The First Steamboat
Jonh Fitch created the first steamboat in America. The steamboat was a huge hit in america for it was a much faster way to trade with people. The steamboat said to hold 8x more luggage and it is 8x faster then what the Americans used before.
( refrenced from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steamboat ) -
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Journey
Lewis and Clark were hired from Thomas Jefferson to exlpore the new territory and find a water way to the Pacific Ocean. They meet may Native Americans and one specific Native who helped them a lot was, Sacagawea. They eventually found the Pacific ocean and they headed back home. Lewis and Clark brought back lots of information like a map of the Louisiana Territory and they discovered over 200 new species of animals and plants.
(McDougal Littel, pg 346-349) -
Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner was born into slavery. He lead a group of followers into killing about 55 white men, women and children. But turner was caught and hanged. Turner's Rebellion spread fear everywhere. Whites then killed more than 200 slaves in revenge. Some states even limited freedom for slavery. It was a bad time for African Americans.
(McDougal Littel pg 376) -
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Texas Revolution
The Texas revolution started when Texas decided that they wanted to be independent from Mexico. Of course mexico didn't like it and they didn't allow texas to be on its own. Texas then rebelled and war started, The Battle of te Alamo was one of the famous battles. The battle that ended everything and let Texas gain their independence was at their victory at San Jacnito. There Texas killed over half of Mexico's army in 18 miuntes. (McDougal Little American History, pg 427-432) -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act was a law that allowed slaves that ran away to the north, to be brought back to the south by their masters. They could do this without an arrest warrent. This act drew more people to the abolitionsit movenemt. ( McDougal Littel pg 485 ) -
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The War With Mexico
The war with Mexico happened becauseTexas and Mexico could not agree on the offivial border between them. Texzas then claimed the Rio Grande river as their border. But Mexico insisted for the Nueces River instead.Mexico crossed the Rio Grande one day and two days later Congress declared war on Mexico. It was a very difficult battel.Mexico handed over Texas, claiming that it wasn't theirs and they agreed to a same border and they gave up the Mexican Session.
(McDougal/Littell pg 435-437) -
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The California Gold Rush
The California Gold rush all started when one man found a golden nugget in a river in California. After the news spead people from all over the world came to California to ger thier fortunues. People were so obssessed of the fact that they would become rich that they even fought for land and gold. The gold rush peaked in 1852 and there were more than 250,000 people in California. This imapcted California greatley.
( McDougal/Littell pg 440-441) -
Unlce Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book published by Harriet Breecher Stowe and eventually led to multiplying abolitionists. (Mc.Dougal/Littell 485) -
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The Civil War
The Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans from Napoleon who owned the Louisiana Territory at the time, because Napoleon shut down New Orleans. But to Jeffersons surprise, Napoleon actually sold the whole entire Louisiana territorry to him for.When this happened America doubled it's size and they got controll of the Mississippi River.
(McDougal Littell pg 346) -
Battle of Gettysburg Day 1
Battle of Gettysburg Day 2
Battle of Gettysburg Day 3
My Birthday
Came into this human world on April 19, 2000, in Everett, Washington.