U-boats created
it's a german submarine -
Bessemer Process
the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
Gold was first discovered at Pikes Peak -
Homestead Act
This allowed people to start owning government land -
Morrill Land grant act
Granted each state 30,000 acres of public land -
Transcontinental r/r completed
It was the first continuous railroad line across the United States -
Battle of little bighorn
most decisive Native American victory and the worst U.S. Army defeat -
Farmers alliance created
improve the economic conditions for farmers through the creation of cooperatives and political advocacy -
Thomas edison invents light bulb
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb -
Edison lights up NYC
In Menlo Park, New Jersey, Thomas Edison built his first high-resistance, incandescent electric light. -
Carlisle school established
Carlisle school established -
Chinese exclusion act
significant law restricting immigration into the United States. -
Statue of Liberty built
The Statue of Liberty was built -
American federation of labor founded
It is the national federation of labor unions in the United States -
Interstate commerce act passed
making the railroads the first industry subject to federal regulation. -
Dawes act
regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States. -
Jacob Riis published his book of photos
He wrote the book "How the Other Half Lives" -
Alfred T Mahan writes his book on sea power
Alfred T Mahan wrote his book on sea power -
Sherman ant-trust act passed
first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. -
Wounded knee massacre
Was the slaughter of approximately 150–300 Lakota Indians -
Fredrick Jackson Turner writes essay of settling the west
Fredrick Jackson Turner wrote essay of settling the west -
Pullman Strike
a widespread railroad strike and boycott that disrupted rail traffic in the U.S. Midwest in June–July 1894. -
Plessy v Ferguson
Racial segregation was ruled constitutional but had to be of equality -
Holden v hardy
the US Supreme Court held a limitation on working time for miners and smelters as constitutional -
Spanish American War begins
Spanish-American War began -
Hawaii is annexed
the Hawaiian islands were officially annexed by the United States -
Phillipines islands are annexed
The United States paid Spain $20 million to annex the entire Philippine archipelago -
Newlands Reclamation act
required that water users repay construction costs from which they received benefits -
Lochner v New York
people could only work 10 hours maximum -
Sinclair’s the Jungle written
Sinclair’s the Jungle was written -
Pure Food and drug act passed
prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce -
Muller V Oregon
Women were given less hours to work than men -
Founding of the NAACP
nation's largest and most widely recognized civil rights organization was born -
Hepner act
fixes the amount of the liability at double the value of the goods received, concealed, or purchased, -
17th adm
allows voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators -
Ford Motor company's first full assembly line starts
Ford Motor Company's first full assembly line starts -
Federal Reserve act
created the Federal Reserve System and national banking system -
Panama Canal is built
Panama Canal was built -
Beginning of the first world war
The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand -
Clayton Antitrust act
An Act To supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies -
Lusitania Sunk
German submarine fired and it sunk -
US enters WWI
Tried to get the war to end faster -
Selective Service act
authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military -
19 adm
Men and women can both vote -
WWl Ends
WWl ends -
18th adm
you can't manufacture, sell, or transport intoxication liquor in the US -
Immigration quota act
limited the number of immigrants allowed into the United States -
National origins act
federal law that prevented immigration from Asia -
Scopes trial
Teacher got prosecuted for teaching evolution at a public school