Ahon11 survey1551 1

U.S. History timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000


    Between A.D. 250 and A.D. 900, the Mayas built cities in what is now Mexico and Central America.
  • Jan 1, 1001

    Vikings reach North America

    Vikings reach North America
    Vikings reach North America
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Setting Sail

    Setting Sail
    About 90 men-most of them Spaniards-prepared to make the voyage. Christoper Columbus sails on First Voyage.
  • May 30, 1497

    The Northern Voyages

    The Northern Voyages
    Neither Spain nor Portugal had any interest in Cabot's ideas. However, the English were interested nough to finance a voyage of exporation. Cabot left England with one ship, in May 1497.
  • Jul 30, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot on his first voyage searching for Northwest Passage.
  • Oct 30, 1513

    Spanish Explorers in North America

    Spanish Explorers in North America
    Juan Ppnce de Leon sailed north from Puerto Rico to investigate reports of a large islad. Ponce de Leon became the first Spaniard to set foot in what is now the United States.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The trade in humans

    The trade in humans
    Protestant Refornative, led by Martin Luther is launched in Europe.
  • Sep 30, 1534

    Jacpues Cartier

    Jacpues Cartier
    Jacques Cartier sails from France to explore the New World.
  • Oct 30, 1565

    Spanish Florida

    Spanish Florida
    Fearing that France might take over the area, Spain built a fort called St. Augustine in northern Florida. It was the first permanent European settlement in what is now the United States.
  • Sir Walter Raleigh

    Sir Walter Raleigh
    First Expendition, led by Sir Walter Raleigh, arrives at Roanoke Island.
  • Founding Jamestown

    Founding Jamestown
    Jamestown Virginia is the first established colony of the 13 colonies.
  • The "Staving Time"

    The "Staving Time"
    Henry Hudson sailed into Cope Cod.
    The trrible winter of 1609-1610 is called the "staving time." By the spring of 1610, only 60 colonists were still alive.
  • New Netherlan

    New Netherlan
    Dutch traders arrived in the Hudson River valley and began a busy trade withe Native Americans.
  • The First Native Americans

    The First Native Americans
    The firat native Americansare brought to Virginia in 1619 as part of new trade relationships. They are hired, with rights of contract, for work on large plantations of tobacco, rice, and indigo.
  • Phymouth Colony document

    Phymouth Colony document
    Earliest Phymouth Colony document is known as the Mayflower Compact.
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    The Pilgrims set aside a day to give thanks for their good fortune. Today's Thanksgiving holiday celebrates that occasion.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    John Winthrop assumes leadership of the English settlers in present-day Salem; this makes the beginning of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Religious Toleration in Maryland

    Religious Toleration in Maryland
    King Charles 1 granted a charter for a new colony to George Calvert, an English Cathilic. Catholic suffered great discrimination in England.
  • Latin School

    Latin School
    The first public school in American is established, Boston, Latin School.
  • Enslaved for Life

    Enslaved for Life
    As the need for cheap labor grew, colonies made slavery permanent. Maryland passed a law stating that baptism did not lead to liberty. This meant people could be enslaved for life.
  • Colonial population

    Colonial population
    Colonial population is estimated at 50,400.
  • Regulating Trade

    Regulating Trade
    The English Parliament passed the first of several Navigation Acts to support mercantilism.
  • New Amsterdam

    New Amsterdam
    English seize New Amsterdam(city and colony) from the Dutch and rename it New York.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    A major conflict erupted.Opponents of the English were led by <etacom, the chief of the Wampanoag, who also known by his English name, King Philip.
  • Bacon's Rebelion

    Bacon's Rebelion
    Declaration of the People of Virginia leads to Bacon's Rebelion.
  • English Bill of Right

    English Bill of Right
    King William and Queen Mary signed the English Bill of Rights. A bill of rights is a written list of freedoms that a government promises to protect.
  • Locke

    Locke published Two Trealises on Government. In this inflential work, Locke argued that peope have certain natural rights, this is, rights that belong to every human being from birth.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Benjamin franklin is born in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • New Orleans

    New Orleans
    The French establishes New Orleans.
  • George Washington of Virginia

    George Washington of Virginia
    George Washington of Virginia is born.
  • Georgia

    Georgia is the last of the thirteen English colonies to be settled. It is established not so much for economic opportunity, but to be a military barrier between Spanish-owned Florida and the Carolinas.
  • First Copper Coins

    First Copper Coins
    First Copper Coins of the Colony are minted in Connecticut.
  • Britain and the British colonies

    Britain and the British colonies
    Britain and the British colonies switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.
  • The French and Indian War Begins

    The French and Indian War Begins
    The French began building forts ti back their claim to the land between Lalke Erie and the Ohio River.
  • More British Defeats

    More British Defeats
    Britain declared war on France, marking the official beginning of the Seven Year's War between the two countries.
  • The British Turn the Tide

    The British Turn the Tide
    Britain and France signed the Treaty of PAris. France lost almost all of its North .American possessions
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    An even more popular law was the Stamp Act, passed by Parliament in early 1765. The Stamp Act required that all colonists buy special tax stamps for all kinds of products and activities.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Parliament repealed all the Townshend duties-except the one on tea. That tax was left in force to demonstrate Parliament's right to tax the colonies.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The British Parliament passed the Tea Act. It was intended to help the British East India Company, one of Britain's most important companies.
  • The Shot Heard Round the World

    The Shot Heard Round the World
    General Thomas Gage sent 700 troops ti seize the arms and capture some important colonial leaders.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    As the crisis with Britain deepened, the Second Continental Congress came together in Philadelphia.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    A 50-page pamphlet titled Common Sense was published in Philadelphia. The pamphlet stimulated broad support for independence.
  • Impace of Declaration

    Impace of Declaration
    Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. Since then, Americans have celebrated July 4th as Independence Day.
  • The War at Sea

    The War at Sea
    The most famous naval battle took place off the coast of England.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    In the mid-1780, a severe economic depression hit the United States.
  • Final Battle

    Final Battle
    The Americans and French lined up in two facing columns.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Congress approved the treaty. The war was officially over. It had been almost exactly eight years since the "shot heard round the world" started the fighting at Lexington.
  • Terms of the Compromise

    Terms of the Compromise
    Delegates narrowly voted to accept Sherman's proposals, chich came to be known as the Great Compromise.
  • The Frist President

    The Frist President
    George Washington traveled from Virginia to the nation's capital, New York City, to begin his term as the first President of the United States.
  • Free African Americans

    Free African Americans
    By the time the first census was taken in 1790, there were nearly 60,000 free people of African ancestry, compared with more than 757,000 enslaved.
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    Three fourths of the states had ratified 10 amendments.
  • The XYZ Affair

    The XYZ Affair
    Adams sent a new three-person mission to France. Because the names of the French agents were kept secret, they were called X, Y, and Z. The incident bacame known as the XYZ Affair.