US History Timeline

  • 1820's America

    1820's America
    this is what North America looked like in 1820. America was expanding west toward the Mexicans, while the pushing the local Native Americans to the west to the new lands designated for the Indians.
  • Missouri Compromise

    During 120 America had 11 free states and 11 slave states, with the new addition of Missouri, this would make and imbalance and give more power to either slave states or free states. so to solve this they established the Missouri Compromise, this split missouri in half and made the northern side free and southern side slave. this caused great tensions with in the state, dividing families and friends. This is a key factor to the start of the Civil war.
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    Political Culture

    After the election of Monroe the Republican Party and the federalist party collapesed. Monroe made america seem dominate with the Monroe Doctrine, yet America wasn't the superpower he thought it was yet. Andrew Jackson, a great military hero, took office in 1828. He is believed to have modernized our current policies and politics. he also forced the Indians to move our of there home lands. In the late 1840's President Polk turned america into an imperialistic society by engaging mexico in war.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine promised protection to the liberated nations of southern america, this helped our relations with the new countries in the area, but weakened them with Britain, France, and Spain. This doctrine made America appear to be a superpower, when actually the United States was weak and unorganized
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal was finished in 1825, this boosted the economy in many ways, making it easier to sell and transport goods down the Mississippi river, and also increase population along the canal and river. Cities such as Buffalo, Rochester, and Saracuse are major cities today because of this canal
  • Economic Growth

    Economic Growth: this is also an example of nontangable economic growth because this construction greatly reduces the cost of shipping and producing goods for cities and states along the Mississippi
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    Jacksonian Democracy

    1. Jacksonians believed in the Manifest destiny which stated that america should have the lands on the pacific coast as a gift from god.
    2. Jacksonians believed that luxuries should be taxed to boost the economy.
    3. Jacksonians believed that the Indians didn't fit in american society and should be expelled to what is now "Indian Territory"
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The Manifest Destiny stated that god says The United States should have control of all the land to the pacific ocean. this was a bold statement and the Mexicans felt insulted when offered large amounts of money for their land
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    Political parites

    Whigs vs. Democrats
    Whigs believed in strong education, supreme congress, and are heavy anti slavery supporters.
    Democrats believed in strong federal powers, wanted judges to be voted in, not appointed, (more democrativ government) and manifest destiny.
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    Social Reforms

    during the 1830's and 1840's Womens rights was a major topic of reform, along with Anti Slavery, and Prohibition. people such as Abigal Adams (women's rights), Henry Clay (abolitionist), and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (prohibition) were all active members of there movement and help boost the effectivness of there progress. The goals of these reforms was to rid America of its social differences and tolerate all people, uniting America and its people
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    during this time period the USA transformed into a machine production society. changing the former means of production and making things less expensive and easier to produce. This was essential to the growth of Northern United states cities such as New York and Boston.
  • New Religions

    New Religions
    Joseph Smith founded the new religion of Mormanism, believing in a utopian city in Missouri, then changing the location to Illinios, and later Utah. this is an example of social reform because people started having independent practaces of religion, and more and more religions started to be founded. This inspired people to speak out against slavery as well.
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    Polk's Presidency

    During Polks presidency he expanded america's western and southern border. This helped us greatly, but it was very contraversial. To attain the land we had to go to war with Mexico, we did this by sending our troops to the border and antagonizing the mexicans to attack. we defeated the mexicans in 1848 and took most of their northern territory. giving us California, Colorado, Utah, Nevade, and Colorado, we later purchased the rest of the terrirtory of new mexico and arizona
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    Mexican American War

    America declared war on mexico in 1846 and easily defeated the mexicans and signed the Treaty of Guadaluope hadalgo in 1848 ending the war, this gave america control of most of mexico's north wester territory, the US later purchaced the rest of mexico's territory in the Gladsdon purchase. The new Borders between texas and mexico were now officially the Rio Grande River. The Natives of these new American States were granted full citizen ship but this wasn't the case for most mexicans.
  • Gold Rush!

    Gold Rush!
    James Marshall finds gold in california and news spreads to the east, an estimated 300,000 pepole flocked to California inserch of wealth. This helped make California a state in no time. San Francisco had 200 residents in 1846 and in 1852 it had 36,000!
  • Shakers

    During the 1800's many religions were formed, all had many characteristics of Modern Cults. They all believed in a holy land that was somewhere in the united states that would be a utopia and protect them and keep them safe forever. Also they all were critizised and singled out for following there own religious path. Making them all outcasts in society.
  • Treadty of Fort Laramie

    Treadty of Fort Laramie
    Americans were scared of the indians possibly attacking the people passing thorugh the trails so the government agreed to pay the indians in exchange for the land rights.