US History timeline

By WT3233
  • Dec 30, 1500

    pilgrims and plmouth rock 1500s

    pilgrims and plmouth rock 1500s
    In the 1500s, Europeans began to come to north america. this began a pattern of immigints coming to the united states from around the world. an immigrant is a person who moves to one country from another. some europeans came looking for gold or land.
  • revolutionary War

    revolutionary War
    in 1775, the revolutionary war began, and in 1776 the colonies proclamed their freedom in the declaration of independence, written by tomas jefferson.By 1783, the united states had won the war against great brittan and became a new nation
  • july 4th

    july 4th is the united states indapendance day on this day we one the war england
  • louisiana purchase

    The louisiana purchase double the size of the united states. jefferson sent meriwether lewis and william clark to explore the region. the lewis and clark expedition gained valuable knowlege of the west
  • declaration on independennce

    even before the war, americans had begun to move west to new lands. after the war, the united states gained all of britains territory south of canada and west to the mississippi in 1803 president thomas jefferson bought louisiana
  • Industrial revolution

    the economy also grew, especially in the northeas. immigrants poured into U.S cities a larger population nedded more food,clothing, and houseing. Factories replaced hand manufacturing with machines that made goods more that crossed the continent from coast to coast
  • World War I

    Whem World War I stated in Europe in 1914, most Americans wanted to stay out of the fighting. Then germany sank a number of ships, killing U.S. civilations The United States joined the war in 1917 and help the allies to win it
  • Great Depression

    After the war, the 1920 seemed to be an era of wealth and progress. for example, the afford able automoble was build and more people than ever owned stocks. But problems lurked behind the good times. In 1929, stock prices pluged, and many people lost their mony.
  • Dust Bowl

    businesses failed, and millions were out of work. Life was hard in the Dust bowl, a large areas in the great plains that suffered drought and dust storms.
  • World War II

    By the late 1930s, war was again raging in europe and asia, and again the United States wanted to avoid fighting. then in 1941, Japan attacked pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the United States went to war. The fighting lasted four more years until the war ended in 1945
  • Apollo 15

    was the was the 1st moon base to land on the moon on july and agust 7. 1971.
  • The first Heart transplant

    in 1967 the first human heart was transplanted by Doctor Barnard in cap town. the paciant only lived for 18 days
  • September 11, 2001

    terrorists flew airplains into the world trade cinter in new york city and into pentagon
  • civil war

    in 1860, Abraham lincon, a Northerener who hated slavery, was elected president. in response, 11 sourthern states secession and the civil war begain in 1861.
  • Cold war

    After World War II, the United States became a world leader. For decades, it competed with the communist soviet Union to be strongest political and militar power