06 john quincy adams

13 Colonies- QA 2017

  • Roanoke

    Queen Elizabeth I gives the charter to Sir Walter Raleigh. Her motive was to gather more land to get more resources in order to sell for more money to gain power. She was also doing it for the future of her family and all of England. Words used in Charter:
    "Heires and successors"
  • Virginia

    King James The First gives Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Richard Hackluit and Edward-Maria Wingfield, Thomas Hanharm and Ralegh Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham. His motive was to colonize Virginia to get an establishment there. He was trying to plant another colony after the Roanoke failure.
    "Gold and Silver"
    "Heirs and Successors"
  • Massachusetts

    King James wrote this charter and he is giving it to the colonists going to England. This was written on November 3rd, 1620. They went to the new world for their heirs, power for the king, land, and Religion/Christianity. They wanted to expand England and the king wanted more control and more power. The English wanted to make the actual colonies for the king and the heirs of England, and more land to expand England. The King wanted more land to control so he would have more power and territory.
  • Maryland

    King Charles is giving the charter to Caecilius Calvert. He's motive for coming was to come to get more land so he could have more power, to expand the Christian religion, and to get more gold, silver, and other precious stone.

    Words in the charter:
    - Land
    - Power
    - Our heirs and successors
    - Gold
    - Grant
  • Connecticut

    The residents of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield wrote the document named Fundamental Orders of 1639 for Connecticut. They listed eleven regulations for the new Connectecotte. The citizens wrote these laws to keep order and structure within the colony. They were also explaining the political positions and power in their colony.
    Words used in the document:
    - Court
    - Laws
    - Election
    - Governor
    - Power
    - Magistrate
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    There was not a king or queen but the community, certain people, Robert Coles, Chad Browne, William Harris, John Warner gave the charter to the Inhabitants of the town, Providence. These men went to the New World because they wanted to have peace with all of the differences that the people ion the community have. Some words that tied to their motive are subjects,discretion, lands, and power. The date of the document is August 27 to September 6, 1640.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The Navigation acts were designed to control trade between the Colonies and England. It also enabled England to collect taxes from the colonies. The Navigation acts were a series of laws that were passed in the English Parliament in 1651,1660 and 1663. The purpose of the acts was to support British shipping. Theses acts were designed to tighten the government's control over trade between England, Its colonies, and the rest of the world.
  • Carolina

    King Charles the Second gave this charter to Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Lord Craven, John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Sir William Berkley, and Sir John Colleton because he wanted to expand his empire and create a colony for industry and for valuable minerals.
    Words used in the charter:
    "Propagation of the Christian faith, and the enlargement of our empire"
  • Pennsylvania

    King Charles the Second gives a charter to William Penn for Pennsylvania. The charter was dated February 28, 1681. They went to the New World to find more land and gold. The words "land", "gold", and "heirs" explained what the motive was for coming to the new world. They need more land because they can find gold and silver. Resources lead to wealth which leads to power. The power will then be passed down to heirs, to lead the colony.
  • The Mutiny Act of 1689

    The Mutiny Act of 1689
    The Mutiny act was a law passed in the country of England (not in the colonies) in 1689, which followed the Glorious Revolution. The Glorious Revolution was a bloodless revolution or action which preceded the overthrow of King James II. It also led to the decision of Mary and William as monarchs. The actual law was in the English Parliament, which stated that mutiny, desertion (to abandon), and the sedition (to persuade people to rebel) of officers and soldiers a crime.
  • The Mutiny Act of 1689 (cont.)

    The Mutiny Act of 1689 (cont.)
    Anyone who committed these crimes would be brought to court and, if proven guilty, would be put to death.
    Question: Why would the colonists not approve of this specific act/tax?
    Answer: I don't believe this would affect the Colonists in any way, as it was taken care of in England and never mentioned anything about the Colonists.
  • The Wool Act 1699

    The Wool Act 1699
    In the wool act of January 1st 1699 Great Britain only allowed the Colonies and Ireland to export wool to England and nowhere else. Also they passed this law to stop the exporting of wool from England to Ireland and the Colonies.
  • Delaware

    In March of 1701, it is believed that King Charles the Second gave William Penn the authority to claim Delaware by writing its charter. The reason is likely for more land, with territories and province being mentioned 19 times. For his heirs, which was mentioned 6 times. The heirs granted the colonists fair rights and liberties. Promise was said 3 times, to promise that those rights would stay true forever. These rights were described as being civil or fair, and civil was mentioned 2 times.
  • The Hat Act

    The Hat Act
    The hat act was a law created to control the amount of hats created by American colonist in the 13 colonies.The king wanted to stop the colonies of hat making so the British can save money and the colonies have to pay for hats.The colonial hat makers were in competition with The English. The colonists would not of approved of this because over years the English and Britain have been in competition for making hat. But now's there an act to control/reduce the hats created in the thirteen colonies.
  • Dept Recovery Act

