U-boats created
The first German submarines. -
Bessemer Process
A more inexpensive way to make steel. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
The discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak -
Homestead act
Granting people 160 acres of land. -
Morill land grant act
Made it possible for states to establish public colleges. -
Transcontinental railroad completed
Built a major railroad from coast to coast -
Battle of little bighorn
Battle in Big Horn County with the Indians versus Soldiers. -
Farmers alliance created
To bring alliance within the farming community setting up cooperatively owned retail stores. -
Thomas Edison invents light bulb
Thomas Edison invents light bulb to be used commercially. -
Carlisle school established
A boarding school for Native American children. -
Chinese exclusion act
The first law banning immigration into the United States -
Edison lights up NYC
Edison provides hundreds of homes with electricity. -
Statue of Liberty built
A gift from France. Which represents freedom. -
American federation of labor founded
An alliance banded together to support labor reform. -
Interstate commerce act passed
Created an interstate to oversee the railroad industry. -
Dawes act
To break up the Native Americans' land. -
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
Photos exposing the conditions of the poor. -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
An analysis on the naval history between 1660- 1783. -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
The Sherman ant-trust Act outlawed monopolistic business. -
Wounded knee massacre
Massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers. -
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes about expanding in the west. -
Pullman strike
A walkout by Pullman Palace Car Company workers over declining wages failed. -
Plessy v Ferguson
Supreme Court case siding for segregation. Stating "separate but equal" -
Holden v hardy
A Supreme Court case which held a limitation on working time for miners as constitutional. -
Spanish American War begins
A war between the United States and Spain as a result of an exploded Navy ship. -
Hawaii is annexed
The United States annexed Hawaii at the urging of President William McKinley. -
Phillipines islands are annexed
The United States annexed the Philippines. -
Newlands Reclamation act
Made the federal government to build water projects in arid lands, particularly the west. -
Panama Canal is built
A more efficient way to ship goods also more cost-effective. -
Lochner v New York
A Supreme Court case decided that the Due Process Clause protects individuals' freedom of contract. -
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
A fictional novel by an American to expose corruption in government. -
Pure Food and drug act passed
Also known as the FDA, which is charged with ensuring the quality of food, medicines, and cosmetics are of quality. -
Muller V Oregon
A Supreme Court case limiting the number of work hours for women. -
Hepner act
Regulating the immigration of aliens into this country. -
Founding of the NAACP
America's oldest and largest civil rights organization. -
17th amendment
Allows voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators. -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
Ford Motor Company decided to implement the moving assembly line. -
Federal Reserve act
Created the Federal Reserve System, to establish economic stability. -
Beginning of the first world war
With the assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand a war between countries began. -
Clayton Antitrust act
Passed by the U.S. Congress that gives examples of unethical business practice -
Lusitania Sunk
British ocean liner that was torpedoed sunk. -
US enters WWI
The United States entered World War 1 because Germany sunk their ships. -
Selective Service act
Congress passed an act which authorized the Government to expand the military. -
WWI ends
The end of the first World War. -
18th amendment
Prohibiting the sale, making, and transportation of liquors. -
19th amendment
Prohibits states from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex. -
Immigration quota act
Limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States. -
National origins act
This act reduced overall immigration into the United States. -
Scopes trial
The Scopes trial is referring to a teacher teaching evolution in a publicly funded school.