
american history

  • jamestown

    Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, is established by the London Company in southeast Virginia.
  • the mayflower

    the mayflower
    the Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with 101 colonists. On November 11, the Mayflower Compact is signed by the 41 men, establishing a form of local government in which the colonists agree to abide by majority rule and to cooperate for the general good of the colony. The Compact sets the precedent for other colonies as they set up governments
  • harvard founded

    harvard founded
    Roger Williams founds Providence and Rhode Island. Williams had been banished from Massachusetts for "new and dangerous opinions" calling for religious and political freedoms, including separation of church and state, not granted under the Puritan rules. Providence then becomes a haven for many other colonists fleeing religious intolerance.
  • navigation act

    navigation act
    1660 - The English Crown approves a Navigation Act requiring the exclusive use of English ships for trade in the English Colonies and limits exports of tobacco and sugar and other commodities to England or its colonies.
  • Period: to

    king philip's war

    King Philip's War erupts in New England between colonists and Native Americans as a result of tensions over colonist's expansionist activities. The bloody war rages up and down the Connecticut River valley in Massachusetts and in the Plymouth and Rhode Island colonies, eventually resulting in 600 English colonials being killed and 3,000 Native Americans, including women and children on both sides. King Philip is hunte
  • yale college

    yale college
    The French establish a settlement at Detroit. In October, Yale College is founded in Connecticut.
  • queen anne

    queen anne
    Queen Anne ascends the English throne. In May, England declares war on France after the death of the King of Spain, Charles II, to stop the union of France and Spain. This War of the Spanish Succession is called Queen Anne's War in the colonies, where the English and American colonists will battle the French, their Native American allies, and the Spanish for the next eleven years.
  • Benjamin Freankil is born

    Benjamin Freankil is born
    Benjamin Franklin is born in Boston. In November, South Carolina establishes the Anglican Church as its official church.
  • Period: to

    tuscarora indian war

    Hostilities break out between Native Americans and settlers in North Carolina after the massacre of settlers there. The conflict, known as the Tuscarora Indian War will last two years.
  • the carolina colony

    the carolina colony
    the Carolina colony is officially divided into North Carolina and South Carolina. In June, the Pennsylvania assembly bans the import of slaves into that colony. In Massachusetts, the first sperm whale is captured at sea by an American from Nantucket.
  • tea and king george

    tea and king george
    1714 - Tea is introduced for the first time into the American Colonies. In August, King George I ascends to the English throne, succeeding Queen Anne.
  • new orleans

    new orleans
    New Orleans is founded by the French.
  • the gazette

    the gazette
    1729 - Benjamin Franklin begins publishing The Pennsylvania Gazette, which eventually becomes the most popular colonial newspaper.
  • baby george

    baby george
    1732 - February 22, George Washington is born in Virginia. Also in February, the first mass is celebrated in the only Catholic church in colonial America, in Philadelphia. In June, Georgia, the 13th English colony, is founded.
  • the molasses act

    the molasses act
    The Molasses Act, passed by the English Parliament, imposes heavy duties on molasses, rum and sugar imported from non-British islands in the Caribbean to protect the English planters there from French and Dutch competition.
  • england war on spain

    england war on spain
    England declares war on Spain. As a result, in America, hostilities break out between Florida Spaniards and Georgia and South Carolina colonists. Also in 1739, three separate violent uprisings by black slaves occur in South Carolina.
  • french and indian war

    french and indian war
    the French and Indian War erupts as a result of disputes over land in the Ohio River Valley. In May, George Washington leads a small group of American colonists to victory over the French, then builds Fort Necessity in the Ohio territory. In July, after being attacked by numerically superior French forces, Washington surrenders the fort and retreats.
  • population

    The population of colonists in America reaches 1,500,000. In March, much of Boston is destroyed by a raging fire. In September, Quebec surrenders to the English. In October, George III becomes the new English King.
  • sons of liberty

    sons of liberty
    the Sons of Liberty, an underground organization opposed to the Stamp Act, is formed in a number of colonial towns. Its members use violence and intimidation to eventually force all of the British stamp agents to resign and also stop many American merchants from ordering British trade goods.
  • industrialized

    During the 1800s, the United States gained much more land the West and began to become industrialized.
  • capital

    The U. S. capital is moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
  • war

    War of 1812 with Britain
  • burning

    British burn Capitol building in Washington
  • missouri compromise

    Missouri Compromise, admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Maine immediately gives right to vote and education to all male citizens. The compromise also prohibited slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of 36°30'N lat. (southern boundary of Missouri). The 36°30' proviso held until 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise.
  • jefferson

    dies shortly after 12 noon, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. He is eighty-three years old. Several hours later John Adams, aged 90, dies in Massachusetts, and the nation is struck by this remarkable coincidence. The last letter Jefferson wrote to Adams was on March 23 requesting that Adams see his grandson, which Adams did. Just before he died, Jefferson wrote the following to be read at the July 4 celebration in Virginia
  • cameras

    George Eastman takes out a patent on a flexible roll of film for use in cameras.
  • presidency

    James A. Garfield wins the presidency.
  • panema canal

    panema canal
    the building of the panama canal, begins
  • brooklyn bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge opened to the public.
  • AC

    is made by Nikola tesla
  • john

    john mair helps found sierra club
  • steelworkers

    July. Homestead (Pennsylvania) steelworkers strike; after the strikers battle with Pinkerton detectives, Governor Pattison calls in the militia. The strikers call off their strike in November.
  • X rays

    X rays
    First use of X-rays to treat breast cancer.
  • the maine

    the maine
    15 February. The explosion and sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor results in 260 deaths, leading to the battle slogan "Remember the Maine!"
  • kelley

    florence kelley helps found national consumers leage
  • albert einstein

    published thoery of relativity.
  • mckinley

    president mckinley asssinated- theodore roosevelt becomes president
  • the wright brothers

    gas motored and maned airplane
  • sanfrancisco

    earthquake kills 3,000 people died as a result of the quake and fire
  • ford

    model T in 1908. the price was $825
  • treaty

    of versailles signed
  • president

    woodrow wilson becomes president in 1912
  • WW1

    begins in europe
  • titanic

    sinks kills 1,500
  • admendment

    16th admendment est income tax