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CTE Timeline

By Cvedder
  • 1000 BCE

    Color Key

    Color Key
  • 469 BCE


    Socrates was a Greek philosopher, known as the father of education and philosophy
    469-299 BC
  • 427 BCE


    Plato was a Greek philosopher and a student of the Greek philosopher Socrates, who studied math, and the sciences, and founded The Academy
    427-347 BC
  • 384 BCE


    Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who believed in a complete education and founded the Peripatetic school of philosophy. He was a student of Plato.
    384-322 BC
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States of America. He believed that all Americans needed to have access to a free public education.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution brought forth machines capable of replacing manual labor in several industries including the textile industry
  • Publication of Rousseau’s Émilie

    Publication of Rousseau’s Émilie
    Émilie is a peice of litature written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It contains philosophies on education, and how people should be taught to thrive in a corrupt society
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    Horace Mann participated in the Common School Movement, promoting schools in all communities. He also created many schools to train teachers.
  • John Swett

    John Swett
    John Swett was a big part of changing the California school systems. He was responsible for uniform textbooks and creating teacher certifications.
  • Ellen H. Richards

    Ellen H. Richards
    Ellen Richards was the first woman to be admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. One of the fields she focused on and made effects on was water safety and sanitation.
  • Womens' Suffrage

    Womens' Suffrage
    During women's suffrage, women made their voices heard. As a result of this more women were going to school, and achieving high levels of education
  • Brooker T. Washington

    Brooker T. Washington
    Brooker T. Washington developed high education establishments for African Americans and realized those in agriculture could benefit from education programs besides colleges and universities.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    Dewey was an early leader in vocational education. One thing he is most known for is for his support of ‘learning by doing”, and promoting hands-on education.
  • Alice P. Norton

    Alice P. Norton
    Alice Norton made strides in home sanitation. She also taught home economics classes. She and Ellen Richards better teach home economic style classes
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    Morrill Act was created by a member of the House of Representatives to set land aside to build colleges that would benefit the agriculture industry
  • Martha Van Rensseleaer

    Martha Van Rensseleaer
    Martha was a leader in the home economics field she had referred to it as "domestic sciences" She also taught classes to members of the agriculture industry.
  • W. E. B. DuBois

    W. E. B. DuBois
    DuBois was a prominent figure in the African American movement to obtain education.
  • David Snedden

    David Snedden
    Snedden was another early leader in education. He believed in "social efficiency" meaning that children can be taught while still in school how to become skilled members of the workforce they were destined to pursue
  • Rufus Stimson

    Rufus Stimson
    Rufus helped mend relationships with the ag industries when at odds with the previous president. He was key in providing agriculture education
  • Technological Revolution

    Technological Revolution
    The technological revolution was a step past the industrial rev. People were creating new tech and replacing machines from the industrial era with new technologically advanced versions
  • Charles Prosser

    Charles Prosser
    Prosser was known as the Father of Vocational Education and created 16 theorems about what he believed Vocational education should be.
  • Hatch Act

    Hatch Act
    This act set aside money to go to different colleges and universities to conduct extensive research in the agriculture field in partnership with the USDA
  • Second Morrill Act

    Second Morrill Act
    This Morrill Act made it so land grant universities had to accept anyone regardless of race, or in turn, create African American land grant universities
  • WWI

    WWI started in 1914 and put a halt to advancement in American education. After the war was over there was an increased interest in CTE
  • Smith-Lever Act

    Smith-Lever Act
    The smith-lever Act is responsible for the creation of extension programs and other agriculture education programs
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Smith-Hughes Act
    This act created rules, requirements, and guidelines about how money should be spent on vocational education
  • American Vocational Association Developed

    American Vocational Association Developed
    The Ava was created to be a place for agriculture educators and other CTE educators to get help, brainstorm, and make decisions about how to better teach
  • George-Reed Act

    George-Reed Act
    The George-Reed Act made the separation between home economics and other industry trades, leaving it in its own category of CTE
  • George-Dean Act

