US History 1600-1700

  • Landing in New England

    Landing in New England
    Captain Bartholomew Gosnold is the first Englishman to land on the New England coast, exploring and naming Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard.
  • James Town is established

    James Town is established
    The first permanent settlement in the new colonies was established by the London Company
  • Delaware and Hudson River Exploration

    Delaware and Hudson River Exploration
    Henry Hudson explores the Hudson River and Delaware Bay for the Dutch.
  • Period: to

    Starving at James Town

    The people of James Town were starving
  • Period: to

    Smallpox outbreak

    Smallpox kills roughly 90% of the Massachusetts Bay Indians.
  • House of Burgess

    House of Burgess
    The House of Burgess meets for the first time
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    The Plymouth Colony is established by the Pilgrim's and the Mayflower Compact is signed
  • Indian Massacrer

    Indian Massacrer
    Indian massacre of 1622 in Virginia.
  • Virginia Company's charter revoked

    Virginia Company's charter revoked
    King James I revokes the Virginia Company's charter, and Virginia becomes a royal colony. Foundation of New Amsterdam by the Dutch West India Company
  • New Haven Colony and Orders of Connecticut

    New Haven Colony and Orders of Connecticut
    Fundamental Agreement of the New Haven Colony signed. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut adopted and the Crown formally recognizes the Virginia Assembly.
  • Beginning of the English Civil War

    Beginning of the English Civil War
  • Quakers arrive

    Quakers arrive
    The first Quakers arrive in the colonies
  • New York

    New York
    The English takeover New Amsterdam from Dutch control and rename it New York
  • Charleston is founded

    Charleston is founded
    Charleston is founded in present day South Carolina
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion took place after Bacon writes the Declaration of the People of Virginia
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn receives a royal charter to establish Pennsylvania
  • Salem Witch Trails

    Salem Witch Trails
    A series of public executions where women who were thought to be witches were put to death in Salem Virginia