US History

  • Jamestown Founded

  • Plymouth Colony and Mayflower Compact

  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded

  • Harvard Collage Founded

  • Pequot War

  • Navigation Acts

  • Period: to

    King Philips War

  • Bacon's Rebellion

  • Pennsylvania Founded

  • Glorious Revolution

  • Royal Charter established for Massachusetts

  • Salem Whitch Trials

  • Period: to

    Salutary Neglect

  • New Orleans Founded

  • Period: to

    1st Great Awakening

  • Georgia Founded

  • Stono Uprising

  • Albany Congress

  • Washington defeated at Fort Necessity

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • Peace of Paris

  • Pontiac's Rebellion

  • Sugar Act

  • Stamp Act and Stamp Act Congress

  • Stamp Act Repealed Declaratory Act Issued

  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

  • Coercive Acts and First Continental Congress

  • Battles of Lexinton and Concord

  • 2nd Continental Congress

  • Thomas Paine's Comman Sense

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Battle of Trenton

  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Generall Cornwallis surrenders

  • Articles of Confederation

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Land Ordinance

  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Annapolis Convention

  • Northwest Ordinance

  • Consitutional Convention

  • Federalist Papers

  • Washington Inaugurated

  • Constition Ratified

  • Bill Of Rights Ratified

  • Bank of U.S

  • Neutrality Proclamation

  • Eli Whitney invent cotten gin

  • Jay's Treaty

  • Whiskey Rebellion

  • Treaty of Greenville

  • Pickney's Treaty

  • Washington's Farewell

  • John Adams Elected president

  • XYZ Affair

  • Alien and Sedition Acts/ VA and KY resolutions

  • Marbury v. madison

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Embargo Act

  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Hartford Convention

  • Battle of New Orleans

  • 2nd Bank of US

  • Tarrif of 1816

  • American Colonization Society Founded

  • Adams Onis Treaty

  • Panic of 1819

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Lowell Mill System

  • Denmark Vesey conspiracy

  • Monroe Docterine

  • John Quincy Adams and Corrupt Bargain

  • Erie Cananl Opens

  • Tariff of Abominations

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Nat Turner Rebellon

  • William Loyd Garrison starts Liberator

  • Worcester v. Georgia

  • Nullification Crisis

  • Jackson Vetos Bank Recharter Bill

  • Compromise of 1833

  • Marin Van Buren elected

  • Transcendentalism

  • Alamo

  • Panic of 1837

  • Trail of Tears

  • John Deere invents steal plow

  • William Henry Harrison elected

  • Liberty Party Founded

  • John Tyler is elected

  • US annexes Texas Mexican War begins

  • Narrative of the Life of Fredrick douglas is published

  • Mormans go to Utah

  • California Gold Rush

  • Seneca Falls Convention

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Free Soil Party created

  • Gadsen Purcahse

  • Walden is Published by Thoreau

  • Ostend Manifesto

  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

  • Republican party emerges

  • Dred Scott Case

  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

  • Darwin's Orgagin of Species is published

  • John Brown Raid on Harpers Ferry

  • Lincoln elected

  • South Carolina secedes form the Union

  • Crittenden Compromise

  • Abraham Lincoln Inaugurated

  • Fort Sumner

  • Peninsular campaign

  • Battles of Shiloh, Second Bull Run, and Antietam

  • Morill Land Grant Act

  • Homestead Act

  • Emancipation Proclamation

  • Siege of Vicksburg Battle sof Gettysburg and Chattanooga

  • Wade Davis Bill Vetoed

  • Sand Creek Massacre

  • Thirteenth Amendment is ratified

  • Freedman's Bureau Founded

  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders at Appomatoxx Court House

  • Lincoln Killed

  • KKK Founded

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Military Reconstruction Act

  • Tenure of Office Act

  • Congress tries to Impeach Andrew Johnson

  • Transcontinental Railroad is completed

  • Battle of Little Big Horn

  • Bell creates the telephone

  • Edison creates light bulb

  • Compromise of 1877 Ends Reconstruction

  • Hayes becomes president

  • Great Railroad Strike

  • Munn V. Illinois Decision

  • President James A. Garfield is assassinated

  • Chester Arthur Becomes President

  • Standard Oil Trust created Rockafeller

  • Chinease exclusion Act

  • Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

  • Grover Cleveland Becomes President

  • Geronimo Surrenders end of Indian Wars

  • Haymarket Square Incident

  • American Federation of Labor is organized

  • Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railraod Company V. Illinois Decision

