Period: to
Time span 1
This is the time span for this timeline. Since the assignment was to create a time span for this period, I have done it. This time period encompasses the years between 1877 and 2011. -
Thomas Edison Invents the Incandescent Light Bulb
Edison made his first demonstration of his incandescent light bulb in Menlo Park. During this demonstration, he said: "We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." URL: shorturl.at/gjmxZ -
Boston Completes the First Subway System
When Boston completes the first subway system, it is yet another piece helping workers to live farther from the city's core. URL: shorturl.at/lvAF3 -
Spanish- American War
The United States declares full and open warfare on Spain when president McKinley asks Congress to use military force in Cuba. URL: shorturl.at/gjAMY -
Hawaii is Annexed- Imperialization of the US
The Hawaii islands were annexed into the United States. William McKinley signed the Newlands Resolution, which provided for the annexation of Hawaii. URL: shorturl.at/pvGN6 -
The Panama Canal is Taken Over by the United States
The Panama canal was originally started in 1881 by the French. After much debate with the British, the United States takes over construction. URL: shorturl.at/ntAIZ -
The US Enters World War I
The United States joins World War I after Germany began to sink many trade ships, killing American citizens. URL: shorturl.at/hsJS0 -
The Treaty of Versailles is Signed
World War I is ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The Allies were extremely strict toward Germany, setting many restrictions against them. Ultimately, this strictness would go to cause WWII. URL: shorturl.at/xDFJV -
Women Get the Vote- Feminism
Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the 19th amendment, making it ratified in the Constitution. URL: shorturl.at/ezEFG -
The Stock Market Crashes
Investors have been selling their stocks at enormous rates, causing the market to crash. Stock prices drop astronomically, and the Great Depression looms. URL: shorturl.at/iqQRZ -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Becomes President
FDR, the inventor of the new deal, is inaugurated, and is a ferocious opponent to the Great Depression, giving pensions to the old, and creating social security. URL: shorturl.at/yJRT2 -
The US Enters World War II
The United States, after being attacked by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, declare war on Japan. Doing this causes Nazi Germany and its Axis allies to declare war on the United States. URL: shorturl.at/uxVZ9 -
The US Drops the Atomic Bomb
Three days after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. It used plutonium neutron-gun device, known as the "fat man". URL: shorturl.at/gpGL2 -
The Korean War Begins
The US intervenes between the Soviet influenced communist North Korea, and the democratic South Korea. URL: shorturl.at/efzDO -
The Vietnam War Begins
The war between the US allied with South Vietnam and North Vietnam begins. it is the second longest war the US has ever been in even today. URL: shorturl.at/tJXZ3 -
Rosa Parks Incites a Revolution- Civil Rights
When told too move to the back of a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks starts the Civil Rights movement by refusing. URL: shorturl.at/yK017 -
I Have a Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. made the speech which many people today see as the summary of the Civil Rights movement. URL: shorturl.at/cvCFH -
Watergate Scandal
5 men were arrested after breaking into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, and the burglars were carrying wiretaps. This event begun to expose a complex cover-up in Nixon's administration, called the Watergate Scandal. URL: shorturl.at/gvPSY -
Ronald Reagan Takes Office
President Ronald Reagan, a former actor, is inaugurated as the 40th president of the United States. This is a great step for conservative republicans, who had seen politics go the way of the liberals. URL: shorturl.at/JOW29 -
Microsoft Windows 1.0 is Released
Bill Gates starts his way to becoming the richest person in America with Windows 1.01, which was used in Apple's Macintosh, the first PC to be used with a graphical user interphase (GUI). URL: shorturl.at/agoMX -
The Internet is Released to the Public- Global Communication
Originally under military control, the internet is a vast collection of data. It is released from military control, but still had many restrictions until 1995. URL: shorturl.at/bhAB4 -
The Soviet Union Collapses- Communism
The Soviet Union, which had for the past 40 years been locked in a Cold War with the US, splits into multiple countries, marking the fall of the USSR, and the victory of the US in the Cold War. This was a great blow for Communism. URL:shorturl.at/nrM36 -
Bill Clinton Takes Office
Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president of the United States. He is well known for not conducting himself with honour in his position of power, as he had an affair with a white house intern while president! URL: shorturl.at/bfqsB