The First U Boat Was Created
The first U boat 3 man submarine was created in Germany. -
The Bessemer Process
It allowed for the mass production of steel. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
Gold was discovered in Pikes Peak which led to the Gold Rush. -
The Homestead Act
It gave present and future citizens public land to live and build on as long as they paid a small registration fee. -
Morrill Land Grant Act
It set aside federal land so that colleges could be built to "benefit the agricultural and mechanical arts". -
The Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
It was the completion of the transcontinental railroad, which spanned from one end of the country to the other, and was one of our biggest achievements. -
The Battle of Little Bighorn
This battle took place between US troops and the Lakota and Plain Indians due to a broken land treaty. -
The Farmers' Alliance Was Created
They sought to improve conditions for farmers through advocacy. -
Thomas Edison Invented the Light-bulb
Thomas Edison created the first light bulb. -
The Carlisle Boarding School Was Established
The Carlisle Boarding school was founded, which was an off the reservation boarding school for indigenous people. -
The Chinese Exclusion Act
It restricted the amount of Chinese immigrants allowed in America. -
Edison Lights Up NYC
Edison and his company flipped the switch on his Pearl Street Power Station which provided hundreds of homes with electricity. -
The Statue of Liberty Was Built
The Statue of Liberty was built and was given to America as a gift from the French. -
The American Federation of Labor Was Created
It was made to unite workers from a variety of trades and allow the resources needed to support unions in the workplace. -
The Interstate Commerce Act Was Passed
It granted Congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign countries and between the states, along with regulating railroad rates. -
The Dawes Act
It restricted reservation land rights and separated reservations into small land parcels which were given out to the people. -
Alfred T Mahan Wrote His Book on Sea Power
He wrote a published a novel stating the importance of sea power. -
The Sherman Anti-Trade Act Was Passed
An act was passed that outlawed monopolistic business practices. -
Jacob Riis Published 'How The Other Half Lives'
Jacob Riis published a book of photos showing the differences in living situations between the middle and upper class, and the poor. -
The Wounded Knee Massacre Took Place
US troops slaughtered nearly 300 Lakota Indians at Wounded Knee Creek. -
Fredrick Jackson Turner Wrote Essays on Settling the West
He wrote a thesis which proclaimed that the availability of unsettled land throughout America was an important factor in determining national development. -
The Pullman Strike
There was a walkout at the Pullman Palace Car Company due to a failed negotiation over wages that happened during the Great Depression. -
Plessy v.s Ferguson
It allowed for the "separate but equal" decision, and stated that segregation laws were not against the constitution. -
The Spanish American War Begins
The Americans sided with Cuba and fought against the Spanish. -
Holden v.s Hardy
The government decided a limitation on working times for minors and smelters was constitutional. -
Hawaii is Annexed From the US
The Hawaii islands were officially annexed by the US. -
The Philippine Islands Were Annexed
The US paid Spain 20 million to annex the Philippians. -
The Newlands Reclamation Act Was Passed
It was an irrigation act that led to dams built on almost every western river and gave incentive for farmers to purchase more land to use. -
The Panama Canal Was Built
This allowed goods to be shipped quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. -
Lochner vs. New York
New York law states there was a maximum of hours bakers could work a week and the courts held it unconstitutional and said it violated the bakers rights to freedom. -
Sinclair Published 'The Jungle'
Upton Sinclair published his book The Jungle which became a best seller and shed light on the poor working conditions and corruption in the meat industry. -
The Pure Food and Drug Act Was Passed
It prohibited the sale of adulterated drug or food. -
Muller v.s Oregon
It upheld an Oregon law that female workers had a 10 hour a day work limit. Muller was fined $10 and when he tried to apeal it the courts held the law as constitutional. -
The NAACP Was Founded
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded as a civil rights organization to fight for justice for African American people. -
The 17th Amendment
It modified article 1, section 3 of the constitution and allowed voters to cast direct votes for US senators. -
Ford Implements First Moving Assembly Line
Henry Ford and his employees implemented the moving assembly line at their plant. -
The Federal Reserve Act is Passed
It was created to establish economic stability by introducing a federal bank to oversee monetary policy. -
The First World War Starts
The US declared war on the Austria-Hungary empire who at the time were allied with Germany. -
The Clayton Antitrust Act
It worked to get rid of monopolies within companies and banned certain discriminatory prices and services. -
Lusitania Sunk
The Lusitania was a British ship that was torpedoed by the German navy. -
The US enters WW1
The US officially declares war on Germany. -
The Selective Service Act Was Passed
It allowed the US government to temporarily expand the military using conscription. -
WW1 Ends
WW1 officially ends. -
The 18th Amendment
It established the prohibition of alcohol in the US. -
The 19th Amendment
It granted American women the right to vote. -
The Immigration Quota Act
It limited the amount of immigrants allowed into the US. -
The National Origins Act
It gave a quota to the number of immigrants allowed in from Asia. -
The Scopes Trial
I teachers was brought to trail because he went against his states Butler Act which didn't allow teachers to teach evolution.