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Poverty Rate
Poverty Rate
2007: 12.5% That’s about 37.3 Million people in America living in poverty.
2014: 14.8% That’s about 46.7 Million people in America living in poverty.
Unless we can fix our growing economic crisis, this number will only increase, and grow more rapidly. This is a part of budget deficit and a result of fiscal/monetary policy. -
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Dollar amount has dropped
Dollar amount
In 2014, the relative value of $10.00 is comparable to the worth of the range $10.80 to $12 in 2007. With this decline in the value of the dollar, one Euro=1.10 dollars. If we keep the our economy in this pattern of spending and such, the dollar will only continue to drop in it’s value. Savings deficit and a part of monetary policy. -
Stock Market Crash
Stock Market Crash Timeline The Federal Reserve dropped the Fed funds rate to zero, its lowest level in history. The Dow ended the year at 8,776.39, down nearly 34% for the year. The largest cause of this was the subprime mortgage crisis (the banks sold more mortgages then they had mortgage backed security and home prices plummeted from the house market collapse in 2006). Trade deficit and a result. -
Highest unemployment rate
Unemployment Rate 2010
Less people working means more people relying on unemployment checks and welfare, which puts stress on government money. In 2010 the unemploment rate was its highest on this timeline at 9.8%. Such a high number of unemployed people puts stress on the economy as they are receiving government money but not putting it back into the economy. Can be classified as savings deficit and as result of fiscal/monetary policy. -
Affordable Care Act (obamacare)
Obamacare will cut $716 billion from medicare over ten years. However, this money is not saved and is not set aside to preserve medicare's future. Instead, it is being used to fund new spending created by the law. Leadership deficit and an example of fiscal policy. -
Congress raises debt limit to 16.4 trillion
Debt Ceiling
The gov’t had reached a point where it was running out of money and needed to raise the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is the limit congress and the gov’t can spend, whether it be on wars or tax refunds. Raising the ceiling only makes our debt worse and is a short term solution to a long term problem. Classified as budget deficit and a result of fiscal/monetary policy.