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University of Cambridge

  • 1209

    Year of foundation

    Year of foundation
    Groups of scholars congregate at the ancient Roman trading post of Cambridge for the purpose of study, the earliest record of the University.
  • 1231

    The Royal charter

    The Royal charter
    King Henry III granted a royal charter
  • 1318

    The studium generale

    The studium generale
    After Cambridge was described as a studium generale in a letter by Pope Nicholas IV in 1290, and confirmed as such in a bull by Pope John XXII in 1318, it became common for researchers from other European medieval universities to visit Cambridge to study or to give lecture courses
  • The Cambridge University Press

    The Cambridge University Press
    The world's oldest-established press, begins its unbroken record of publishing every year until the present.
  • 'De Magnete'

    'De Magnete'
    Dr William Gilbert of St John's publishes his 'De Magnete', a scientific work fundamental to the development of navigation and map making.
  • John Milton

    John Milton
    John Milton enters Christ's, where he studies until 1632. Five years later, on the death of his friend, Edward King, he writes Lycidas, recalling in pastoral terms their days together.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Sir Isaac Newton was a student of the University
  • Lord Byron

    Lord Byron
    Lord Byron enters Trinity and starts writing his early satires and poems.
  • The first colleges for women

    The first colleges for women
    The first colleges for women were Girton College (founded by Emily Davies)
  • 31 colleges

    31 colleges
    The colleges at the University of Cambridge were originally an incidental feature of the system. No college is as old as the university itself. The colleges were endowed fellowships of scholars.
  • The Royal Greenwich Observatory

    The Royal Greenwich Observatory
    The Royal Greenwich Observatory relocates to Cambridge, confirming the city among the world's leading centres for the study of astronomy and astrophysics. Its founder in 1676, John Flamsteed, also studied at Cambridge.
  • The Royal Commonwealth Society Library

    The Royal Commonwealth Society Library
    The Royal Commonwealth Society Library moves to Cambridge.
  • The 800th anniversary.

    The 800th anniversary.
    The University of Cambridge celebrates its 800th anniversary.
  • The world's second best university

    The world's second best university
    Cambridge is ranked the world's second best university by THE World University Rankings, the world's fourth best university by three other ranking tables, and no other institution in the world ranks in the top 10 for as many subjects