38,000 BCE
Modern humans, called Cro-Magnons, emerge
There skeletal remains are identified as modern humans .They are prehistoric humans -
8000 BCE
Neolithic Age begins
The New Stone Age -
5000 BCE
Agriculture develops in Egypt and Mesopotamia
Farming (in red on map) -
3300 BCE
Mesopotamians/Sumerians settled around Tigris and Euphrates
Good soil attracted the Sumerians -
3200 BCE
Unification of Egypt into one kingdom
The villages were under the rule of separate kings then began to be untied -
2500 BCE
Indus Valley people plan and build first cities
They built strong levees,,or earthen walls ,to keep water out of the cities -
Period: 1700 BCE to 1200 BCE
Indo-Europeans begin to migrate
No one knows exactly why these people wanted to migrate -
1000 BCE
Minor kings began setting up kingdoms in India
Around 1000 B. C., however, minor kings who wanted to set up territorial kingdoms arose among the Aryans. -
Period: 750 BCE to 550 BCE
Hindu teachers begin& interpreting Vedic hymns
Hindu teachers tried to interpret and explain the hidden meaning of the Vedic hymns,religious texts -
563 BCE
Siddhartha Gautama lives
The founder of Buddhism