    Dept Recovery Act
    The Debt Recovery act was a British law, allowed to create it by the Parliament . It was made for the British who traded. The British complained to pay their debts.The reason it was created was because it allowed the people who owed money to take over the British land and personal property, including slaves. Another reason it was created was because slaves were used to clear debts. The date that it was started was January 1st, 1732
  • Georgia

    From King George II. For Edward Digby, George Carpenter, James Oglethorpe, George Heathcote, Robert Hucks, Roger Holland, William Sloper, Francis Eyles, John Laroche, James Vernon, William Beletha, esquires, A. M. John Burton, B. D. Richard Bundy, A. M. Arthur Bedford, A. M. Samuel Smith, A. M. Adam Anderson.
    They went because of the poor and in debt people that they wanted to send so they could have them all in one place, and so they would work and bring in more money.
  • Iron Act

    The British passed the Iron act in 1750. This was a British law. The British wanted The 13 colonies to make the Pig Iron Bars and send them to England tax free. In return the colonists were not able to produce finished iron goods.The King wanted more money for the country not the colonist.The date of implementation of the Iron Act was 1750.The Iron Act was unfair because the colonist were making the Iron. They should be able to make finished iron goods without going through the British.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation was issue by King George III. The colonies amounted to tax and to pay for lands against the interested because they were getting their land taken away. In 1763, the French and Indian war ended and the British issued the Proclamation. So in 1763 the French and Indian war ended and the British took control and put them in to territories.
  • The Sugar Act (Cont.)

    The Sugar Act (Cont.)
    This act was designed to make the Colonists buy sugar from the English, not the French, Spanish or Dutch. The Sugar Act ultimately led to the Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Party. The colonists don't approve of this act because it was forcing them to buy sugar from the English. They did not want to buy sugar from the English. They did not like the English.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act was a British Law passed by the Parliament. It was designed to raise revenue from the 13 Colonies because the needed to gain more money and didn't want the other countries to get money. They taxed sugar and molasses which affected the manufacturing of rum in New England. Rum is mainly made up of sugar and molasses. They were only allowed to buy sugar from Britain but didn't want to.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    This act prevented the colonists from printing their own currency. It was created to reduce the country’s debt after paying for the French and Indian War. Moreover, the colonists currency was considered “not valuable,” therefore the currency of Britain was preferred to be used. The colonists would not approve of this law because it meant they had to pay larger amounts as to repay what was given to support the them in the war seeing that they already had various taxes to take care of.
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    The Quartering Act of 1765

    The quartering act in 1765 allowed all Redcoats to do and go wherever they wanted. This included living in the Colonist's homes, and taking their provisions, including food. This act was created to scare the Colonists into staying in the 13 Colonies and not expanding west, and to make sure their taxes were paid on time. The Colonists were upset because they didn’t want to give up their food and homes for these people. They don't want to have these people stopping them from doing what they want.
  • The Stamp Act part 1

    The Stamp Act part 1
    the England's Primer Minister, George Greenfield, needed a way to decrease and hopefully get rid of England’s debt collected when when King George the Third gave millions of dollars to the colonists to aid with their French and Indian War. Such, he decided to add and taxes to the English colonies because if he raised the taxes to Britain subjects then, they may have started a revolt. It was his best bet.
  • The Stamp Act Part 2

    The Stamp Act  Part 2
    Explanation: The Stamp act was a act that forced Colonists to pay for stamps with gold or silver that certified by the England to be placed on items like newspaper, documents, dice, playing cards, etc. Also specific items would need a specific stamps some stamps were cheap while other stamps were pricey.If you had a fake stamp or no stamp on the product that needed one you could get killed or imprisoned.
  • The Stamp Act Part 3

    The Stamp Act Part 3
    Answer to question:
    The colonist would not approve of this tax because they financially could not keep paying the taxes with gold or silver, they felt England was to limiting their freedom and independence, their careers and their everyday lives and tasks could be affected in a negative way.
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    Townshend Act

    The act was a series of measures that placed duties on certain goods imported into the Britain’s American Colonies, along with reorganizing the colonial custom services. The type of goods include glass, lead, paints, paper, pasteboard, china earthenware, silk , and tea. The Townsend act is for the imported products into the Colonies.They were also trying to improve the system because they didn’t want to move the goods into the country illegally.
  • Period: to

    Townshend Act continued

    In addition, they also were trying to pay off the French and Indian war. The Colonists would not approve of this act because they need food, tools and supplies to survive and keep the 13 Colonies and the land for the king so the Colonists should have to pay since they are doing a favor for the king.
  • Boston Massacre part 2

    Boston Massacre part 2
    The colonist didn't like this because they killed five men.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston massacre was the killing of 5 men by the British on march 5, 1770. The British troops were sent in 1768 to Boston to maintain order and to enforce the Townshend act.The term 'Boston Massacre' was coined by the patriot Samuel Adams and used in propaganda campaigns against the British. The presence of British troops in Boston that lead to the fatal shooting was the results of the Townsend Acts passed by British Parliament to impose additional taxes on products imported into the Colonies
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    This act was made to lower prices on tea. The King did this because the East India Company was going bankrupt from buying tea and selling it to the colonies. So the King lowered taxes on tea so that the East India Company could keep buying and then selling tea to the colonies. The colonists didn’t approve of this because they didn’t want British tea and the King was forcing them to buy that specific type of tea. The colonists wanted other tea such as Dutch tea which was illegally imported.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest of the Tea Tax by the Colonists in Boston. The Colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians and invaded three British ships, which contained tea from the East India Company. This would be seen as an act of treason, which is punishable by death, so the Colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians as a disguise. In total, they dumped 342 barrels of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • The Boston Tea Party (cont.)

