United States History

By Helanie
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of The United States and was responsible for the trail of tears/indian removal act because he had a dark past with Native Americans.
  • Nationalism

    Nationalism is felling pride for your country
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented by the inventor Eli Whitney and was part of the Industrial Revolution in 1794.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution began in 1800 and had been replacing hand made jobs with machines and factories.
  • Congress bans importing Africans

    Congress bans importing Africans
    In 1808, congress decided to stop importing Africans, especially because America enough salves so they didn't need anymore.
  • American System

    American System
  • Adam Onis treaty if Spain

    Adam Onis treaty if Spain
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was to keep power balanced between slave and free states and to make sure they keep balanced they also put the 36' 30 line.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie
    Canal was a
    Lake which went from East to West and was easier to other to travel so they can trade goods.
  • The Lowell Mills

    The Lowell Mills
    In 1826 women would go work at the Lowell Mills 12 hours a day and made good business. What they mostly did was make clothing etc.
  • Tariff of Adomination

    Tariff of Adomination was a way to make sure that's the industries in The United States were safe.
  • Webster Haynes Debate

    Webster Haynes Debate
    The Webster Haynes Debate was one of the most famous debates in American history and was between Daniel Webster and Robert Y. Haynes.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turner was a plantation slave who's believed could do better so what he did was lead a rebellion with other slaves and kill every slave owner but unfortunately died after hiding in the woods for two months.
  • Samuel's Telegraph

    One of the most famous inventions was the telegraph invented by Samuel and was helpful to write messages.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Federick Douglass is men of the most famous African American because he escaped slavery and made it to New York by train and was one of the only slaves who knew how to read and write.
  • Mormons Migrate to Utah

    The Mormons decided to settle in Utah and make their own homes in the desert.
  • Women deman voting rights

    Women deman voting rights
  • Sectionalism

    Sectionalism is putting your own instrest of a region the the nation as a whole.
  • United States make Gadsden purchase

    United States make Gadsden purchase
    The Gadsden Purchase was an agreement with Mexico which was they had to pay 10 million dollars to the United States for more land.