Giving inanimate objects spirits. They saw them as being wonders and sought to be one with nature -
Mar 31, 1521
Protestant Reformation
Religious movement by Luther to reform the catholic church form its corruption. He saw it as greedy and created the Protestants. -
Mar 31, 1531
Was a big thing during this time. Said that no matter what you did on earth it was already determined where you would end up. -
Anne Hutchinson
Born in England, she moved over to America to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She was a rare women leader. Became a person of influence on the colony, she was exiled to Rhode Island because she claimed to have tales to God. -
It was the first American Colony. A large part of the settlers were a part of the Church of England -
German movement in the Lutheran church stressing person piety and devotion. -
Largely came from Martin Luther's ideals, started in Germany because he thought catholic church was corrupt. -
People who wanted a different religion than what the government of their area was enforcing. -
Came over from England to get away from church of England and the persecution. -
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Puritans, they did not allow religious tolerance at all. First real major religious colony. -
John Winthrop
He was part of the Puritan faith. He came over from England. He was governor of the Mass. colony, he wrote a "Model of Christian Charity" -
Roger Williams
First Preacher in Salem. He was eventually exiled and he moved to Rhode Island to start his own colony. -
Maryland Colony
Was founded by Lord John Baltimore. He promised religious freedoms to Catholics. Became a Catholic colony. -
Started in America and the Maryland Colony. It was a return to the practices and beliefs of the Catholic Church -
Founding of Rhode Island
Became a colony of people exiled from Massachusetts, the baptist church started here. -
Toleration Act
Known as the Act concerning Religion. Mandated that there will be religious tolerance for the Trinitarian churches -
Execution of Mary Dyer
First Puritan to be hung because she broke some of their laws. They were really big on obedience. -
Was a radical protestant sect. They wanted to bring back the simplicity to Christianity -
Wiliam Penn
Was given land by King James. He named it Pennsylvania and allowed a safe place of religious tolerance. -
Salem Witch Trials
Happened in Massachusetts, accused people of consulting with the devil. They sentenced many people to death, started the decline of Puritans. -
Was a western way of thinking. Criticized religion and the need for such institutions. It was a time of improvement of the poor conditions. -
Southern Baptist
Were largely African Americas, they had to make their own church because of the how people viewed them. Supported freedom of slaves. -
Johnathan Edwards
American theologist, started religious renewal known as the great awakening, he also wrote "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God -
1st Great Awakening
Was a pat of a greater movement that started in Europe. Religion started to take a new vital role in peoples lives. Started with Puritans in Pennsylvania. William Tennent started it. -
John Wesley
He was a preacher who started in Georgia. He later founded the methodist church -
George Whitefeild
Traveling preacher throughout the Great Awakening. His preaching style provoked and emotional response when he preached -
New Lights
New religious movement, embraced revival and made religions with a new more modern way of thinking. -
Old lights
Orthodox members had older ways of toning. Didn't need religious revival. -
They would worship by dancing. Thought it was Adam and Eve's sexual lust that got them thrown out so they didn't have sex. They didn't last very long because of this. -
Virginia State for Religious Freedom
Was authored by Jefferson. It served as a pre-cursor for the Constitution and the religious freedoms it promised. -
2nd Great Awakening
Another religious revival. Methodism and Baptists were a fast growing religion due to this. Helped women and African Americans gain social status. -
African Methodist Episcopal
First African American Protestant church. Had to be their own because of the segregation. -
Republic of Motherhood
Mothers taught their daughters democratic beliefs and that normally came trough religion. -
Cane Ridge Camp Meeting
2nd Great Awakening. Was a several day sermon. Everyone was very impressed, was the first point when churches started to groom for members. -
Brigham Young
He took over as head of the Mormon church when Joseph Smith dies. He lead the saints on their trek to Salt Lake City. -
Separation of Church and State
Came about because of the constitution. Thought that church and state should be separate things. -
Joseph Smith
Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Published the Book of Mormon and he was martyred. -
Ralf Waldo Emerson founded it. Believe that humans did better when they were alone and independent stressed becoming one with nature. -
John Joseph Huges
Part of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the 4th bishop and and archbishop of New York, -
Mormon Trek
It was a trek across the United States in order to escape persecution. It was a hard journey and many lives were lost. -
Council of Fifty
Brigham Young came to this council and said that it would be impossible to convert the Native Americans. -
John Huges
Under direction if the pope attacked abolitionists. Showed that christianity and the pope supported slavery. -
Was a place for evangelical men to go workout. Kept them physically fit and was a place for comradely. -
William Miller
American Preacher, who began the Adventism movement. -
Klu Klux Klan
Was a movement that used religion to harass and kill many African Americans. -
Social Gospel
Required social as well as individual salvation and sought for the betterment of the industrial society. They did this through the application of biblical ideals such as Charity and Justice. -
Ulysses S Grant made Christmas and official holiday. -
Old immigrants
Brought the Puritan and new lights religion with them. They didn't like the the new immigrants -
Dwight Moody
Embraced Social Gospel and thought if it as a good charitable thing. -
New Immigrants
They were from Eastern Europe and when they came over their brought their culture. This was a cause for contention. A lot of them were catholics. -
Progressive Era
Response to the industrialization. Started because of the social gospel movement. They fought for improvements for the common laborer. -
Billy Graham
Was a very popular preacher at the time. He was one of the first televised preachers and gained a lot of followers that way. -
Scopes Monkey Trial
Scopes attempted to try and teach evolution in schools. He was prosecuted for this because it didn't align with the law of God. -
Minerville v Gobitas
Was a decision by the supreme court to allow religious private schools. -
Brown v Braunfeild
Case said that Pennsylvania law tat prohibited the selling of goods on Sundays was legal, separating church and state. -
Engle v Vitale
Held that public schools couldn't make students say prayers. Went with first amendment and the freedom to religion. -
Conservative Resurgence Movement
The return to a view of rightful authority by the convention. Largely grass roots people, really took off when Reagan became president. -
Westside Community Schools v Mergens
Schools could allow schools to meet on campus to discuss religious items. Once again part of the freedom to religion.