
U.S. History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1439

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    Johannes Gutenberg was a german blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. His invention of the mechanical printer started the printing revolution and is widley regarded as the most important event in modern history.
  • Oct 12, 1492


    In 1492 Christopher coulumbus sailed the Atlantic Ocean in search of Japan, instead he founded the Americas. After Columbus founded the Americas many more Europeans crossed the Atlanic and going to the Americas to start new colonies, and spread the Christian religion.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    The treaty of Tordesillas signed at Tordesillas didvided the newly discovered land outside of Europe between Portugal and Spain. The lands to the east would belong to Portugal, and the lands to the west would belong to Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot was an Intalin navigator and explorer who discovered parts of Noth america in 1497 under the commmision of Henry VII of England. John Cabbot was the first European to discover the mainland of North America since the Vikings visits to Vinland.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    The Atlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic ocean and lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Many of the slaves were west Africans from the central and western part of africa sold by west Africans to Western European slave traders of Europeans living in the Americas. It is estimated that around 12 miliion African slaves were shipped acroos the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Jan 1, 1503

    Ecomienda System

    Ecomienda System
    The Ecomienda was a legal system used by the Spanish crown during the Spanish colinizationi of the Americas to regulate Native Americans and reward individual Spaniards for services to the crown. The Ecomienda was established in 1503 and legally ended in 1720.
  • Jan 1, 1504

    Sebastian Cabbot

    Sebastian Cabbot
    Sebastian Cabbot son of Joohn Cabbot was an Italian explorer. Sebastian was famous for many things. In 1504 he led a voyage to the new world, mostly for commercial reasons. In 1508 he found a North-West passage leading to the Hudson Bay, and in 1512 he was employed by Henry VIII as a cartographer at Greenwich.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Protestant Reformation
    The Protestant Reformation was led mainly by Martin Luther and John Calvin. They did not like the way the Roman Catholic Church was opperating so Luther published the 95 Theses which questioned the way the catholic church was working. After the 95 Theses was published Luther started the new Lutheran church. The new movement influenced the church of England to become independant under Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I.
  • Jan 1, 1570

    Richard Haklyut

    Richard Haklyut
    Richard Haklyut was an English writer best known for promoting the settlement of North America through his work. Haklyut also gave public lectures in geography, he was the first to show the new maps of the world and the globe. Later in Haklyuts life he became the client and personal chaplin of Sir Robert Cecil.
  • Roanoke

    The Roanoke colony was an attempt by Queen Elizabeth to establish a permanet English settlement. Queen Elizabeth did not succeed at this attempt as the Anglo Spanish-War drove the few colonist out of Roanoke.
  • Spanish Armanda

    Spanish Armanda
    The Spaniish Armanda was a fleey of 130 ships that sailed under the command of Duke of Medina Sidonia with the purpose of escorting an army to invade England. The Spanish Amranda faced many challenges and failed to take over England.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded in 1607 by the London Company, It was the first colony established in America. The London Company came to Jamestown in the hope of finding gold, and beoming rich instantly, this unfortunatley did not happen for the settelers.
  • Plymouth

    The Plymouth colony was located where John Smith had previously surveyed. Plymouth was founded by the PIilgrims who came to the Americas for Religious freedom. Plymouth was one of the more sucssesful colonies.
  • New Hampshire

    John Mason founded the New Hampshire colony in 1623. He was granted the land to the colony. He sent settelers to the new territory to create a fishing colony. Sadly John Mason died before he could ever see the settelment of his colony.
  • Massachusetts Bay

    The Massachusetts Bay colony was an English settlement on the east coast of Noth America. The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the owners of the Massachusetts Bay company. Puritans came to the colony for religious freedom.
  • Maryland

    The Marland colony was founded by Lord Baltimore. It was originally established for a safe haven for te English Catholic Minority, and to seek profit.
  • Rhode Island

    Roger Williams founded the colony in 1636. He founded the Rhode Island colony because he was banished to England by the Massachusetts Bay colony for his beliefs in seperation of church and state, and freedom or religion. He fled and lved with the indians for a while before establishing his own colony.
  • Connecticut

    The colony was founded by Thomas Hooker along with the assistance of John Haynes and originally established for a Puritan congragation. The colony later became the scene of a bloody war between the Indians and the English know as the Pequot War. The colony of Connecticut became independent in 1776.
  • The Carolinas

    The 1st carolina colny was founded by Virginian planters, who just neede land to plant thier crops. The 2nd Carolina colony was founded by emigrants from the island of Barbados. A third Carolina colony was founded by Sir George Carteret. All the colonies were founded for economic opportunity.
  • New York

