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Natural gas

natural gas

  • Process of Electrolysis Discovered

    English scientists William Nicholson and Sir Anthony Carlisle discovered that applying electric current to water produced hydrogen and oxygen gases. This process was later termed 'electrolysis.'"
  • Period: to

    years in wich natural gas was dicovered

  • First Natural Gas Well in US Is Drilled

    First Natural Gas Well in US Is Drilled
    In 1821, the first well specifically intended to obtain natural gas was dug in Fredonia, New York, by William Hart. After noticing gas bubbles rising to the surface of a creek, Hart dug a 27 foot well to try and obtain a larger flow of gas to the surface. During this time natural gas was used alomost exclusivley for light. It was very difficult to transport gas
  • Coal Becomes Primary Train Fuel in US Displacing Wood

    Coal Becomes Primary Train Fuel in US Displacing Wood
    The first major boon for coal use occurred in 1830 when the Tom Thumb, the first commercially Train was manufactured. The Tom Thumb burned coal, and in rapid fashion, virtually every American Train that burned wood was converted to use coal. America's coal industry had begun taking shape."
  • Ethanol Blend Becomes Popular Lamp Fuel in US, Displacing Whale Oil

    Ethanol Blend Becomes Popular Lamp Fuel in US, Displacing Whale Oil
    In the 30 or 40 years before petroleum was discovered in Pennsylvania, the leading fuel was camphene. Alcohol for camphene was an important mainstay for distilleries, and many sold between one third and 80 percent of their product on the fuel market. The first U.S. patent for alcohol as a lamp fuel
  • First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Developed to Generate Electricity

    First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Developed to Generate Electricity
    In 1830' British scientists William Nicholson and Anthony Carlisle had described the process of using electricity to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen. But combining the gases to produce electricity and water was, according to Grove, 'a step further that any hitherto recorded.' Grove realized that by combining several sets of these electrodes in a series circuit he might 'effect the decomposition of water by means of its composition.' He soon accomplished this feat with the device he name
  • Windmill Becomes Popular Water Pumping Tool of Western Homesteaders and Railroad Builders

    Windmill Becomes Popular Water Pumping Tool of Western Homesteaders and Railroad Builders
    Such water pumps assisted early pioneers and they are still in use today... This windmill represented intermediate technology at its best. It transformed the abundant wind into an agent to alleviate the shortage of water. It was Western railroad builders who first used the Halladay windmill. Hand in hand with the first transcontinental railroad came the windmill, providing water to the thirsty Union Pacific steam locomotives
  • First Commercial Oil Well Drilled by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania; Kerosene Begins to Displace Other Lamp Fuels

    First Commercial Oil Well Drilled by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania; Kerosene Begins to Displace Other Lamp Fuels
    Abraham Genser was drilling for potroleum. He hit it on August 29 at 71 feet, initiating America's and the world's first petroleum rush... Before that boom ended in 1879, Oil Creek spouted 56 million gallons of petroleum, kerosene lamps were spreading everywhere, and the American whale fishery was a business of minor importance."
  • First Electric Plant Built by Thomas Edison in New York

    First Electric Plant Built by Thomas Edison in New York
    At 3pm on September 4, 1882, Edison threw the switch that would start up America's first power plant, serving a square-mile area that included some very wealthy and influential customers: J.P. Morgan, the Stock Exchange, and the nation's largest newspapers
  • First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant Goes into Operation in Appleton, Wisconsin

    First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant Goes into Operation in Appleton, Wisconsin
    It was on Saturday night, September 30, 1882, that one of the world's first hydro-electric central stations was placed in successful operation in Appleton, Wisconsin. As late as 1977, local enthusiasm identified the installation as the 'world's first hydro-electric central station.' This statement has since been corrected to read 'the first hydro-electric central station to serve a system of private and commercial customers in North America.'
  • World's First Geothermal District Heating System Built in Boise, Idaho

    World's First Geothermal District Heating System Built in Boise, Idaho
    in Boise, Idaho, feel the heat of the world's first district heating system as water is piped from hot springs to town buildings. Within a few years, the system is serving 200 homes and 40 downtown businesses. Today, there are four district heating systems in Boise that provide heat to over 5 million square feet of residential, business, and governmental space. Although no one imitated this system for some 70 years.