
United States Foreign Policy

  • Mckinley

    U.S. wanted to help Cubans gains independence from Spain but also wanted to help our own interest.
    “We owe it to our citizens in Cuba to afford them that protection and indemnity for life and property which no government can or will afford…”
    Starts Future 1 shifts to Future 2
  • Miss Cuba

    Miss Cuba
    Miss Columbia is trying to persuade Miss Cuba to become a state
    “Won’t you join the stars and be my 46th?”
    Future 2- we are asking them to be a part of our nation not allowing them to be truly independent and to benefit the U.S.
  • US policy on loans

    US policy on loans
    Since the beginning of the war this bank alone has received cabled instructions for the payment of in excess of $50,000,000 for American goods and the volume of this business is increasing. Owing to war conditions, this buying is necessarily for cash and it is of such magnitude that the cash credits of the European governments are being fast depleted. Lately we have been urged by manufacturers who are customers of the bank and, in some cases, by representatives of the foreign governments, to pro
  • US protest against Marirtime Warfare

    US protest against Marirtime Warfare
    The present condition of American foreign trade resulting from the frequent seizures and detentions of American cargoes destined to neutral European ports has become so serious as to require a candid statement of the views of this Government in order that the British Government may be fully informed as to the attitude of the United States toward the policy which has been pursued by the British authorities during the present war.
    —Secretary of State Bryan to Walter Hines Page, U.S. Ambassador in
  • Wilson speech

    Wilson speech
    Wilson delivers final speech of Preparedness campaign in St. Louis.
    Selection from World War I: The First Three Years from U.S. Army Center of Military History, a link from EDSITEment resource Internet Public Library (last paragraph starting on p. 365, finishing on page 366):
  • WW1 first three years

    WW1 first three years
    In retrospect, it is apparent that the vote for Wilson cloaked profound cleavages in public opinion. At the time of his inauguration, immigrants constituted one third of the population. Allied and German propaganda revived old-world loyalties among "hyphenated" European- Americans, and opinions about US intervention were sharply polarized. More than 8 million German-Americans lived in this country, and many were sympathetic to the cause of their homeland. Meanwhile, anti-German feeling was stron
  • FDR on European War

    FDR on European War
    This will be followed by a Proclamation required by the existing Neutrality Act. And I trust that in the days to come our neutrality can be made a true neutrality. This is future 4 because we our being isolated and we our by ourselves
  • Four Freedoms

    Four Freedoms
    Today, thinking of our children and of their children, we oppose enforced isolation for ourselves or for any other part of
    the Americas. This is future 4 because it is isolated and it just about our homeland
  • Congress requesting war

    Congress requesting war
    No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. This is Future 4 because it is about the US and how we can protect it and not have anything like that happen again
  • On the War with Japan

    On the War with Japan
    We are now in this war. We are all in it—all the way. Every single man, woman and child is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our American history. We must share together the bad news and the good news, the defeats and the victories—the changing fortunes of war. I think this is future 4 because it is about fighting to protect our own interest
  • Atomic Bomb

    Atomic Bomb
    US won the war against Japan by dropping the Atomic bomb and this reflects on future 2 and 4 because we needed to do this to win the war because if we did not do this many of our men would have died and this was felt to be the necessary thing to do at the time to protect our interest and protect our homeland.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    US and allies countries supplied East Berlin from the Soviet blockade and this supports future 3 because they cooperated with other allies to solve a world problem so that portrays future 3
  • War starts in Korea

    War starts in Korea
    The war starts when North Koreans invade South Korea and the North had support from Joseph Stalin so this means they started war with us too because we had our leader their who eventually went corrupt on us. This shows future 2 because we had a Leader in South Korea to fight off the north and we our doing that to protect our own benefits.
  • Cease-fire Agreement

    Cease-fire Agreement
    This agreement is where both sides no longer decided to take action against each other and fight and this relatively ended the war because it caused them to be peacefully until they came with a final agreement to end the war offically and this shows future 2 because this treaty means it ends the war and this is for our own benefit and this helps out the US
  • U2 Spy Plane Incident

    U2 Spy Plane Incident
    "The President request I advised General Twining that the President has decided to disapprove any additional special flights by the U2 unit in the present abnormally tense circumstance. This shows future 2 because we are protecting our own interest and people's lives because we were nervous about the U2 plane
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    There was a revolution in Cuba and Castro was the leader and he was a Communist leader so we felt like we needed to overthrow him and there were 1400 trained American cuban soldiers but Castro found out and eliminated them and that further escalated tension. "I believe Mr. Chairman, that you should not recognize that free peoples in all parts of the world do not accept the claim of historic inevitability for communist revolution." This shows future 2 because we were protecting our interest
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Soviet military shipments to Cuba increased and Americans had evidence that Cuba had nuclear capabilities,so americans set up blockades and this shows future 2 because they were protecting there own interest to stop the nuclear weapons that Cuba were obtaining.
  • American Policy in Vietnam

    American Policy in Vietnam
    Americans have agreed to help South Vietnam build and help them defend if they needed too. And they are also there to help streghten the world order and this was a key part to the cold war so we needed to stay and help show that we can fight with a leader there. The objective is to free South Vietnam and its freedom from attack so they could be allowed to guide there own country. This is a statement that President Johnson said and this shows future 2 because it is for are own benefit to help SV
  • Nixon/China

    As we look at the whole world and the balance of the world there is no reason for the people's republic of china + the US to be enemies. This shows future 2 because we need stability in Asia and it shows future 3 because we are willing to work with China.
  • Detente

    We had the two most powerful nations...Its essential that those 2 nations where possible work together...If we decide to work together we can change the world. This shows future 2 because its our best interest to work with the soviets.
  • Iran Hostage Crisis

    Iran Hostage Crisis
    "The world depended on us to maintain peace and order and to support liberal democratic principled" Young Iran students attacked the US embassy because they wanted us too help there leader who had cancer and this angered young people and this portrays future 2 because we were protecting our interest because we did not want them to get any more mad at us
  • 3rd Summit

    3rd Summit
    This is the 3rd time that Reagan and Gorbachev met and this time it was to reduce Nuclear Warfare and get rid of the midrange missile usage and this shows Future 2 because we are doing this for our own interest and all this meeting are to be able to come up with and agreement and this was and really important agreement.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine, Future 2

    Sinking of the USS Maine, Future 2
    The sinking of the USS Maine united the American people against Spain. Spain was seen as treacherous and barbarious. The song by Mary Elizabeth Lamb helped further this feeling by calling for vengeance: "Awake! it is no dream; Dost hear the sailors scream? Comrades will you go? Avenge the cruel blow!" This represents future 2 because The United States is declaring war on Spain and invading Cuba as a direct response to an attack on our assets.
  • Platt

    America wants change in Cuba and trying to force democracy but rather than leaving the control to Cuba, like said in the Teller Amendment, they were forcing their rules upon Cuba.
    “That said government should not assume or contract any public debt, to pay the interest upon which, and to make reasonable sinking fund provision for the ultimate discharge of which, the ordinary revenues of the island, after defraying the current expenses of government shall be inadequate.”
    Future 2 because the U.S.