By AidelW
  • 1889

    Hull-House, a settlement house, opens in Chicago
  • 1894

    The Republic of Hawaii is proclaimed
  • 1895

    Cuban insurrection breaks out against Spain rule
  • 1898

    U.S. battleship Maine explodes in Havana Harbor
  • 1898

    War of 1898
  • 1898

    The U.S annexes Hawaii
  • 1899

    The U.S. Senate ratifies the Treaty of Paris, ending the war of 1898
  • Period: to

    1899 - 1902

    Filipino insurgents resist U.S. domination
  • 1900

    Army Yellow Fever Commission confirms the cause of yellow fever
  • 1900

    International alliance quells the Boxer Rebellion
  • Period: to


  • 1902

    Theodore Roosevelt attempts to arbitrate the coal strike
  • 1902

    Justice Department breaks up Northern Securities Company
  • 1903

    Panamanians revolt against Columbia
  • 1903

    Congress passes the Elkins Act
  • 1903

    Wright Brothers fly the first airplane
  • 1903

    Ford Motor Company is founded
  • 1905

    Russo-Japanese War
  • 1905

    First movie house opens
  • 1906

    Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle is published
  • 1906

    Congress passes the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and
    Drug Act
  • 1907

    The great White Fleet circumnavigates the globe in a demonstration of America's rise to world-power status.
  • 1908

    Supreme Court issues Muller v. Oregon decision
  • 1909

    William Taft is inaugurated president
  • 1910

    Congress passes the Mann-Elkins Act
  • 1910

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is
  • 1911

    Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire
  • 1913

    Congress passes the Federal Reserve Act
  • 1914

    Panama Canal opens
  • 1914

    Congress passes the Clayton Anti-Trust Act
  • 1914

    United States intervenes in Mexico
  • 1914

    World War I begins in Europe
  • 1915

    British liner Lusitania, with Americans aboard, is
    torpedoed without warning by a German submarine
  • 1916

    Louis Brandeis is nominated to fill a seat on the Supreme Court
  • 1916

    Congress passes the National Defense Act
  • 1916

    Marcus Garvey brings to New York the Universal Negro Improvement Association
  • 1917

    March - Zimmermann telegram reveals that Germany is
    attempting to incite Mexico to enter the war against the
    United States
  • 1917

    April - United States enters the Great War
  • 1918

    January - Woodrow Wilson delivers his Fourteen Points speech
  • 1918

    November 11th - Representatives of warring nations sign armistice
  • 1919

    Supreme Court issues Schenck v. United States decision
  • 1919

    May - Treaty of Versailles is presented to the Germans
  • 1919

    Race riots break out in Chicago
  • 1919

    U.S. attorney general launches Red Scare
  • 1920

    Nineteenth Amendment, guaranteeing women’s suffrage, is ratified
  • 1920

    Prohibition begins
  • 1920

    F. Scott Fitzgerald’s This Side of Paradise is published
  • 1921

    Albert Einstein receives the Nobel Prize in physics
  • 1921

    July - Joint resolution of Congress officially ends the war
    among the United States, Germany, and Austria-Hungary
  • 1921

    Congress passes the Emergency Immigration Act
  • 1921

    Representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France,
    Italy, and Japan attend the Washington Naval Conference
  • 1922

    T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land is published
    First radio commercial is aired
  • 1922

    United States begins sending observers to the League of
    Benito Mussolini comes to power in Italy
  • 1923

    President Warren G. Harding dies in office
  • 1924

    Congress passes the Immigration Act
  • 1925

    Scopes “monkey trial” tests the teaching of evolution in Tennessee
    public schools
  • 1927

    Charles Lindbergh Jr. makes first solo transatlantic flight
  • 1928

    Herbert Hoover is elected president
    More than sixty nations sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact pledging not to go to war with one another, except in matters of
  • 1929

    October 29th - Stock market crashes
  • 1930

    Congress passes the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
  • 1932

    Congress sets up the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
  • 1932

    Congress passes the Glass-Steagall Act
  • 1933

    Bonus Expeditionary Force converges on Washington to
    demand payment of bonuses promised to war veterans
  • March 1933

    Congress passes the Emergency Banking Relief Act
    Congress passes the Beer-Wine Revenue Act
    Congress establishes the Civilian Conservation Corps
  • May 1933

    Congress creates the Tennessee Valley Authority
  • June 1933

    Congress establishes the Federal Deposit Insurance
  • November 1933

    Congress creates the Civil Works Administration
  • 1933

    Adolf Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
  • 1935

    President Roosevelt creates the Works Progress
    Congress passes the Wagner Act
  • 1937

    Social Security goes into effect
  • 1937

    Panay incident
  • 1938

    Hitler forces the Anschluss (union) of Austria and Germany
  • 1939

    John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath is published
  • 1939

    Soviet Union agrees to a nonaggression pact with Germany
  • September 1939

    German troops invade Poland
  • 1940

    Richard Wright’s Native Son is published
  • 1940

    Battle of Britain
  • September 1940

    Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact
  • December 7, 1941 J

    Japanese launch surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
  • June 1942

    Battle of Midway
  • January 1943

    Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff
    meet at Casablanca
  • July 1943

    Allied forces land on Sicily
  • 1943

    Roosevelt and Churchill meet Stalin, in Tehran
  • June 6, 1944

  • 1944

    Congress passes the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill
    of Rights)
  • 1944

    Congress passes the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
    (GI Bill of Rights)
  • February 1945

    Yalta Conference
  • April 1945

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies; Hitler commits suicide
  • May 8, 1945

    V-E day
  • August 1945

    Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • September 2, 1945

    Japanese surrender
  • April 1945

    Fifty nations at war with the Axis Powers sign the United
    Nations Charter
  • 1947

    Congress passes the Taft-Hartley Labor Act
  • 1947

    National Security Council (NSC) is established
  • May 1948

    Israel is proclaimed an independent nation
  • July 1948

  • October 1948

    Allied forces begin airlifting supplies to West Berlin
  • November 1948

    Truman defeats Dewey in the presidential election
  • 1949

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is created
  • 1949

    China “falls” to communism
  • 1950

    United States and other UN members go to war in Korea
  • 1952

    Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man is published
  • June 1953

    Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are executed
  • July 1953

    Armistice is reached in Korea
  • April–June 1954

    Army-McCarthy hearings are televised
  • 1954

    Supreme Court issues ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
  • July 1954

    Geneva Accords adopted
  • December 1955

    Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott begins
  • 1956

    In Suez War, Israel, Britain, and France attack Egypt
    Hungarian revolt against the Warsaw Pact is quickly
  • 1957

    Federal troops ordered to protect students attempting to
    integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas
    Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1
    Jack Kerouac’s On the Road is published
    Baby boom peaks
  • 1960

    U-2 incident reveals that the United States is flying spy
    planes over the Soviet Union