U-Boats Created
U-Boats Created was a boat made by the Germans to fight the British during the World Wars. -
Bessemer Process
This process was the first industrial process that was inexpensive was made that allowed for the mass making of steel. -
Discovery of Gold in Pikes Peak
During the discovery of gold, Green Russel and Sam Bates discovered a tiny placer deposit that was close to the mouth of the Little Dry Creak that contained 622 grams of gold. -
Homestead Act
The Homestead Act gave federal land which was 160 acres of land to any person who would be willing to farm the land. -
Morrill Land Grant Act
The Morrill Land Grant Act set aside federal lands to make colleges so that the agricultural and mechanical arts were benefited. -
Transcontinental r/r completed
The Transcontinental railroad was the very first railroad that was made that was a railroad line that ran forever across the U.S.A. -
Battle Of Little Bighorn
The Battle Of Little Bighorn was a time in which the most deceive Native American victory was was accomplished and the worst United States Army was defeated in the lengthy Plains Indian War. -
Farmers Alliance Created
The Farmers Alliance was an American agrarian movement which was during the time period in the 1870's and through the 80's that sought to make better the economic conditions for farmers through the makings of cooperatives and political advocacy. -
Carlisle School
The Carlisle School was a school which had curriculum for children and a lot of ways which allowed disabled kids to attend school. -
Thomas Edison invents light bulb
Thomas Edison was the first person to create the lightbulb in which electrical current goes through the metal filament wire which causes it to heat up to a high temperature until it glows. -
Chinese Exclusion Act
The Chinese Exclusion Act was an act that gave a zero tolerance ban on Chinese labors coming to the U.S.A. -
Edison Lights Up NYC
Edison lit up New York City by flipping a switch which caused the switch's electrical light to make the city brighten for the very first time. -
Statue of Liberty Built
The Statue of Liberty was built of copper sheets which were hammered into shape by hands was held by a framework which included four big steel supports. -
Plessy v Ferguson
The Plessy v Ferguson case was a case in which the United States Supreme Court ruled that as long as faculties were equal they could be separate. -
American Federation Of Labor
The American Federation of Labor was democratic and voluntary federation which consisted of 60 nations and international labor unions which were a part of 12.5 million working people. -
Interstate Commerce Act
The Interstate Commerce Act was an act which was made an Interstate Commerce Commission which oversaw the conduct of the railroad industry. -
Dawes Act
The Dawes Act was an act that the President authorized in which the reservations of land was broken up which was held for the most part by tribe members. This broken up land would turn into allotments which would be parceled out to individuals. -
Jacob Riis Published His Book of Photos
Jacob Riis Published His Book of Photos was a book in which photos that had never been seen before were reveled. The photos were blunt and unsetting descriptions. -
Alfred T Mahan Writes His Book On Sea Power
Alfred T Mahan Writes His Book On Sea Power was a book about a revolutionary analysis of the crucialness naval power as a factor in the rise of the British Emperor. -
Sherman Ant-Trust Act
The Sherman Ant-Trust Act was an act that allowed the federal government enforce proceedings that were against trusts so that they could be dissolved. -
Wounded Knee Massacre
The Wounded Knee Massacre was a time in which a gun was opened which caused soldiers to open fire. When the shooting was over lots of Lakota men, women, and children were killed. -
Fredrick Jackson Turner Writes Essay Of Settling The West
The Fredrick Jackson Turner writing an essay of settling the west was an area of free land with continuous recession and the advancement American settlement westward. -
Pullman Strike
The Pullman Strike was not a narrow railroad but a wide one in which there was a refusal strike that interrupted traffic in the United States Midwest from the months of June and July in 1894. -
Holden v Hardy
The Holden v Hardy case was a United States labor law case in which the United States Supreme Court had restrictions on the amount of time that miners and smelters could work as constitutional. -
Spanish American War Begins
The Spanish American War was the aftermath of the internal explosion of the USS Marine in Havana Harbor which is in Cuba. -
Philippines Islands Are Annexed
The Philippines Islands were annexed which resulted in a country of Asia being made. -
Hawaii Is Annexed
Hawaii was annexed which extended the United States territory into the Pacific and this highlighted resulted from economic integration and the rise of the United States as a Pacific power. -
Newlands Reclamation Act
The Newlands Reclamation Act was an act that gave authority to the secretary of the interior designate irrigation places and to make a reclamation fund from the selling of public lands to get money for the projects. -
Hepner Act
Hepner Act was an act that was the first kind of regulatory framework that enables companies to give liquidity for alternative assets. -
Panama Canal Is Built
The Panama Canal was built by building dams on the Charges River to make the Gatun Lake and Lake Madden by digging the Gaillard Cut from the river between the two lakes. -
Sinclair’s The Jungle Written
Sinclair’s The Jungle Written was a fictional account of Chicago's Packing town. -
Lochner V New York
The Lochner V New York case was a Supreme Court case ruled that the New York law was setting maximum working hours for bakers was not constitutional. -
Pure Food And Drug Act Passed
The Pure Food And Drug Act was an act that prohibited the sale of misbranded or adulterated food and drugs in interstate commerce. -
Muller V Oregon
The Muller V Oregon was a case in which that upheld an Oregon law that limited the workday for female wage earners to ten hours. -
The NAACP was a organization of civil rights that tried to get rid of racial prejudice against people (blacks). -
17th Amendment
The 17th amendment was an amendment that allowed voters to cast direct votes for United States Senators. -
Ford Motor Company's First Full Assembly Line Starts
Ford Motor Company's First Full Assembly Line Started with Henry Ford installed the first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire automobile. -
Federal Reserve Act
The Federal Reserve Act was a legislation in the United States that made the Federal Reserve System. -
Beginning Of The First World War
Beginning Of The First World War began when a young Serbian patriot shot which resulted in Archduke Franz Ferdinand being killed. -
Clayton Antitrust Act
The Clayton Antitrust Act was an act that defined unethical business practices like price fixing and monopolies and upholds various rights of labor. -
Lusitania Sunk
Lusitania Sunk started when a German U-boat torpedoed and sank the RMS Lusitania. -
US Enters WWI
US Enters WWI was an event in which the US entered WWI because German submarines attacked passenger and merchant ships. -
Selective Service Act
The Selective Service Act authorized the government to be able to temporarily expand the military which could be done through conscription. -
WWI Ends
WWI Ends by the Treaty of Versailles being signed by the treaty being signed by France, Germany, Italy and the United States. -
18th Amendment
The 18th Amendment was an amendment that didn't allow drugs that are bad to be distributed. -
19 Amendment
The 19 Amendment allowed women to vote. -
Immigration Quota Act
The Immigration Quota Act was an act that limited the number of immigrants of migrants to the U.S.A. -
National Origins Act
The National Origins Act was an act to control both the quantity and quality of U.S.A immigrants in an effort to prevent further erosion of the ethnic composition of U.S.A Society. -
Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial that was caused because John Scopes was teaching evolution which was illegal at the time.