Alaska is Purchased by Russia
Completion of Transcontinental Railroads
The transcontinental railroads were used to connect the East Coast to California. This made it easier for people and goods to travel across American, and in making railroads, it replaced wagons, the Pony Express and stagecoach lines. This also made it to where people and good could travel across America in a week instead of six months. -
John D Rockefeller Starts Standard Oil
Alexander Graham Bell Invites the Telephone
Thomas Edison brings light to the world with the light bulb
Chinese Exclusion Act
Samual Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
The AFL was founded by Samuel Gompers, this foundation was created because he urged the cigar markers and other craft workers that were from the Knights of Labor to separate, by doing this AFL was created. The AFL only allowed skilled workers to join, excluding women completely. By 1904, the AFL had 1.7 million members. -
Sherman Anti-trust Act
Ellis Island Opens
Ellis was created to control immigration, making sure that immigrants could support themselves and didn't carry disease when coming into the country. During the time that Ellis Island was open, over 12 million immigrants were processed into America (1st wave, 1892-1924. Then, another 2.3 million immigrants were processed into the US (2nd wave, 1924-1954). -
Carnegie Steel's Homestead Strike
When the homestead strike occurred it was because of the workers condition and pay (extremely dangerous, long hours, low pay). When the strike happened they were then met with the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, a group of people who shot at the workers (Pinkerton group hired by Frick). As a result, 3 Pinkertons and 7 workers were killed, along with the countless that were injured. -
Plessy VS Ferguson
Hawaii is Annexed
The Philippine Insurrection comes to an end
The start of the Boxer Rebellion
Rudyard Kipling published “The White Man’s Burden” in The New York Sun
Tenement Act
Pres. McKinley is assassinated and Progressive Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe doctrine declares the U.S. right to intervene in the Western Hem
Pure Food & Drug Act and The Meat Inspection Act are Passed
Upton Sinclair Releases "The Jungle"
When the book "The Jungle" was written, it was not intended to create an entire Food and Drug Act, nor did Sinclair expect that. However, "The Jungle" exposed the meat packing industry; how unsanitary it was and how unbelievably dangerous it was for the longest time. This book even opened Roosevelt's eyes to the industry and became a staple piece of the Progressive era. -
Peak Year of Immigration through Ellis Island
Henry Ford Creates the First Model T
Creation of the NAACP
This organization was created to end discrimination and mistreatment against African Americans and was relentless with marching and protesting against their discrimination. Their main agenda was to completely ban lynching and by protesting through a silent march, it became the first ever public display of Americans being against racial violence. Through all their acts of protest against the government they finally won legal battle in 1915. -
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The Triangle Shirtwaist factory was a true sweatshop, employing immigrant women and teenagers who had to work in dangerous and confined environments. When the fires started doors were locked, fire escape collapsed and 145 workers died from flames or height. All of this because safety measures were disregarded. Because of the event, it led to laws and regulations that would improve conditions and protect workers. -
The Assassination on Austria’s archduke Franz Ferdinand starts WWI
The Panama Canal is Completed and Opened
This canal was made to make shipping between the Atlantic and Pacific faster and cheaper, and this was all overseen by Theodore Roosevelt. During the construction of the canal, thousands of workers died due to lack of safety equipment, and because of this, controversy soon followed, However, in the end it made it possible for the US to start the building blocks of becoming a world power. -
America Enters World War 1
When the US entered into WW1 we entered in as a neutral country. We silently has bias, however, we expected that saying we were neutral was the best way to keep our economy at its peak, and fight with our allies. It wasn't until 1915-1918 that the US decided to declare themselves against Germany, and thus adding onto attack onto Germany and ended the war. -
Ratification of the 18th Amendment - Prohibition
Women Got the Right to Vote
The struggle to get women the right to vote was lengthy and more than difficult. All protests and marches were in some way attacked by the general public, if not everyone watching. It was only until Alice Paul picketed Wilson, was arrested, almost became a martyr, and was almost declared insane that Wilson gave into the women's cry for their right to vote. -
The U.S. declares war on Spain