US energy use

By kwboyd
  • Tom Thumb built

    Tom Thumb built
    Tom Thumb was the first American steam locomotive, built by Peter Cooper. Tom Thumb used coal to run.
  • First coal-fired electric generator

    First coal-fired electric generator
    Thomas Edison designed the first coal-fired electric generating station in the US. It was in New York and provided electricity for households.
  • Tesla Coil

    Tesla Coil
    Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla Coil, which transformed electricity from low to high voltage, allowing it to travel longer distances.
  • First solar cell

    First solar cell
    Charles Fritts built the first solar cell, with an efficiency rate of 1 to 2%.
  • Federal Power Commission established

    Federal Power Commission established
    The Federal Power Commission was established to provide licensing to hydroelectric projects.
  • Boulder Dam built

    Boulder Dam built
    The Boulder Dam in Colorado was first used. It produced up to 130,000 kW of hydroelectric energy.
  • First commercial nuclear plant built

    First commercial nuclear plant built
    First commercial nuclear plant is built and provides power in Santa Susana, California.
  • Arab Oil Embargo

    Arab Oil Embargo
    Several nations of OPEC placed an oil embargo on the United States for their support of Israel in the Yom Kippur war. Oil prices tripled, and there were shortages of gasoline.
  • Clean Coal Technology Act

    Clean Coal Technology Act
    The Clean Coal Technology Act was passed. It funded projects to develop improved environmentally friendly technologies for using coal. The image shows where projects were funded.
  • Energy Policy Act passed

    Energy Policy Act passed
    The Energy Policy Act was passed. It offered more tax incentives and loan guarantees for more production of clean energy.