us history 10 events

By aylinrg
  • Independence Day is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain.

    Independence Day is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain.
    It reminds us annually that we became our own country.
  • The Second Amendment, this was the legalizing of guns in the homes of citizens

    The Second Amendment, this was the legalizing of guns in the homes of citizens
    this effects us now because their is a lot of political conflict as to wether or not guns should be legal for citizens to have. This topic is popular today because of the many mass school shootings in the US and the many lives we have lost because of it.
  • The Louisiana Purchase was a deal made between Thomas Jefferson and France. Jefferson purchased about 15 states worth of land for only 60 million Frances ($220 million now)

    The Louisiana Purchase was a deal made between Thomas Jefferson and France. Jefferson purchased about 15 states worth of land for only 60 million Frances ($220 million now)
    Without the Louisiana Purchase, we wouldn't have had the 15 states we have today, which caused the U.S expand its size and to let other countries know that we find our ways.
  • The Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Conferderate states of America over their moral differences against slavery

    The Civil War was fought between the United States of America and the Conferderate states of America over their moral differences against slavery
    Because of the civil war, we gained peace in between the United States and all overcame our differences to see one way.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order by Abraham Lincoln to free all slaves in all portions of the United States.

    The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order by Abraham Lincoln to free all slaves in all portions of the United States.
    Because of this, slaves became freed and now African Americans can live regular lives amoungst other American citizens
  • The Spanish American War was fought between the United States and Spain to decide where the border line fell in Texas

    The Spanish American War was fought between the United States and Spain to decide where the border line fell in Texas
    this effects us now because we have more land where Texas is and we won the side of the border that we want
  • Womans rights, the fight to have equality for women and men

    Womans rights, the fight to have equality for women and men
    this movement actually started in 1840 yet it lasted until 1920 when they added the 19th amendment to the declaration in independence giving women the right to vote. Even though we are still not seen equal to this day, women are still fighting to hopefully be seen and treated as completely equal beings as men are.
  • On september 11 the US went through a terrorist attack which consisted of; the twin towers being crashed into by planes, a third plane hit the pentagon, and a fourth crashed into a field with innocent civilians in it

    On september 11 the US went through a terrorist attack which consisted of; the twin towers being crashed into by planes, a third plane hit the pentagon, and a fourth crashed into a field with innocent civilians in it
    Ever since 9/11 Muslims get discriminated just because of their culture, boundaries are shattered, their is more talk of war, and there is more restrictions to get on planes.
  • Obama becoming president, he was the first African American man to become president

    Obama becoming president, he was the first African American man to become president
    It affects us today showing that no matter what race you are, you can do anything, including being the president of the United States and still be supported most people in the U.S.
  • Legalizing Gay Marriage, this event let genders of the same sex me married

    Legalizing Gay Marriage, this event let genders of the same sex me married
    This event shaped us because it brought light to a topic that is often frowned upon, but in this way same-sex couples can legally be bound to their partners when before 2015 they could not.