Us History Timeline

By twh4152
  • Period: to

    revolutinary war

    It started when the Brittish Coloners rebeled against Great Britin. It ended because Great Britain and the USA signed the Treaty of Paris. If we hadn't gone through this war, we would be in british teritory.
  • The Civil War ended

    The Civil War ended
    The cival war ended Appadimix court house in 1865 when the leaders of the two countrys (at that time) met and they signed a treaty. The USA was once again a whole country and slavery was abolished.
  • first telaphone

    first telaphone
    The telaphone was invented by Alexander Grahm Bell. He and another man comunicated in two diffrent rooms: Bell in one and the other guy in the other. It revolutionized comunication.
  • first modle T

    first modle T
    Henry Ford made the automobile afordable for middle class people.
  • Last state added to The US

    Last state added to The US
    Hawaii. 50th state. This compleated our journy of haveing 50 states.
  • first super bowl

    first super bowl
    It was the begining of the modern eara of football. It also gave us something to look forward to at the end of the season.
  • first man on moon

    first man on moon
    The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong by him doing that we beat the Russians to the moon.
  • 9/11

    Four planes were hijacked and crashed into the twin towers, the pentagon, and an empty field in Pensilvania. This was the most horrific attack we have ever had.
  • first black president

    first black president
    It was a simbolic end to racisim,.
  • Curiosity rover landed on mars

    Curiosity rover landed on mars
    The curiosity Rover landed on mars helping scientists discover information for 2 years.