    The Boston Tea Party (cont.)
    The captains of these ships watched the Colonists dump the tea and the British ships surrounding did not take action. There was only one casualty, which was due to a fallen crate. The protesters were part of the Sons of Liberty organization.The dumped tea would cost $1,000,000 dollars in today's economy. Later on, the British Parliament implemented the Boston Port Act as a result of the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Port Act of 1774 (cont.)

    Boston Port Act of 1774 (cont.)
    The port was closed until the Colonists could pay the East India Company for the tea and the King for the taxes. The Colonists would not approve of this act because it would stop all of their imports from England and other colonies. They saw it as having their rights taken away from them.
  • Boston Port Act of 1774

    Boston Port Act of 1774
    The Boston Port Act of 1774 was one of the Intolerable Acts. This is an act that closed the port of Boston starting on March 31, 1774. This act closed the port for all imports, except for food and firewood. In addition, it also stopped food coming in for their livestock, such as hay for their horses. The British Parliament wrote this act to punish the Colonists for dumping tea into Boston Harbor.
  • Massachusetts Government Act 1774

    Massachusetts Government Act 1774
    Massachusetts Government Act The date of implementation of this tax act was May 20,1774
    The Massachusetts Government Act was passed by the parliament of Great Britain, and receiving royal assent on May 20 1774 and revoked the colony's 1691 charter that ended the Massachusetts constitution.
  • Massachusetts Government Act

    Massachusetts Government Act
    The people of Massachusetts were being being punished by what happened at the Boston Massacre. The reason why they created the lax of tax is because it was helping to independence. The reason why the colonists didn't approve was because King George the third of England was punishing them by taking away their rights and power also being unfair on taxes.
  • The Administration of Justice

    The Administration of Justice
    On May 20, 1774 The Administration of Justice was passed by the Parliament of Great Britain. It suspended self-government in Massachusetts colony by allowing the newly appointed Military Governor, Thomas Gage, to send rebellious Colonists to Great Britain to be heard by a British judge. Self-Government is when the country or in this case colony is able to say and do what they think is good or better for their colony.
  • The Administration of Justice, Continued

    The Administration of Justice, Continued
    The purpose was to designed to punish the inhabitants of Boston, Massachusetts for the incident that would become known as the Boston Tea Party. The colonist would not approve of this because the Parliament of Great Britain took away the right to choose what they do in the colony and gave it to the upcoming govern.
  • The Quebec Act of 1774

    The Quebec Act of 1774
    The 1774 Quebec Act, passed by the British Parliament, was basically an act where the temporary government for Canada, created in 1763 would be replaced with a permanent government. This gave the French Canadians total religious freedom, and it also restored the French form of civil law. This was one of the intolerable acts. They thought this because it went against the claims of coast colonies, by further extending the boundaries of the province of Quebec, and to the Ohio River on the south.
  • The Quebec Act of 1774 continued

    The Quebec Act of 1774 continued
    and to the Mississippi river on the west. The reason the act started was because the Canadians wanted to have a permanent government, instead of the temporary one they had had for the the past 11 years. But, the rules that the new government enforced, went against the claims of the coast colonies, which were that they would extend the boundaries of Quebec, but the new government went against this idea. The date of implementation was June 22nd, 1774.
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    Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The battles of Lexington and Concord was a fight between the British and the Colonists. For many years apprehension had been building up between the Colonists and British authorities. One night, a man got word that they were going to be attacked. On the night of April 18, 1775 British troops marched to Boston to Concord. Paul Revere and others sounded an alarm and the colonial militiamen came together to stop the Redcoats. They collided in Lexington town green and began fighting.
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    Battles of Lexington and Concord (continued)

    There were multiple battles but the colonists won their independence. However, they would not want to go into war with the British because they do not have lots of people and weapons which means they have a very small chance of winning.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    The constitution of New Hampshire was written in 1776, and became effective to the people on June 2nd, 1784. This brought order and rules to the colony. The members of the congress wrote the constitution of New Hampshire for the general good of the
    colony. The constitution gave the congress power and authority. It also said that no one should be punished for a crime before the congress agrees on the punishment.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    This constitution was framed by the Provincial Congress and the people of South Carolina received it on March 16, 1776. They wrote this for freedom from Britain and the other colonies. Also, they wanted to own slaves and keep them to work the slaves on plantations. South Carolina had huge open fields for plantations and needed the slaves to work thee fields.