US History Timeline

  • Indian Citizenship Act Passed

    The Indian Citizenship Act granted citizenship to Native Americans who were born in the U.S. It was a step in the right direction for Native American rights, but it was not enough. Native Americans still were unable to vote and faced the consequences of other government policies.
  • Hoover Inaugurated

    Republicans Win Again! Hoover to be Inaugurated Herbert Hoover wins the election to become the third Republican president in a row.
  • Hoovervilles Pop Up

    With the Depression raging, homeless people lived in groups called Hoovervilles in order to survive. Unemployed and without a house they had no choice but to live in these makeshift communities.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act Passed

    The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act raised tariffs on thousands of imported goods. It aimed to protect American businesses. However, this act ended up harming the American economy by driving other countries to raise tariffs on American goods and weakening the global trade economy.
  • Gold Reserve Act Passed

    America to be Off the Gold Standard? Gold Reserve Act gives Treasury control of gold assets. A new era for the American economy?
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan was in need of raw materials due to the rapid industrialization of the country. Manchuria had these natural resources. The U.S. did not approve of the method of forceful occupation and refused to recognize the acquisition of land. They froze Japanese assets and stopped imports.
  • Bonus Army March

    Bonus Army March
    The cartoon represents Congress withholding the bonuses that the people who fought in WWI were promised. Looking for compensation, they marched on the capital.
  • FDR Elected President

    After three Republican presidents, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a Democrat, was elected. FDR came into his presidency with a plan called the New Deal. It focused on relief, recovery, and reform for the American people and the economy.
  • AAA Established

    The Agricultural Adjustment Act aimed to provide relief to farmers who were feeling the effects of the Depression. This act offered money to farmers to limit production of certain crops. This limited surplus and allowed crop prices to rise, helping farmers make a profit.
  • Emergency Banking Act Passed

    Restoring confidence in the banks? I don't think so. I'm not trusting them with my money! #don'tactuallyhaveanymoneytoputinthebank #depression
  • TVA Established

    TVA Established
    This map shows the various dams and reservoirs that were established by the TVA for water control and conservation.
  • PWA Created

    Public Works Association? There's nothing working about it! Don't talk to me until I can get to my grandbabies in Idaho in less than four days. Useless democrats. #FDR #downlowtooslow #givememytaxpayerdollarsback
  • San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins

    San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Construction Begins
    This is a map showing the original plans for the San Franciso-Oakland Bay Bridge and some of the details behind its construction. It shows its location relative to the land as well as the specs of certain parts of it.
  • Prohibition Repealed

    Prohibition Repealed
    The political cartoon shows a gangster reacting to the repeal of the prohibition. The repeal was harmful for the underground alcohol scene, as it made the sale of alcohol a less lucrative business.
  • Wagner Act Passed

    Wagner Act Passed
    The Wagner Act guaranteed the right to form labor unions. This cartoon demonstrates the downsides to these labor unions and the effects of corporate greed.
  • First Social Security Number Issued

    Guess who just got the first social security number! Never getting to retire? Couldn't be me. Unemployed? Not a problem. I got cash for days #sugardaddy #hitmyline
  • Hoover Dam Finished

    My house isn't underwater anymore. Hoover DAM! Guess I don't need my snorkel to go to the general store anymore #underwaterlife #livelaughlovedams
  • 1937 Recession

    A Look Into the American Financial Roller Coaster Recession strikes again! Americans have no time to catch their breath or their money as they are hit with unemployment.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act Passed

    A New Day For Working-Class Americans Fair Labor Standards Act brings minimum wage, eliminates child labor, and sets livable hours.