US history 2

By epum
  • Invention of the Fort Model T

  • Zimmerman Telegram

  • WW1 Armstice

  • 19th amendment added.

  • Lindbergh's first flight

  • black thursday

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    The New Deal

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

  • The Munich Pact

  • Hitler's forces invade Poland

  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

  • D-Day

  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing.

  • UN formation

  • The Long Telegram

    8,000 words... yep, that's pretty long.
  • NATO forms

  • Russians get an atomic bomb.

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    The Korean War

  • Brown v Board of Education

    the court finally banned racial segregation in schools.
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    The Vietnam War

  • Rosa Parks

    she was rad.
  • the Cuban Missile Crisis

  • JFK assassinated

    avoid open-topped vehicles
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

    probably too much power for this one guy to have alone.
  • Apollo 11 Mood landing!

    we put people on the moon! THE MOON!
  • Watergate Break-ins happen.

  • Nixon resigns

    good riddance.
  • Internet invented.

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    took them long enough.
  • The 9/11 attacks

    The Twin Towers fell, killing thousands. we got the people behind it, but that doesn't change our loss. I hope to one day visit the memorial. another plane hit the pentagon, and one nearly hit the white house, but A passenger named Todd Beamer allegedly stopped it. a hero to be sure.
    never forget.
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    The Covid-19 Pandemic

    A lot changed as Covid swept over the country and the entire world. the president seemed to make no attempt to stop it or even ease it at the time. I have many opinions on this matter, but I will not express them here. I was there, and so were you. we're still recovering from our own hubris, and I'm just glad I made it through alright. Covid is still officially a pandemic, so I'll put down 2024 as the end date.