    George-Dean Act
    This act allotted 12 million to agriculture, home economics, and industrial trade education. This allowed for further improvements in vocational education
  • WWII

    WWII started due to the rise of Nazi Germany. Multiple countries were involved. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States joined in the war.
  • George-Barden Act

    George-Barden Act
    This act allotted money to pay salaries to those working in the vocational education field and allotted money to travels relating to vocational education
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    The civil rights movement was a movement that aimed to put an end to racism, sexism, and discrimination. This movement was mostly led for and by African Americans, but the movement as a whole supports all marginalized groups including people with disabilities and women.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the name of the first satellite sent to orbit. Sputnik was sent by Russia and triggered a race across the world. The biggest competitors in this race were America and Russia. This encouraged more money to be put towards STEM programs.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    This act was created to improve higher education and lower the cost. This act had a focus on science, mathematics, and foreign languages, this was in an attempt to exceed the level of the soviet schools during the Cold War.
  • Manpower Development and Training Act

    Manpower Development and Training Act
    This act was the result of automation in many industries. This act provided education and job training to those who became unemployed due to automation in their workplace.
  • Vocational Education Act and Amendments of 1968 & 1976

    Vocational Education Act and Amendments of 1968 & 1976
    This act replaced the Smith-Hughes Act and provided an advisory panel, more grants, and funding.
  • Educational Amendments Title IX

    Educational Amendments Title IX
    Title IX is legislation that prohibits discrimination of sex including, gender, sexuality, and pregnancy.
  • Comprehensive Employment and Training Act

    Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
    This act provided job training to those who were disadvantaged and/or unemployed. This was targeted towards people who were characterized as “economically disadvantaged”
  • Job Training Partnership Act

    Job Training Partnership Act
    This act replaced the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. It kept the same ideas but expanded greatly.
  • A Nation at Risk Report

    A Nation at Risk Report
    This report was released by President Reagan. This report called out the American education system, claiming that it was failing to educate the youth. This report was a call to action to be more rigorous and follow new standards
  • Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act (Perkins 1)

    Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act (Perkins 1)
    This act allotted $950 million to vocational education for specific underserved populations. These populations included special needs, physically handicapped, unemployed adults, criminals and single parents.
  • Understanding Agriculture New Directions

    Understanding Agriculture New Directions
    This report describes the new way agriculture should be taught due to the advancements in agriculture, and changes in the economy.
  • Perkins Act (Perkins 2)

    Perkins Act (Perkins 2)
    This act was a revision and increase to Perkins 1. This act added more funding and required vocational programs/classes to meet measurable standards.
  • The Secretary's Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills Report (SCANS)

    The Secretary's Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills Report (SCANS)
    The SCANS reported on what skills were needed and desired in the workforce at the time. This was to promote better quality workers, with better skills, working high-paying jobs.
  • School to Work Opportunities Act

    School to Work Opportunities Act
    This act was brought on by the Clinton administration. It provided money to schools and other forms of education programs to help teach content that would help students make the transition from school to the workforce easier.
  • Land-grant to Tribal Colleges Act

    Land-grant to Tribal Colleges Act
    This act was to ensure that tribal-owned and controlled colleges, universities, and land grant programs had the same opportunities with the USDA. USDA employees were made to have access to all programs, resources, and services
  • American Vocational Association becomes Association for Career and Technical Education

    American Vocational Association becomes Association for Career and Technical Education
    AVA changed their name to better fit their organization. It became what it is known as today, Association for Career and Technical Education.
  • Education Amendment Act (Perkins 3)

    Education Amendment Act (Perkins 3)
    This act was the amendment to Perkins 2. The main focus of this act was a revision to the definition of what the original 2 acts defined as vocational education.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act was created by the Bush administration. The goal of this act was to close the achievement gap that poor and minority students were/are affected by. The ways this was carried out led this act to become controversial.
  • Strengthening CTE for the 21st Century Act (Perkins 5)

    Strengthening CTE for the 21st Century Act (Perkins 5)
    This act added more money to be distributed to the previous Perkins acts. This also assigned more responsibility to the states to monitor, assess, and collect feedback on CTE programs.