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US History Timeline

  • StockMarket Crash

    StockMarket Crash
    The end of the roaring 20's. The start of the Great Depression started some rough times in America for stockholders and businessmen.
  • FDR takes over

    FDR takes over
    President Franklin Delano Roosevelt is sworn into office for his first term. FDR had a tough presidency with lots of hard times but somehow he got America through it.
  • Pearl Harbor Attacks

    Pearl Harbor Attacks
    Japanese empire secretly attacks American military base on the morning of December 7 1941. Led United States to declare war on Japan.
  • World War Ends

    World War Ends
    Japan surrenders
    Germany surrenders
  • Korean War

    North invades South Korea. America steps in to stop the spread of communism.
  • End of Korean war

    War is over at the 38th parallel, peace agreement signed
  • Vietnam War

    United States becomes involved with conflict in Vietnam. The domino theory says the US has to prevent nations from joining communism.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    President John Kennedy is killed in Dallas Texas
  • WaterGate Scandal in Washington

    WaterGate Scandal in Washington
    Richard Nixon is behind the watergate break in. He claims to be innocent and he must resign because his relations with congress.
  • End of Vietnam

    United States gets beat out of Vietnam
  • Fall of Communism

    Fall of Communism
    Soviet Union falls apart and orders to tear down the Berlin wall. Cold War is over