Because of the increase in immagrants, more students were enrolling in school. Taxes to finance the schools increased and school costs doubled -
The Eighteenth Amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. This led to a decrease in domestic abuse and job accidentes, but an increase in crime. -
Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was a literary and artistic movement of the 1920's, celebrating African-American culture. -
Model T Ford
The Model T was invented by Henery Ford and was being sold for $290. It became the backbone of the economy. -
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
America adopted the Fordney-McCumber Tariff, which raised taxes on U.S. imports to 60%. It protected U.S. buisnesses from foreign competition. -
The Seperation of Church and State
Tennessee passed a law that made it illegal to teach evolution. -
The Scopes Trial
John Scopes, a biology teacher, taught his class about evolution, which was illegal. It was a large controversy, but eventually he was found guilty and charged with a $100 fine. -
Solo Flight Across the Atlantic
Charles Lindbergh was the first solo piolet to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. -
Flight Across the Atlantic
Amelia Earhart was the first woman passenger to fly across the Atlantic. -
Black Tuesdsay
Stock market crash -
Japan conquers Manchuria, in northern China. -
Federal Securities Act
Required corporations to provide complete information on all stocj offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentaions. -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president. -
Emergancy Banking Act
Banking Holiday where unsuccessful banks were closed. -
Federal Housing Administration
The National Housing Aact created the Federal Housing Administation which still continues to give loans for home mortgages and repairs today. -
George Herman "Babe" Ruth, Jr
babe ruth broke the homerun record for carrer high 714 homeruns -
Wagner Act
The Wagner Act or National Labor Relations Act replaced the NIRA after it was found unconstitiutional. It reestablished the NIRA provision of collective barganing. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
This Corp put young men aged 18 - 25 to work doing community projects. By 1942, when the program ended, almost 3 million young men were involved in the CCC. -
National Youth Administration
The NYA was created to provide education, jobs, counseling, and recreation for young people. -
World war ll
the battle of war world war ll begins -
The RAF shot down over 185 German planes and only lost 26 aircrafts. -
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, and Japan had signed the Tripartite Pact and became known as the Axis Powers. -
The Selective Training and Service Act
Congress passed the nation's first peacetime military draft. 16 million men between the ages of 21 and 35 were registered. -
Lend-Lease Act
The president could lend and lease arms and other supplies to "any country whose defense was vital to the U.S." -
Navy Attack
President Roosevelt granted the navy permission for U.S warships to attack German U-boats in self-defense. -
Atlantic Charter
extention of the draft -
A German Submarine fired on the U.s. destroyer, Greer. Roosevelt ordered the navy commander to shoot the submarine on sight. -
The Attack on Pearl Harbor
The Japanese launched a dive-bomber and 180 warplanes on Pearl Harbor. -
Automobile production for private use was put to a stop. -
The Women's Auxiliary Army COrps was created so thar women volunteers could serve in noncombat positions. -
African Americans
African Americans could finally participate in combat roles. -
FDR's Death
FDR did not get to see V-E Day be cause on April 12, 1945, he suffered from a survere stroke and passed away. Harry Truman became the nation's 33rd president. -
Untied Nations
The representatives of 50 nations mt in San Fransisco to establice a new peacekeeping body. -
Unconditional Surrender
General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. It is celebrated as V-E Day or Victory in Europe Day. The was in Europe had finally ended. -
United Nation's Carter
Aafter two months of debation, the delegates of the now UN signed the charter which esablished the United Nations. -
Hydrogen Bomb
U.S. President, Truman, orders the construction of the hydrogen bomb. -
Senator Joseph McCarthy begains communist witch hunt. -
Korean War
The Korean Was had begun. It was a three year conflict between North and South Korea. -
DNA was discovered for the first time. -
Julius and Ethel Rosenburg became the first U.S citizens to be executed for espianoge. -
Joseph Stalin died. -
Warsaw pact was signed. The iron curtian was established. -
Hungarian War
Hungary wanted to become independent for the Warsaw Pact whichled to a disagreement. -
The first transatlantic telephone cable was established. -
Soviet Satelite, Sputnik, was launched into space. First satelite. They beat the U.S. to it. -
Satelite Failure
The first U.S. satelite was a failure. It exploded on the launch pad. This humiliated the United States and made the Soviets appear more advanced. -
Explorer I
The first U.S. satelite was launched in to space. -
NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created.. -
Alaska and Hawaii
Alaska and Hawaii officially become part of the United States of America. -
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, a national protest group, was organized. -
Election of 1960
John F. Kennedy is elected to the presidential office. -
Freedom Riders
The Freedom Riders began a bus ride through the South to protest segregation. -
Bay of Pigs
The "Bay of Pigs" invaded Cuba using trained Cuban exiles under the direction of the United States government to overthrow Fidel Castro. This was a complete fail. -
King arrested
Martin Luther King, Jr., was arrested during a demonstration along with a small band of members. While in jail, he wrote a letter to white religious leaders. -
The Dream of Equality
More than 250,000 people gathered for King Jr.'s speach where he appealed for peace and racial harmony. -
End of the Baby Boom
The Baby Boom lasted from 1946 to 1964. It esulted in nearly 77.3 million births. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
President Johnson signed the act which prhibited discrimination due to race, religion, national origin, and gender. -
U.S. Congress on Civil Rights
The U.S. Congress on Civil Rights is passed. It banned discrimination in jobs, voting and accommodations.