us history

By axa4569
  • revolutionary war

    revolutionary war
    The revolutionary war was inportend because is when the united states became their own country.Their were alot of wars and people that didnt now how to shoot they learned from expernts and the comander were Geogre Washington, Nathanael Greene, Horatio Gates, Richard Montgomery.And this war kindove stared because of taxes on tea.This war happend because britain owned the the 13 colines but there were no britaits people in the united states so they wnated it to be their countery.
  • steam boat

    steam boat
    The steam boat helped americans send packages and all kids of things.A steam boat could cary 30 pasegers it can go 7 to 8 miles pur hour.This was importend american history because it send packaes fast.
  • civil war

    civil war
    The civil war was importend because it gave colerd people's right to vote,perticapat in activets go to the same school.This war happend because the south of the untied states had slave's to work for them and they treated them in bad condutions.And the north saw what they did so they wanted to free them but the south said no.So they had a war then the north won the war so the slaves got there freedom.
  • world war 1

    world war 1
    world war 1 was a very big thing for the world.The united states fought agiants the axis mostly fought in eroupe.Alot of american soilders died 117,465 people died and 205,690 got wounded.
  • world war 2

    world war 2
    world war 2 was big war every american had to fight. The americans fought in germany and in japane.And 418,500 american soilders died.
  • pearl harber

    pearl harber
    Pearl Harbor was big for Americans alot of people died pearl harbor got hit hard 2,402 people died and 1,247 got wounde the japenese boomed pearl harbor bad. with 353 japenese air crafts.
  • martian luther king jr speach

    martian luther king jr speach
    Martian Luther king jr was the man how gave coloerd people rights to do what they want.He made a very nice speach for why coloerd people have right. There were 500,000 people were at his speach.
  • apollo 11

    apollo 11
    On july 1969 Neil Armstorng and Buzz Aldrin and Michal Collins.Were going to the moon this was very importend for American history.They landed at 8:00am.These ar neil amrstrong words when he landed he said' One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
  • 9/11

    9/11 Was the biggest hit in us history 3,000 people died in toatal.There were 4 planes.The plane 1,2 hit in the twin towers and the 3rd plane hit in the pentegon and the 4rth plane hit in the fields of penselvania.It hit there because the passengers took over the plane.After the planes hit the stock market went down there was no money.People had no jobs lost their money.
  • osma bin landens death

    osma bin landens death
    In may 2 ,2011 there was a secret navy seal team that was sent to kill osama bin laden.They had to move fast when they killed him they had to leave before the army came.And then they had to leave with escape boat.