United States History Class Timeline 2013-2014

  • The Years of the Revolutionary War

    The Years of the Revolutionary War
    From April 19 1775 to September 3 1783, America fought for their freedom against Great Britain. The colonies had over twenty five thousand men. In 1783 The Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War and recognized the rule of the United States territory, from what is now Canada to Florida. The revolutionary war lasted 8 years, 4 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day.
  • The Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independance was a statement which announced the 13 American colonies considered themselves as independant states, free from Great Britain. Congress had voted on July 2nd to declare the 13 colonies free, but the nation holiday is on the 4th. Thomas Jefferson wrote the origonal draft of the Declaration of Independance, and it took him 11 days.
  • Radification of the Constitution

    Radification of the Constitution
    It took 10 months for 9 states to approve the constitution. The first vote came from Deleware. Finally, Rhode Island, which had rejected the Constitution, ratified the Constitution by two votes on May 29, 1790.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase caused the United States to double in size, and helped us gain control of the Mississippi River. When Thomas Jefferson offered to buy a small part of Louisiana Territory from France, France offered Jefferson the whole Louisiana Territory for three cents an acre. (Mcdougal Littel)
  • Lewis and Clarks Journey

    Lewis and Clarks Journey
    Lewis and Clark's journey into the Louisiana Territory took place in 1804. They journeyed through the louisiana Territory to help oversee a volunteer force known as the Corps Of Discovery or the Lewis and Clark expedition. Jefferson chose them becuase Lieutenant Clark was a mapmaker and an , and Lewis was a former army captian. Clark's slave York also accompanied them because of this hunting skills. (Mcdougal Littell)
  • Nat Turners slave rebellion

    Nat Turners slave rebellion
    Nat Turners slave rebellion occoured in Southampton County Virginia, and rebel slaves led by Nat Turner killed 55 - 65 people. The rebellion lasted only two days, and 56 slaves that were accused of being part of the rebellion were executed. Nat Turner remained in hiding two months after the uprising. The only house that remains in tact after the slave rebellion is The Rebecca Vaughan House, where the owners and habitants were killed.
  • The Texas Revololution

    The Texas Revololution
    The texas revolution was caused by America making the Seven Laws , which removed mexico's constitution. The war went on until the last battle in April 21st 1836. The war finally endded when when America beat the Mexicans in the War against Mexico.
  • The War with Mexico

    The War with Mexico
    President James Polk urged the war with Mexico by stationiing some troops on part of the territory that was being fought over. The Mexicans ambushed the troops, and Polk sent a message to congress saying that the Mexicans attacked on US soil. Congress then declared war. The US beat the Mexicans and gained another state.
  • Donner Party

    Donner Party
    The donner party was a wagon train made up of 81 people. In 1846 they got trapped in 4-5 foot snow. Many member of the donner party died of sickness, disease, trauma, exposure, and starvation. After they ran out of food, the remaining survivors turned to cannbalism. They labeld the things that held the meat of the person so that family members weren't eating their own family.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The Californial Gold Rush was a period of time when everybody migrated to california to mine for gold. The gold rush causd prices of little things used in everyday life to rocket. It also helped increase the diferent races settling in America.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Toms Cabin is an Anit- slavery book that was published in 1852. It helped the Abolitionist and caused more to join them.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bloody Kansas was a series of political fights that were very violent involving the issue of anti-slavery and pro-slavery. It took place on the border of Kansas and other surrounding towns of the state Missouri, which was a free state. 100 or less died during Bloody Kansas.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    Harper's Ferry is a historic town in Jefferson County, West Virginia. In is by the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. Harper's Ferry is best known for John Brown's raie, and for its role in the Civil War. It is one of the few towns that the Appalachian Trail goes right through.
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, served from 1861 until he was assasinated in 1865. He was killed byJohn Wilkes Booth at Fords Theater. After John Killed Lincoln, He escaped from the theater on horseback.
  • Period: to

    The years of World War I

    WWI was a global war that started in Europe and began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. From the time of it started until World War II in 1939, it was called simply the World War or the Great War, and afterwards the First World War or World War I.
  • The Stock Market Crash of 1929

