US History Semester Final

  • Period: to

    Manifest Destiny

    Expand US throughout North America
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Added to U.S
  • Emancipation Proclamation issued

    Emancipation Proclamation issued
    Free slaves
  • Period: to


    Rebuild southern staes
  • Passed 14th amendment

    Passed 14th amendment
    African Americans have "equal rights"
  • Period: to

    Guilded Age

    Industry growth
  • Passed 15th amendment

    Passed 15th amendment
    Everyone can vote
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    U.S worst defeat against indians
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Restrict Chinese immigrants
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Give away tribal land
  • Period: to


    Advance technology and economic development
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    fight between U.S army and indians
  • Carnegie Steel founded

    Carnegie Steel founded
    Largest and most powerful steel compamy
  • Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani

    Overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani
    Take over Hawaii
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    Court case ruled everyone "seperate but equal"
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    Spain and US fought over Cuba's independence
  • Period: to

    U.S Imperialism

    U.S influence on other countries
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    Equal trade with China
  • Trust-busting

    Break up big cooperations into little ones
  • Panama canal

    Panama canal
    Shorten distances
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Poor working conditions
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist fire
    Result from lacking fire escapes
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    Child labor restrictions
  • Standard Oil Strike

    Standard Oil Strike
    Stop working for higher wages
  • Prohibition protests

    Prohibition protests
    Get alcohol banned
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Women voting