
Larry's Project

  • Pilgrim's start their journey to America

    Pilgrim's start their journey to America
    September 16, 1620 the Pilgrims set across the Atlantic. They faced many hardhsips on thei jounry such as brutal storms and lack of food, water and space. The Mayflower was very crowded.
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  • The Pilgrims reach America

    The Pilgrims reach America
    After a very log voyage across the water they finally arived in America. They were blew off course so they had to sail a litle while longer to find a good place to land.
  • The Puritans arrivial in the new world

    The Puritans arrivial in the new world
    The Puritans wrote mostly historical/factual documents, poetry and sermons. The topics centered around self reflection, the glorification of God and sin and redemption. They did not write fiction or drama because they wee considered sinful. The puritan's style of writing is described as plain. They valued clarity over style which was cosidered sinful. They believed in predestination or Calvinism. They also believed in orginal sin.
  • Of Plymouth Plantation

    Of Plymouth Plantation
    William Bradford wrote of Plymouth Plantation in 1651. Bradford was the leader of the pilgrim colony. It is considered the most accurate account of the pilgrim time era.
    Bradford explains why he leaves Holland, the suffering that the went through whille in Holland, then their jouney across the Atlantic. He started it in 1630, and wrote in it through the years until 1650. It is considered a very important piece of literature.
  • Anne Bradstreet "Upon the Burning of our House"

    Anne Bradstreet "Upon the Burning of our House"
    Anne Bradstreet was just a girl when she wrote this. It was published on July 10th 1666. It's about her house burning down and her thoughts about it.
    Anne Bradstree wrote this poem after she witnessed her house burn down. In the poem she says that shes sad that all of her things are gone. Then later she says that she was being selfish and it ws all Gods plan. So she should be thankful that God loves her so much.
  • Edward taylor part 2

    The spider is the devil, the web is temptation, the wasp is someone who fights hard agaisnt sin and the fly is a regular old sinner. He asks god to save him from the spider so he can go to heaven
  • Edward Taylors Upon a spider catching a fly

    Edward Taylors Upon a spider catching a fly
    Edward Taylor was one of the more significant writers of the 17th and 18th centruries. He was a well recognized preacher for over 50 years. He never wnated to works to be published but he didn't get his wish.
    "Upon a Spider Catching a Fly" wasn't his most famous piece. Not even top five, but there is a significant meaning behind the poem. The poem talks about a fly, a spider, a wasp and a web.
  • The wonders of the invisible world by Cotton Mathers

    The wonders of the invisible world by Cotton Mathers
    Cotton Mathers was reporting from the Salem Witch Trials. He made it clear which side he was on from the start. He completely believed that these people were witches.
    The report talks about people "confessing" that this lady had taken them to a secret meeting with the devil to discuss what they should do. How did they get there?, by a broom of course.
  • Jonathon Edwards "Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God"

    Jonathon Edwards "Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God"
    Jonathon Edwards came from generations of ministers and preachers. He was the poster child for how to behave and how to worship God for his time era. He took part in the Salem Witch Trials, where they sentenced a handful of people to death for odd things.
    In this sermon the point was to scare people into blindly following the lord. It talks about how angry God his because humans contiunually sin.
  • Sinners in the hands of an angry god part 2

    That if it wasn't for God we woulnd't exist and that at any moment we could cause total destruction and kill everyone. He made God out to be this vengeful guy who hates humans.
  • Colonialism

    American Literature during this time period was mostly political, and it came in the form of pamphlets, speeches, and newspaper articles. The topics were mostly focused on politics, relations with Great Britain and the nature of government. They were still not writing fiction or drama. The styl of writing was pursuasive. Most of these writings were public. The 18th centruary is the age of reason. Logical reasoning was a major technique; the writings offered clear arguments in support of a cause.
  • Colonialism Part 2

    Personal writings also showed the reasoning process. The colonist believed that people were good by nature and they believed in free will.
  • The Speech of Polly Baker by Benjamin Franklin