  • Dawes Severality Act

  • Interstate Commerce Commission Created

  • Hull-House settlement house created

  • Battle of Wounded Knee

  • Mississippi Plan

  • National American Woman Suferage Association Formed

  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act, the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and the McKinley Tariff passed by Congress

  • Basketball is Invented

  • Homestead Strike

  • Ellis Island Opens

  • Grover Cleveland Second Term as President

  • Economic Depression

  • Pullman strike

  • Repubic of Hawaii Proclaimed

  • Booker T Washington gives Atlanta Compromise Speech

  • Cuban Insurrection Breaks out Against Spanish Rule

  • Plessy v Furguson

  • Republicans Defeat Democrats in Presidential Election

  • U.S. Battleship Maine Explodes

  • War of 1898

  • U.S. Annexes Hawaii

  • Treaty of Paris Ends the War of 1898

  • Period: to

    Filipino Insurgents Resist U.S. Domination

  • Baseball's National League is Formed

  • yellow fever comission confirms the cause of yellow fever

  • J.P. Morgan buys US steel from Carnegie

  • Theodore Roosevelt attempts to arbitrate the coal strike

  • Justice Department breaks up Northern Securities Company

  • Panamanian revolt against Colombia

  • Congress Passes the Elins Act

  • Wright Brothers fly the first airplane

  • Ford Motor company is founded

  • Russo-Japanese War

  • First Movie House opens

  • Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is Published

  • Meat inspection act and the pure food and drug act

  • Great White Fleet circumnavigates the globe

  • Muller V. Oregon Decision

  • NAACP Founded

  • William Taft inagurated president

  • Mann-Elkins Act

  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

  • Federal Reserve Act

  • Panama Canal Opens

  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

  • United States intervenes in Mexico

  • World War 1 Begins in Europe

  • Lusitania torpedoed by German submarines

  • Louis Brandeis nominated to fill a seat on the Supreme Court

  • National Defense Act

  • Universal Negro Improvement Association is brought to New York

  • Germany attempts to incite Mexico to enter the war against the U.S.

  • United States enters the Great War

  • Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points speech

  • Warring Nations sign Armistice

  • Schenck V. United States Decision

  • Race Roits Break Out in Chicago

  • Red Scare

  • Treaty of Versailles presented to the Germans

  • Prohibition Begins

  • Ninteenth Amendment is Ratified

  • Allbert Einstein recieves Nobel Prize

  • Emergency Immigration Act

  • Washington Naval Conference

  • Joint Resolution of Congress ends war between the U.S., Germany, and Austro-Hungary

