us history class

  • decleration of independace

    the sighning of the declaration of independance.
  • the constitution

    the federal convention met
  • the constitution

    seven states were obtained
  • ratification

    the constituion was ratified
  • the constitution

    the first congress of the US preposed to the state legistatures 12 emendments
  • the constitution

    the first 10 amendments of the constitution, known as the bill of rights.
  • battle of fort sumter

    the battle of fort sumter is the battle that started the amarican civil war.
  • battle of gettysburg

    the battle of gettysburg was a battle that took place during the civil war.
  • th ebattle of little big horn

    the battle of little big horn was another battle that took place during the civil war
  • the great depresion

    people lost the jobs, and went into poverty, it was a dark time in US history.
  • apollo 11 moon landing

    apollo 11 was the first spaceship to ever land on the moon.
  • twin tower attack

    two plains crashed into the twin towers, causing them to fall and crumble. thousands lost there lives.
  • my birthday

    Aislyn Taylor was born
  • inuaguration of Barak Obama

    our curent presadent was inuagurated