    The Speech of Polly Baker by Benjamin Franklin
    The Speech of Polly Baker starts when she is being prosecuted for the 5th time for having a bastard child. She has been fined a lot of dollars by this time and she goes on to explain why that was unfair.
    Benjamin Franklin is probably the best and wittiest writer of his time, maybe ever. He has hundreds of writings that were published. They wouldn't let him write the declaration of independence however because other delegates feared that he would put a joke in it.
  • The Royal Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation
    This was King Georges first way of saying that he was in charge. This restricted movement west, which angered the colonist because they just helped fight for that land. They also had to pay and build the wall that would seperate them.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Requiring colonists to pay for stamps on newspapers, playing cards, dice and legal documents. The British deemed this perfectly fair because they pay the same tax. The colonists however protested and rioted.
  • The Sons of Liberty

    The Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty lead by John Adams played a huge role in the fight for freedom. They are responsible for many acts of resistance including the Boston Tea Party. They are the reason everyone fought so hard because they could stir the pot.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshends acts taxed imported goods such as lead, glass, paper, paint and tea. This was an effort to gain some money since the stamp act had failed. To make sure that the colonists paid these taxes Britian sent two more regiments of soilders. The colonists started using words like tryant and enslave in newspaper which got the attention of everybody.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    A group of soilders were standing guard and on a daily basis they were being harrassed by local colonists. They would throw snowballs, rocks, or whatever else and the red coats weren't aloud to do anything until an hour was up. One thing lead to another and agaisnt orders one of the soilders fired into the crowed, then others followed, Five were shot dead and six were wounded, hardly a massacre.
  • The Tea Act

    In an effort to bail out the East India Tea company the Britans put a tax on imported tea. That gave them a monopoly on tea in the colonies, The colonists did not respond kind to that.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Directly after the Tea Act, Bostonians dressed up as Mohawk Indians and raided a ship and threw over 342 chests of tea into the Atlantic. he British punished Boston by closing the harbor and demanding that they pay for the Tea.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    After King George heard of the Boston tea party he qas quick to react. He punished Boston by demanding that they pay for the tea, they also closed the Boston harbor. No one was allowed to assemble in Boston wthout a British representative, they also gave a ton of land to Quebec. The colonists immidiately started to make plans to retaliate and aid Boston.
  • Patrick Henry's Speech in the Vurgunia Convention

    Patrick Henry's Speech in the Vurgunia Convention
    Patrick Hnerys "Give me liberty or give me death" speech was a succesful one to say the least. They had to change locations last second to avoid interferance. Henry wanted to gather a militia to help defend agaisnt the Britains. His oppanents warned him to be cautious and paitent but obviously he didn't listen.
    He as the govenor of Virginia and was re-elcted 4 times. He opposed Britain and strongly believed that people had the right to bear arms.
  • Paul Reveres Ride

    Paul Reveres Ride
    The British were on the move towards Concord to capure stock piled supplies. They also hoped to capture John Hancock and Sam Adams. William Dawes and Paul Revere rode to warn minute men and everyone else that the British were on there way. Revere and Dawes saw the two lanterns meaning that the British were traveling by water. They met up with Adams and Hancock to warn them. All of them rode to concord to warn everyone else.
  • Lexinton and Concord

    At 4;30 AM 50 -75 minute men were waiting as the Britsih arrived. No one knows who fired first. The British squashed the militia at Lexinton but were forced to retreat back to Boston when confronted in Concord.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    They started meeting in Philedelphia soon after Lexington and Concord. Most of the delegates at the First Coninental COngress were at the second one. They had to manage a war, establish an army and name a leader. They picked General George Washington, They served as the government through out the war.
  • The Declaration of The Independence

    The Declaration of The Independence
    The delegates chose the reluctant Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. He thought that there were people more qualified to write it. He wrote and re wrote until he thought it was perfect.
    The document declared freedom from Great Briatin because the colonists felt that King George was an unfair tyrant. Immidiately following the sending this through out the colonies and to Kind George himself the Revolutionary war started.
  • The Crisis

    The Crisis
    A 16 essay series Thomas Paine came to be the greatest propagandist of his time. He knew exactly what to say to get the people rialed up to defend the country. In these essays he backed up George Washington in Common Sense which is the first of these essays.
    Thomas Paine was considered a nuisance by some but there was no denying his affect on the general public. Paine hated tories calling them cowards and was just as much as the next guy proud in defending his country.
  • The End of the Revolution

    The End of the Revolution
    After years of fighting the colonists finally win. They finally get what they wanted from the start, freedom. Now they have to figure out a government, a leader, what to call that leader, and many more obsicles that come with starting a country.