US history 1

  • roger williams founded rhode island

    roger williams founded rhode island
  • jamestown was settled

    jamestown was settled
  • the first successful tobacco crop was grown and harvested by john rolfe in virginia

    the first successful tobacco crop was grown and harvested by john rolfe in virginia
  • First African slaves arrive in British north america

    First African slaves arrive in British north america
  • the virginia house of burgesses was established

    the virginia house of burgesses was established
  • Pilgrims arrived at plymouth on the mayflower

    Pilgrims arrived at plymouth on the mayflower
  • john locke established natural rights

    john locke established natural rights
  • bacon's rebellion occurred

    bacon's rebellion occurred
  • salem witch trials took place

    salem witch trials took place
  • The great awakening ocurred

    The great awakening ocurred
  • the french and indian war ended

    the french and indian war ended
  • the proclamation of 1763 was issued

    the proclamation of 1763 was issued
  • the stamp act was issued

    the stamp act was issued
  • The boston Massacre took place

    The boston Massacre took place
  • the boston tea party took place

    the boston tea party took place
  • the first continental congress was held in philadelphia

    the first continental congress was held in philadelphia
  • the second continental congress met in philadelphia

    the second continental congress met in philadelphia
  • thomas paine wrote common sense

    thomas paine wrote common sense
  • patrick henry said give me liberty or give me death

    patrick henry said give me liberty or give me death
  • the battle of lexington and concord was fought

    the battle of lexington and concord was fought
  • the declaration of independence was written

    the declaration of independence was written
  • george mason authored the virginia declaration of rights

    george mason authored the virginia declaration of rights
  • thomas jefferson wrote the virginia statute for religious freedom

    thomas jefferson wrote the virginia statute for religious freedom
  • the battle of saratoga was the turning point of the american revolution

    the battle of saratoga was the turning point of the american revolution
  • the articles of confederation government was established

    the articles of confederation government was established
  • the american colonists won their independence at the battle of yorktown

    the american colonists won their independence at the battle of yorktown
  • ben franklin negotiation the treaty of alliance with france during the american revolution

    ben franklin negotiation the treaty of alliance with france during the american revolution
  • the virginia plan and new jersey plan were proposed at the constitutional convention

    the virginia plan and new jersey plan were proposed at the constitutional convention
  • the constitution was ratified

    the constitution was ratified
  • the bill of rights was added to the constitution

    the bill of rights was added to the constitution
  • george washington became the first president of the united states

    george washington became the first president of the united states
  • john marshall became chief justice of the united states

    john marshall became chief justice of the united states
  • marbury v madison decision was handed down by the supreme court

    marbury v madison decision was handed down by the supreme court