World war 2

  • George Marshall

    George Catlett Marshall, Jr was an American statesman and soldier. He was chief of staff of the United States Army under president Franklin d. Roosevelt and Harry s. Truman, and served as security of state and secretary of defense, under Truman.
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    Omar Bradley

    Omar Bradley , nickname Brad, was a highly distinguished senior officer of the United States Army who saw distinguished service in North Africa and western Europe during ww2 and later became general of the army
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    Victory corps

    Purpose of this organization was to prepare high school students to aid in the war effort on the name front and the front lines. Both girls and boys white and black participated . Students learned about machinery , fundamental of electricity, radios, canning food. Areonauties ,first aid, and other pertinent topics to help toward the was effort.
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    Axis power

    The alliance of the axis powers began to form in 1936. An even stronger alliance was signed between Germany and Italy on may 22, 1939 called the pact of steel. This treaty would later be called the tripartite pact when Japan signed it on September 27, 1940. Now the three main axis powers were allies in the war against the allies powers (America,British,Russia).
  • red cross

    red cross played a very important role in ww2 by helping they gave bond money to the u.s. to free american war prisoners. the red cross and the victory corps volunteered and made troops bandages,knitted socks, and collection book to raise money for bonds of war prisoners. red cross raise over 185 billion dollars
  • Lend lease program

    Provided for military aid to countries whose defense was vital to the security of the United States. They shipped out weapons and food to other countries. Payment is not required for any items that are lost or destroyed. Any property that are survivies and is suitable for civilian use must be paid in full.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan wanted to solve their economic and demographic problems they tried to expand into China, American officials responded to this aggression.
    2,335 military personnel were killed

    Bombs destroyed many ships
    Roosevelt said in response " a date which we will live in infamy".
  • war bonds

    Knows as debt securities for the purpose of financing military operations during war time the bonds yield a mere 2.9 percent return after a 10 year maturity living in the united states with a median income during ww2 meant earning about 2000 a year despite the war's hardship 159 million americans were asked to purchased war bonds to help fund the war stamps also could be purchased starting at 10 cents to save toward the bond.
  • waves

    during ww2 waves was a acronym for women accepted for volunteer emergency service waves let women work on planes in the continental u.s.
  • allied powers

    In ww2 the allies included Britain France the soviet union and the united states the second world war opposing alliance pitted strong democracies against totalitarian regimes the conflict and the two sets of alliances can be seen as representing a struggle between freedom and tyranny although there was some movement between the two alliances.
  • Dwight D. eisenhower

    was the 34th president of the USA prior to his presidency Eisenhower was a life long military man commanding the D-day evasion while serving as supreme allied commander in europe during ww2
  • Douglas MacArthur

    American five star general and field Marshall of the Philippine army
    Chief staff of the united states army during 1930's
  • volunteerism of ww2

    the victory crops was an american program. during ww2 that provided training to male and female HS students focused on skills relevant to the war effort raged from phys conditioning to specialskills depending on the desired branch of armed forces.
  • Tuskegee airmen

    were the 1st group of american fighter pilots in the u.s. army crops ww2 the army had relight using black men as pilots they created a segregated unit for them.