea Act which taxed the colonies for tea, paper, and other goods.
    The Boston Tea Party is a 10/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because these protests/events were one of the most important events to happen in the colonies.
  • Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act was an act passed by the British Parliament that set specific procedures for the government of Quebec. The Act was passed to expand the province's territory and take over part of the Indian Reserve.
    The Quebec Act is a 3/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because the colonists did not care enough about the Indian Reserve and did not want to start a conflict.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament. This happened after the Boston Tea Boycott Party. These laws were aimed to punish the colonists for their boycott acts.
    On the unrest-o-meter, this event is a 7/10 because the colonists are being punished for the Boston Tea Party which stirred anger within the colonies.
  • First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress was a meeting in which delegates from every state gathered together to discuss the mistreatment of the British Government. This meeting led to the Revolutionary War effort and the Declaration of Independence.
    This event is a 9/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because this meeting held discussions about what actions would be put into place to take revenge on the British officials.
  • Lexington and Concord

    The battles of Lexington and concord were the first military battles of the revolutionary war. The battle was fought in Massachusetts with Boston's militia defending the land.
    In my opinion, this event is a 10/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because it was the first-ever battle between the colonists and the British. This battle led to many others.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was a document written during the Second Continental Congress. The document was declaring the 13 colonies independent from Great Britain and was signed off by representatives from the colonies.
    This event is a 10/10 on the colonial unrest-o-meter because this was the major event that declared war on Great Britain to start the Revolutionary war.