U-Boats Were Created
The first submarine built in Germany sank to the bottom of Kiel Harbor. -
Bessemer Process
The first inexpensive industrial process for mass producing steel from molten pig iron before the development of the open hearth furnace. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
Known as the Pikes Peak Gold Rush, it was a time when gold was very profitable and miners rushed to get a share of gold found in Pike Peaks Country. -
Homestead Act
Anyone who had never borne arms against the U.S. could claim 160 acres of surveyed land. -
Morrill Land Grant Act
Made it possible for states to establish public colleges funded by associated federal land grants. -
Transcontinental Railroad Completed
The transcontinental railroad connected the eastern railworks to the west coast of the United States. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
General Custer and around 200 of his men were attacked by nearly 3000 indians. They were all dead within in hour. -
Farmers Alliance Created
Was an organized agrarian econmic movement among american farmers -
Thomas Edison Invents the Lightbulb
Edison invented the first electric power light source. A revolutionary breakthrough. -
Carlisle School Established
Boarding school made for Indians -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Prohibited the immigration of all Chinese laborers for 10 years with some exceptions. -
Thomas Edison Lights Up NYC
Manhattan was the first city to be illuminated by the newfound lightbulb, bringing a new era of urban illumnation. -
American Federation of Labor Founded
An organizations that focused on obtaining the right to collectively bargain for wages, hours, etc. -
Dawes Act
Authorized the President to break up of reservation land, which was held in common by the members of a tribe, to be parceled out as small allotments. -
Interstate Commerce Act is Passed
Designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly their monopolistic practices. Required that railroad rates be reasonable and just. -
Riis Book is Published
Jacob Riis book "How The Other Half Lives" was published, detailing the lives of the people who lived in poverty. -
Alfred T Mahan Writes Book on Sea Power
Mahan wrote a book on how sea power led to the rise of the British Empire from 1660-1783 -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
This act was passed in order to stop the many growing monopoly businesses using free competition. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
American troops slaughtered nearly 300 indians inhabiting the land near Wounrd Knee Creek, South Dakota -
Frederick Turner Jackson Writes About Settling the West
Jackson wrote about how the western frontier of the United States should be settled because of the hardships the people currently faced. -
Pullman Strike
Widespread railroad strike and boycott that severly affected rail traffic in the west. -
Plessy v Ferguson
A Supreme Court ruling that segregation violated no laws in the constitution as long as the separate facilities were equal. -
Holden v Hardy
Ruling that said a limitation of working time for miners and smelters was constitutional. -
Spanish American War Begins
Caused by the attack on the USS Maine, the U.S. declared war Spain. -
Hawaii is Annexed
Marked the end of a government power struggle between native Hawaiians and the U.S. -
Phillippine Islands are Annexed
The United States pain 20 million to annex the phillippines -
Newlands Reclamation Act
The act set aside sales money from semi-arid land for the construction and maintainance of irrigation sites. -
Lochner v New York
Ruled that setting a maximum working hours limit for bakers was unconstitutional. -
Sinclair's The Jungle is Published
This book was written in order to expose corruption in businesses and governments. -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Set in place laws that prevented any poisonous, unreliable, or unsafe drugs or ingredients in marketed foods. This led to the creation of FDA. -
NAACP Founded
An organization created to advance justice for african americans in the United States. -
Muller v Oregon
This ruling prohibited females from working more than 10 hours a day -
Hepner Act
In an action of debt by the United States to recover a penalty imposed by the Alien Immigration Act of 1903, the court recognized the defendent had the constitutional right to have a jury pass on any triable issues of fact -
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Prohibited price discrimination between buyers and consumers -
Ford First Assembly Line Began
Revolutionary way of manufacturing goods -
Federal Reserve Act
Implemented to establish economic stability in the U.S. by introducing a central bank. -
Panal Canal is Completed
The canal was made to quickly transport goods between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts -
17th Amendment
Allowed voters to cast direct votes to senators -
World War 1 Begins
After the asassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, the first world war would soon be underway. Beginning with the Austro-Hangarian governemtn declaring war on Serbia. -
Lusitania Sank
A British supply carrying boat that Germany sank during world war one. -
United States Enters WWI
April 6, 1917 the U.S. declared war on Germany -
Selective Service Act
Authorized the U.S. to raise a national army through conscription for WWI. -
WWI Ends
Germany and the Axis Powers surrendered -
18th Amendment
Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of intoxicating liquors. -
19th Amendment
Any citizen of age, no matter what, can vote. -
Immigration Quota Act
Limited the amount immigrants allowed into the states . -
National Origins Act
Limited number of immigrants, also included the asian exclusion act -
Statue of Liberty is Built
A gift of peace from the people of France, the copper stature was built on Liberty Island, New York Harbor, New York City -
Scoped Trial
John T. Scopes was accused of violating the Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution in state funded schools.