    The Stock Market Crash of 1929
    The Stock market crash of 1929, led right into the Great Depression. On the day the market crashed, known as black thursday, people were angry, and were gthering outside of the NYC stock exchange. There were also rumors of people commiting suicide.
  • The Years of World War II

    The Years of World War II
    World War II, Also known as the deadlest conflict in human history ,was a war that lasted six years and one day. 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the population. The wa came to an end when Japan finally surrendered and signed an agreement on September 2 1945.
  • The First Appearance of Superman in Action Comics

    The First Appearance of Superman in Action Comics
    Superman comic sells for 2.16 million at an auction.It was the first comic book that broke the 2 million barrier, and it was only 10 cents. This comic has set a record for the most money paid for a single comic book.
  • Japans Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japans Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was attacked at 7:48 AM by 353 Japanese and by 6 air craft carriers with bombs and torpedos. All eight US battleships were damged and four were sunk. The bombing of Pearl Harbor was important because it led to the American entry of WWII.
  • The dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

    The dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
    America dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan towards the end of WWII. Within the frist couple months of the bombing, 90,000 to166,000 people were killed in Hiroshima and 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki from burns, flash flames, and falling debris. Six days after the bombing, Japan annonced its surrender to the Allies, and signed the Instrument of Surrender on Seotember 2nd, officially ending WWII.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was between the North and the South sides of Korea. The North and South split when the North put in a communist government and the South put in a right-wing government. The North then invaded South Korea. The U.S provided 88% of the soldiers that helped the South. The war ended July 27 1953.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    North Vietnam, a communist country, tried to take over South Vietnam. The U.S brought their military into Vietnam becuase it would be a way to stop the war between North and South Vietnam. The war ended on April 30th 1975 and it lasted 19 years, 5 months, 4 weeks and 1 day.
  • Inauguration of John F. Kennedy

    Inauguration of John F. Kennedy
    JFK was the 35th president of the US, serving from 1961 until 1963, when he died.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    On August 28th 1963, a quarter of a million marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial for a Peaceful protest. It included musical apperances and speeches. Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous "I have a Dream" speech.
  • The First Appearance of Spider-Man in Comics

    The First Appearance of Spider-Man in Comics
    In 1963 Spider-man beat Batman when it comes to selling comics. The first Spider-man comics sold 1.1 million dollars, beating the Dectective Comics #27. The sale of this book crushed all previous records.
  • First Superbowl between the Greenbay Packers and the Kansas City Cheifs

    First Superbowl between the Greenbay Packers and the Kansas City Cheifs
    The Greenbay Packers were taking on the Kansas City Cheifs, there were over 51 million viewers that day. It was also the only game in Superbowl history that wasn't a sellout. In this game, the Packers scored 3 touchdowns in the second half to beat the Kansas city cheifs.
  • The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan

    The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan
    The first inaugaration of Ronald Reagan as the 40th president was on January 20 1981.
  • Explosion if the challenger space shuttle

    Explosion if the challenger space shuttle
    On January 28 1986, the engine of the Challenger failed 73 seconds after lift off, causing the shuttle to crash and kill 7 of the crew members. NASA soon recovered the Challenger and the bodies of its crew members in the Atlantic Ocean. They also changed the design of the rockets.
  • My Birthday!!!!

    My Birthday!!!!
    Everyone celebrated on January 28th 2000, that was the day awwesomeness was born!
  • 9/11

    Tuesday, September 11, 2001
    at 8:46 am five hijackers crashed into the North Tower. At 9:03 am, another five crashed into the South tower. The South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. after burning for 56 minutes in a fire caused by the impact of United Airlines Flight 175. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. after burning for 102 minutes. More than 6,000 had injuries,
    2,996 died.
  • Our first adopted dog!!!!!

    Our first adopted dog!!!!!
    In december, my christmas present from my parents was a dog! He cam from the Berks County Animal Rescue Center. He is the best dog anyone could ever ask for!!!!!
  • The First Inauguration of Barrack Obama

    The First Inauguration of Barrack Obama
    The first inauguration of Barrak Obama was on January 20th 2009, he is the 44th president.