Bessemer Process
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron before the development of the open hearth furnace. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak -
Homestead Act
Provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. -
Morrill Land Grant Act
Set aside federal lands to create colleges to “benefit the agricultural and mechanical arts.” -
Transcontinental Railroad Completed
Transcontinental Railroad completed -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat in the long Plains Indian War. -
Farmers Alliance Created
he Farmers' Alliance was an organized agrarian economic movement among American farmers -
Carlisle School Established
Carlisle School Established -
Thomas Edison Invents Lightbulb
Thomas Edison Invents Lightbulb -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Provided a 10-year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the U.S. -
Edison Lights Up NYC
With a flip of the switch, he lit up New York providing hundreds of homes with electricity -
Statue of Liberty Built
Statue of Liberty Built -
American Federation of Labor Founded
American Federation of Labor Founded -
Interstate Commerce Act Passed
Interstate Commerce Act Passed -
Dawes Act
Authorized the President to break up reservation land, which was held in common by the members of a tribe, into small allotments to be parceled out to individuals. -
Jacob Riis Published His Book of Photos
Jacob Riis Published His Book of Photos -
Alfred T Mahan Writes His Book on Sea Power
Alfred T Mahan Writes His Book on Sea Power -
Sherman Ant-Trust Act Passed
Sherman Ant-Trust Act Passed -
Wounded Knee Massacre
Massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army. -
Frederick Jackson Turner Writes Essay of Settling the West
Frederick Jackson Turner Writes Essay of Settling the West -
Pullman Strike
The Pullman Strike was two interrelated strikes in 1894 that shaped national labor policy in the United States during a period of deep economic depression. -
Plessy v Ferguson
Upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. -
Holden v Hardy
A US labor law case in which the US Supreme Court held a limitation on working time for miners and smelters as constitutional. -
Spanish American War Begins
Spanish American War Begins -
Hawaii is Annexed
Hawaii is Annexed -
Phillippines Islands are Annexed
Philippines Islands are Annexed -
Newlands Reclamation Act
Authorized the Secretary of the Interior to designate irrigation sites and to establish a reclamation fund from the sale of public lands to finance the projects. -
U-Boats Created
U-Boats Created -
Panama Canal is Built
Panama Canal is Built -
Lochner v New York
The Court decided that New York did not have the right to make a law interfering with the right of an employer to make a contract with workers. -
Sinclair's the Jungle Written
The Jungle is a fictional novel by American muckraker author Upton Sinclair, known for his efforts to expose corruption in government and business in the early 20th century. -
Pure Food and Drug Act Passed
Prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce -
Muller v Oregon
The court considered whether a state could limit the amount of hours a woman could work while not also limiting the hours of men. -
Founding of the NAACP
Founding of the NAACP -
17th Amendment
Allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators -
Ford Motor Company's First Full Assembly Line Starts
Ford Motor Company's First Full Assembly Line Starts -
Federal Reserve Act
Created the Federal Reserve System, known simply as "The Fed." -
Beginning of the First World War
Beginning of the First World War -
Clayton's Antitrust Act
Defines unethical business practices, such as price fixing and monopolies, and upholds various rights of labor. -
Lusitania Sunk
Sinking of the RMS Lusitania -
US Enters WWI
US Enters WWI -
Selective Service Act
authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription. The act eventually required all men between the ages of 21 to 45 to register for military service. -
WWI Ends
WWI Ends -
18th Amendment
prohibited “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquours” but not the consumption, private possession, or production for one's own consumption. -
19th Amendment
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. -
Immigration Quota Act
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. -
National Origins Act
A law that severely restricted immigration by establishing a system of national quotas that blatantly discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe and virtually excluded Asians. -
Scopes Trial
prosecution of a criminal action brought by the state of Tennessee against high school teacher John T. Scopes for violating the state's Butler Act, which prohibited the teaching of evolution in public schools. -
18th Amendment
18th Amendment is repealed