  • The Waste Land is Published

  • First radio comercial is aired

  • U.S. begins sending obervers to the League of Nations

  • Equal Rights amendment introduced in congress

  • President Warren Harding Dies is Office

  • Immigration Act

  • "Monkey Trail" tests the teaching of evolution in Tennessee public schools

  • Charles Lindbergh Jr. makes first solo transatlantic flight

  • Herbert Hoover is elected President

  • More than sixty nations sign the Kellogg-Braind Pact

  • Stock Market Crashes

  • Congress passes the Harley-Smoot Tariff

  • Congress sets up the Reconstruction Finance corporation

  • Glass-Steagall Act

  • Bonus Expeditionary Force demands payment of bonsuses promised to war veterans

  • Adlof Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

  • Beer-Wine Revenue Act

  • Civilian Conservation Corps is Established

  • Tennessee Valley Authority is created

  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation established

  • Congress creates the Civil Works Administration

  • Roosevelt creates the Works Progress Administration

  • Congress Passes the Wagner Act

  • Social Security goes into effect

  • Panay indcident

  • Hitler Forces the Anschluss (union) of Austria and Germany

  • Grapes of Wrath is Published

  • Soviet Union agrees to a nonaggression pact with Germany

  • German troops invade Poland

  • Native Son by Richard Wright is Published

  • Battle of Britian

  • Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact

  • Japanese Launch surprise attack at Pear Harbor, Hawaii

  • Battle of the Coral Sea

  • Battle of Midway

  • Roosevelt, Churchill, and the Combinded Chiefs of Staff meet at Casablanca

  • Allied Forces Land on Sicily

  • Period: to

    Roosevelt and churchill Meet Stalin for the Fist Time

  • Servicemen's Readjustmen Act

  • Service Readjustment Act

  • D-Day

  • Yalta Conference

  • U.S. Marines Capture Iwo Jima

  • Franklin Roosevelt Dies

  • fity nations at war with the Axis Powers sign the United Nations Charter

  • Hitler Commits Suicide

  • V-E Day

  • Atomic Bomb is Dropped on Hiroshima

  • Atomic Bomb is dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japanese Surrender

  • Taft-Harley Labor Act

  • National Security Council is Established

  • Israel is Proclaimed an independent nation

  • Truman ends segregation in the U.S. armed forces

  • allied forces begin airlifting supplies to to west berlin

  • Truman defeats Dewey in the presidential election

  • North Atlantic Treatyy organization is created

  • China "Falls" to Communism

  • Death of Salesman is Produced

  • U.S. and other UN members go to war in Korea

  • The Lonely Crowd is Published

  • Invisible Man is Published

  • Joseph Stalen Dies

  • Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are Executed

  • Armistice is reached in Korea

  • Period: to

    Army-McCarthy hearings are televised

  • Geneva Accords propose a settlement to the war in Indochina

  • Motgomery, Alabama, bus boycott begins

  • Elvis Presely's "Heartbreak Hotel" is released

  • Howl is Published

  • The Suez War, Israel, Britian, and France attack Egypt

  • Hungarian Revolt against the Warsaw Pact is quickly suppressed

  • On the Road is published

  • Baby boom peaks

  • dStudents attempt to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas

  • Soviet Union Launches Sputnik 1

  • The Affluent Society is published

  • U-2 incident reveals that the U.S. is flying spy planes over the Soviet Union

  • Students Stage a Sit-in to demand service at a "White's only" lunch table

  • food and drug administration approves birth-control pill

  • Bay of Pigs Fiasco

  • Soviets erect the Berlin Wall

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

  • The Feminine Mystique is published

  • March on Washington for jobs and freedom

  • John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas

  • Congress passes the Civil Rights Act

  • congress passes the Tonkin Gulf Resolution

  • Riots Break out in Watts, California

  • Malcolm X Assasinated

  • Viet Cong stage the Tet Offensive

  • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated

  • Robert Kennedy is assassinated

  • Fourteen month long bombing campaign aimed at communist sanctuaries in Cambodia

  • Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon

  • Ratification of the twenty sixth amendment

  • microprocessor is invented

  • the U.S., Narth and South Vietnam, and the Viet Cong agree to restore peace in Vietnam

  • War powers Act

  • Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese

  • Bakke decision

  • Islamic Militants take more than fifty Americans hostage

  • Reagan fires members of the Professional Air Traffic Controlers

  • Israeli troops invade Lebanon

  • Tower Commission issues its report on the iran-Contra affair

  • Reagan delivers a speak at the Berlin Wall

  • Stock Market Experiences Black Monday

  • China's government crushes the democracy movement at Tainanmen Square

  • Pat Robertson forms the Christian Coalition

  • Berlin Wall is torn down

  • Republicans promote the contract with America

  • Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Acts

  • Kenneth Starr issues his report one the whitewater investigation

  • wye Mills Accord, palestine Liberation Organization, and Jordan

  • Bill Clinton is impeached and Acquitted

  • Bush V. Gore decision

  • Deadliest Terrorist Attack in the nation's history

  • Iraq War Begins

  • Hurricane Katrina

  • Nancy Peloski becomes the first female speaker in the house of representatives

  • Global Financial Markets Callapse

  • Barack Obama becomes president