The Navigation Act of 1673 went into effect
initiated customs officials in colonial ports to collect duties. -
Paper Money
The Massachusetts Colony issued the first government authorized paper money in the western world. -
Stamp Act
The first direct tax levied by Parliament on the colonists was passed. An economic boycott led to its repeal. -
Declaration of Independance
It was Approved -
Coin Money
The Articles of Confederation regulated coin alloys and values. -
Weights and Measures
Congress authorized the Treasury Board to fix standard weights and measures for the United States. -
Postal Service
It was esablished by congress -
Bank of United States
The bank of the united states was chartered -
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton resigned, ending his term as the 1st Secretary of the Treasury. -
Bank of US
Closes permanently -
Second Bank
Second bank Was approved -
Veto of 2nd Bank charter
1832 – Andrew Jackson Campaigns Against the 2nd Bank of the US and Vetoes Bank Charter Renewal -
First paper money
The first United States paper currency was produced by the Treasury Department -
National Banking system
Congress establishes banking system -
Banking Panic
Banking Panic when stock exchange dropped -
Federal Income tax
The Federal income tax on individuals and corporations began. -
Great Depression
Great depression begins -
Gold Coin
The American Eagle Gold Bullion Coin was struck. This marked the first time since 1933 that the United States Mint produced a gold coin. -
Banks grow even larger
The Financial Services Modernization Act Allows Banks to Grow Even Larger -
Finanicial Crisis
Worst Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression