
US Education 2

By rholte
  • Massachusetts creates first state board of education

    I chose this event because school boards have such a large affect on how a school system or state-wide schooling ideals come into play.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    This law abolished segregation in schools. I chose this becasue it was supposed to allow for everyone to have a like educational experiance.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)

    Formed under president Johnson, this act was put in place to give all students, so matter what financial background they come from, the same educational opportunities. I chose this act because not only did it work to give all students an equal chance at education, but it spurred other acts in later years (i.e. No Child Left Behind).
  • Title IX of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    The passing of this act not only allowed for more wages and available jobs in education for women, but it also allowed for women to participate in schooling. I chose it because not only was it very important in the history of women and education, but without it, I may not be where I am today.
  • National Commission on Excellence in Education

    This movement worked to correct poor testing, reading, and mathmatical skills in US students. I found this important because it was a step in the right direction of asking, "Why are we not seeing proper test results?" and "How can we fix this?".