    The New York colony was named after the Duke of York who was granted the colony in 1664. The New York colony was originally setteled by the Dutch who were trading with the English colonies. The King did not like this so he sent English war ships to fight off the Dutch and england took control of the colony.
  • Pennsylvania

    The pannsylvania colony was founded by William Penn in 1682. Williams goal for the founding of Pennsylvania was to establish a colony that allowed for freedom of religion due to the deiere for protection for him and his fellow Quakers from persecution.
  • Georgia

    James Olgethrope founded the Georgia colony in 1732. The Georgia colony was founded for two reasons. Number 1 being a safe haven where debtors in prison cpuld go and start their lives over. The second reason was for georgia to serve as a barrier against spanish expansion from florida.
  • Quebec

    Quebec is a province in east-central Canada. The Province of Quebec was founded in thbe Royal Proclimation of 1763 after the Treaty of Paris formally transfered the French colony of Canada to Britian after the Swvwn Years' War.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act of 1764 was revised duties on sugar, coffee, tea, wine, and other imports. It expanded jurisdiction of vice admirality courts. Because of the Sugar Act colonist held several assembilies protesting taxation for revenue.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp act printed documents issued only on special stamped paper purchased from stamp distributions, this caused riots in cities, collectors were forced to resign, and created the Stamp Act Congress.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act stated that colonist must supply British troops with housing, food, and anything else that need. The colonist did not like this whatsoever. The New York assembly punished for failure to comply in 1767.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting where the delegats drafted petitions for colonist not to be taxed, but King George lll believed that the colonist owed Britian money so they were taxed even more.
  • Parlimentary Supremacy

    A constitutional law which gives the legislative branch of governement a right to set law as apposed to the Judicial branch. This meant that parliment could tax the colonist however much the wanted to.
  • Declararoy Act

    Parliuament declares its sovereignty over the colonies. The colonist Ignored this in celebration over the repeal of the stamp act.
  • Townshend Revenue Acts

    New duties on glass, lead, paper, paints, tea; customs collection tightened in America. Colonist did not want to import any British goods; assembilies portest, newspapers attack British policy.
  • Boston Massacure

    Colonist did not like the fact that the army was in their peaceful town, the colonist threw rocks at the soldiers, and the confusion left 5 colonist dead. The Army then retreated to an island.
  • Tea Act

    Parliament gives East India company right to sell tea directly to America. The colonist protest against favoritism shown to monopolistic company; Tea was destroyed in Boston.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the sones of liberty. The British reacted harshly and begun the American Revolution.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Closed port of Boston, Restructures Massachusetts government, troops were quartered in Boston. There was a boycott of british goods; 1st continental congress convenes.
  • First Continental Congress

    It was a meeting where delegates agreed to halt all commerence with Britian until parliment repelled the intolerable acts. The colonist then had to decide if they wanted to be under British rule or be independent.
  • Shot hear'round the world

    It was an unplanned fight between the colonist and redcoats. The colonist suffered 8 casulties amd the lost fight at Bunker Hill.
  • Lexington

    The battle was one of the first military engagements of the revolution.
  • Concord

    After the colonial army made its way through Lexington, they were headed to concord.
  • Second Continental Comgress

    Congress took control of the war. The delegates formed a continental army and George Washington was in control. The colonist began to have too much power in national council.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    The colonist wanted to be independent from Britian, so they all signed an agreement and presented it to the King. The colonist could not associate with the british anymore and vise versus or it would be considered treason.
  • Prohibitory Act

    Declares British intention to curece Americans into submission; embargo on American goods; American ships seized. This event drove continental congress closer to decision for independence.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense was an essay that systematically stripped kingship of historical and theological justification. The colonist discovered that the British monarch was not always right.
  • Trenton

    The trenton battle was the Americans (with support from the French) vs. the Hessians. Washington and his men won the battle against the Hessians.
  • Valley Forge

    The American army was struggiling for independence. The continental army suffered a tragic loss at Valley Forge.
  • Second Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was fought between the British and the Americans. America had great victory over the British when they won this war.
  • Kings Mountain

    Kings Mountain was where the Patriot militia defeated the Loyolist militia. It was more or less a battle between the north and south, and who had more control over the Americas.
  • Yorktown

    The battle of Yorktown was the final battle of the American Revolution. Cornwallis had to surrender to Washington, and the United States became more indeoendent.
  • Reconquista

    The Reconquista was a 781 year battle in whch Christians recaptured territory from the Muslims, who had occupied most of the Irabian Peninsula in the Early 8th Century.